Saturday, May 18, 2024

"Till heaven and earth pass" - Worship the God in Spirit or Truth



Worship the God in Spirit or Truth

The God is not a living being or a living object as the Lord Jesus Christ said.
23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

The spirit is explained as "the force within a person that is believed to give the body life, energy, and power."  So, the spirit is not a mind, but the mind looks like the only means to approach and use a spirit.

When we think with our minds to get our hands up, our hands which are material objects move upward according to our thinking with our minds.  The mind can control material objects, though through complicated biological, chemical, and physical processes.  And, according to work of our minds or thinking, judgment, or likes dislikes with our minds, we act and live so as to move our bodies which are material objects, building our lives.  As everybody knows, our minds can control our bodies which are material through our lives in the human world which is the complicated system consisting of material matters and human mind works.  Indeed, to live is to use our minds in material environments surrounded by other men living with their minds.

But, our Lord Jesus Christ did not say to worship the God with our minds but with our spirits.  Then how should we use our spirits?  Of course, through a special way of using our minds, since the only way to access and use our spirits is through our minds. 

For this purpose, followers of Christianity, Buddhism, and other authentic religions are taught to manage their minds so that they can use their spirits.  Indeed, to enhance the level of mind works is the basic and ultimate goal of such religions.  Not through wealth, happiness, or physical power, men can attain this goal.  Only through spiritual training or spiritual practice, men can raise the level of their mind work.  For this purpose, various religious rituals or patterns have been designed and decided.  To believe in a religion means to follow such unique rituals and patterns.  But, our Lord Jesus Christ did not specify any concrete ways or particulars in worshipping the God.  To worship the God, men should worship Him in spirit, since He is a spirit, which is the only requirement requested by our Lord Jesus Christ. 

So, there are many arguments and theories about minds, spirits, souls, and bodies.  For instance, a mind is thought to be generated in a part of the body, that is a brain, through work of a soul that is another form of a spirit.  If a mind ceased to exist in the body, a spirit could generate another mind in the spiritual body in the spirit world.  As long as a spirit is alive, another mind with the same memory can be generated, so that there is no death for a man through this material world to the spirit world.  The lead role is played by a mind.     

Everyone knows that it is his mind that enjoys happiness and satisfaction.  Even if two men have the same amount of money in the same material and social status, one may feel happy but the other might not.  So, people naturally come to focus on their minds.  Some men should find that there is something from which their minds are generated; they may call it a soul or a spirit.  They may think that they have made a historic discovery.  

But, our Lord Jesus Christ told 2,000 years ago to worship the God in spirit but not only with a mind.  When worshipping the God, men should naturally think of the God or put the God into his imagination.  But, it is not enough, according to our Lord Jesus Christ.  Worshipping the God should be made not only with our mind work but in our spirits which allow our minds to work.

From the beginning, this material world, the human world, and the human beings were created from the spiritual energy in the spirit world through the power of His idea or notion.  So, human spirits came before human bodies and human minds.  Spirits are entities originally created in the spirit world.  So, to worship the God in spirit should mean to worship the God as if being in the spirit world.  

Without leaving everything material and worldly, one cannot enter into a state of being in spirit.  So, it is useless and meaningless to pray to the God for material or worldly matters.  Our prayer to the God or worshipping the God should be related to spiritual love, truth, and faith in the God, since life in this world is meaningless in the spirit world.  The prayer that the God may save our life in this material world is therefore meