Friday, August 07, 2020

"he blessed, and commanded to set them also before them" - Situations around Hiroshima in August of 1945

A Park around Tokyo

Situations around Hiroshima in August of 1945

The US military dropped the world's first nuclear weapon called the atomic bomb onto Hiroshima, a military city of Imperial Japan with the population, at that time, of about 350,000 in August 1945.

Leaders of the US military at the time was under strong pressure from American citizens and the American Government requesting to finish the war against Imperial Japan as fast as possible without spending more money and sacrificing more American soldiers while Germany had already surrendered.  On the other hand, fanatic leaders of the Japanese Army were determined to face the expected ground war on the Japanese mainland.  The too-brave samurai tradition seemed to force them to fight against invading US troops and die in battles on the Japanese ground.  They were persuading the Emperor to approve the desperate plan to carry out the final ground war on the Japanese main land.  

However, the Emperor started to feel uneasy about the expected outcome of the plan, thus thinking about ceasefire.  In line with Emperor's mind, the Imperial Japanese Government sent an emissary to Moscow to ask the Soviet Union to work as an intermediate for ceasefire between Imperial Japan and the U.S. and the Allies.  However, the Soviet Union was already determined to join the Allies and start battles against Imperial Japan, so that Moscow did not make a clear answer to help Imperial Japan.

The Potsdam Declaration, a statement that called for the surrender of all Japanese armed forces, had been already issued to Imperial Japan in July, but the Imperial Japanese Government did not yet make it clear whether or not it accepted the Declaration due to strong objections from the Imperial Army.

At the time, the Battle of Okinawa on the Okinawa Islands was over with 20,000 deaths on the American side and 200,000 deaths on the Japanese side.  But the Imperial military continued to send total 1,900 Kamikaze suicide attack planes to Okinawa.  (Even one Japanese fighter plane flew up in the sky before Hiroshima, trying to shoot down a U.S. B-29 bomber carrying the atomic bomb, on August 6, but could not catch it due to a lack of enough fuel.)

Therefore, the Imperial Japanese military and allied troops led by General MacArthur expected U.S. landing operation on the Japanese mainland to be launched sooner or later. However, the Imperial Army still kept a million troops in the Chinese mainland. Indeed, no generals of the Imperial Army thought that they were losing the war in China. The Soviet Union, the most grave potential enemy of Imperial Japan, still kept the the Japanese–Soviet Non-aggression Pact. Put simply, it was the calm before the storm in early August of 1945. And then, a B-29 bomber with the atomic bomb loaded started to fly 2,740 km from Tinian Island to Hiroshima, taking 6 and a half hours on one way. It reached Hiroshima and dropped the atomic bomb at 8:15 a.m., August 6, killing about 100,000 citizens among 350,000 residents only on the day. It is said that total 560,000 people, including those who visited the city after the bombing, were exposed to radiation.

Although the U.S. announced that it had used an atomic bomb over Hiroshima soon after the bombing, the Imperial Japanese Government sent scientists to Hiroshima to confirm that it was really a nuclear attack.  It is true that the Imperial Japanese military had also studied how to make an atomic bomb, but Japanese scientists gave up the idea due to lack of materials and resources.  Even Germany had given up the plan to make atomic bombs in WWII.  So, the concept of the atomic bomb was not new to Japanese elites.  Therefore, Imperial Japanese elites got shocked to see how advanced the U.S. science and technology were.

But, the fanatic leaders of the Imperial Army did not immediately decided to stop the war.  The Emperor and the prime minister could not persuade them to decide ceasefire.  Accordingly, it needed another atomic bomb attack on Nagasaki and invasion by Soviet troops to Manchuria, South Sakhalin, and the Kuril Islands, unilaterally abolishing the Japanese–Soviet Non-aggression Pact, for the Imperial Government, including the Imperial Army and Navy, to decide ceasefire and accept the Potsdam Declaration.  

Accordingly, many Japanese, including the Emperor, were spared their life, although total 3 million Japanese civilians and soldiers were killed, while only less than 3,000 American soldiers had been killed in the Pearl Harbor Attack in 1941.    

Today, Japanese people rather blame the Imperial military more than the U.S. military or the U.S. Government for the damage of the Hiroshima atomic bomb attack, since if the Imperial military had given up the war, as good spirit samurai, before the atomic bomb attack, so many people, including about a dozen of U.S. soldiers having been taken as prisoners in Hiroshima, should not been cruelly killed.          

Though President Obama did not apologize to Hiroshima victims for the ruthless atomic bomb attack targeting mostly Japanese civilians when he visited Hiroshima in August 2016, his visit was accepted as expression of his compassion to Hiroshima victims. So far as now, Mr. Obama is the only U.S. President who has ever visited Hiroshima whose population is about 1.2 million recently.

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Mark 8 King James Version (KJV)

5 And he asked them, How many loaves have ye? And they said, Seven.
6 And he commanded the people to sit down on the ground: and he took the seven loaves, and gave thanks, and brake, and gave to his disciples to set before them; and they did set them before the people.
7 And they had a few small fishes: and he blessed, and commanded to set them also before them.
8 So they did eat, and were filled: and they took up of the broken meat that was left seven baskets.
9 And they that had eaten were about four thousand: and he sent them away.

Monday, August 03, 2020

”Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod's steward, and Susanna” - The Macro State of the Mind and the Micro State of Natural Killer Cells

Around Tokyo

The Macro State of the Mind and the Micro State of Natural Killer Cells 

The white blood cells are under control of autonomous nerves.  The white blood cells are directly concerned with immunity against viruses.  And autonomous nerves are influenced by various factors such as weather conditions, stress and pressure on the man, the mind set of the man, his lifestyle, how he feels and behaves, etc. 

In other words, immunity against viruses in our bodies is influenced by our minds.

The basic form of the white cells is macrophages, a type of white blood cell of the immune system that engulfs and digests cellular debris, foreign substances, microbes, cancer cells, etc.  From macrophages, granulocytes and lymphocyte cells are generated, and the former includes T cells and B cells.  In the process of evolution from macrophages to lymphocyte cells, natural killer (NK) cells are generated, which provide rapid responses to virus-infected cells, acting at around 3 days after infection, and respond to tumor formation.

To activate NK cells, perforins (a pore forming cytolytic protein) must be oozed out, but this oozing is under control of parasympathetic nerves.  And parasympathetic nerves, one type of autonomous nerves, cannot be dominant in the state where one feels pressure or stress.  However, when one is relaxed, parasympathetic nerves work well; perforins are oozed well; and NK cells are activated so that they kill virus-infected cells. 

Therefore, the linkage between the mind and the body is provided by autonomous nerves consisting of sympathetic nerves and parasympathetic nerves.  And immunity against viruses are controlled by parasympathetic nerves and white blood cell elements such as NK cells, T cells, B cells. etc.

Neuroimmunology studies the interaction between the nervous and the immune system, a relation that can be analyzed in two directions: the nervous system-mediated regulation of immunity and the immune system-mediated regulation of nervous system function. Both kinds of interactions are mediated by complex mechanisms in which participate the same groups of cells and the same kind of molecules...

Put simply, the state of the mind has influence on autonomous nerves and thus the state of the body through connection between the nerves and cells.  It has been proved that laughing lowers the blood glucose level and blood pressure.  And, how you feel and think must influence the immunity level.

The macro state of laughing, relaxing, or other expressions of feeling of the man has an influence on the micro status of cells, such as NK cells, building the immune system.  However, it is not quantitatively clear how much laughing, relaxing, etc. is necessary for enhancing immunity against viruses.  It can be only said that the mind state has an influence on the body and health in general terms.

But one thing sure is that when one is reading the Bible and thinking about miracles of Christ Jesus, he is relaxed and his mind is purified, so that this state must have an influence on conditions of cells useful for immunity.  Accordingly, it is expected that his immunity against viruses must be enhanced.

That is why Christ Jesus said to His disciples, when He sent them out to society for preaching, that if you drank poison, you would not be harmed.  Christ Jesus must have set and regulated mind sets of His disciples into the appropriate state so that immunity of their bodies were reinforced against poisons and viruses.

So, it is interesting to see how many Vatican people or what percentage of Vatican people are suffering from corona-viruses.  Or it is the time for the Pope to prove that he is the genuine and real successor of Christ Jesus and thus he has power to save virus-infected people in the world.  Or any priests in Europe and the U.S. should prove the same.    

Finally, all I can say is to read the Bible, purify your minds, adjust autonomous nerves, and thus activate NK cells, and you would not be infected by corona-viruses. And even if your were infected, you cannot be desperately ill; or even if you became desperately ill, you would not be killed.  And even if you were killed, you would be allowed to enter Heaven. 

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Luke 8 King James Version
8 And it came to pass afterward, that he went throughout every city and village, preaching and shewing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God: and the twelve were with him,
2 And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils,
3 And Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod's steward, and Susanna, and many others, which ministered unto him of their substance.

Sunday, August 02, 2020

"I have compassion on the multitude" - If We Have Value for the God, He would Save Us from Viruses

Around Tokyo

If We Have Value for the God, He would Save Us from Viruses

When you are loved by family members, friends, and men of good will, you will surely get relaxed without feeling pressure and stress, thus your autonomous nerves work in good conditions.  And then your immunity works properly, protecting you from viruses, disease germs, and cancers.

However, such situations of being loved by all the people surrounding you are comparatively rare in your life.  They cannot be realized in 99% of your life time.  You have always hidden enemies, opponents, abusers, and exploiters in addition to betrayers around you.  You must feel hidden and potential danger among people, thus implicitly feeling pressure and stress, which will break the balance inside your bodies between sympathetic nerves and parasympathetic nerves.  Then your health conditions, immunity, and resistance to cancers will be deteriorated, leading to real diseases.  It is all because every man has the ability to detect and sense feeling and senses of others toward you, since it is important for existence and subsistence of a human being who is a living thing.    

In other words, outer psychological conditions, including a feeling of goodwill and malicious intents toward you, will affect your physical conditions.

So, those who can well and fully endure negative outer psychological conditions physically and psychologically are said to be strong.  Therefore, some people living in stressful society can live longer and healthier than others.  But, there is always a limit.  And it is said that the maximum lifespan of cells in the human body is about 120 years.  No matter how favorable conditions a man may live in, he/she cannot live longer than 120 years or so.

In other words, if you were living among early followers of Christ Jesus, you should feel no pressure and stress, thus keeping good balance between sympathetic nerves and parasympathetic nerves and strong immunity.  You must be able to live up to the maximum age allowed for a human being who is a living thing.

Put simply, as Christ Jesus could work with His love on this mechanism of biological conditions of men, He could cure the sick and save the exhausted.    

If Christ Jesus appeared today, He would surely save people from corona-viruses with His love to infected people, by making them detect, sense, and feel His love and thus reinforcing immunity in their bodies.

Therefore, the largest issue about the corona-viruses is that Christ Jesus is not in this world or He would not come yet to this world for any reason.  So, we have to find the reason.  And my answer is because a majority of people today have sold their souls to Satan who promised them money and worldly happiness, which is abhorred by the God.

Therefore, as long as men pursue material success in this civilization, pursing money and worldly happiness, under pressure and stress caused by one another, while being led by Satan, the civilization or the mankind will collapse by viruses or other disease germs without receiving enough love to reinforce their immunity from Christ Jesus who has been fighting Satan for at lease last 2000 years.      

In the core of this corona-virus pandemic, there is a fight between Christ Jesus and Satan.  And, the God might approve that the mankind who have chosen Satan over Christ Jesus go extinct as they have no value for the God any more.

In other words, for us to be saved from the corona-viruses, we have to show and prove to the God that we have value for Him so that He has to save us.  In this context, to read the Bible is the first step for us to take in fighting against corona-viruses.   
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Mark 8 King James Version

8 In those days the multitude being very great, and having nothing to eat, Jesus called his disciples unto him, and saith unto them,
2 I have compassion on the multitude, because they have now been with me three days, and have nothing to eat:
3 And if I send them away fasting to their own houses, they will faint by the way: for divers of them came from far.
4 And his disciples answered him, From whence can a man satisfy these men with bread here in the wilderness?
5 And he asked them, How many loaves have ye? And they said, Seven.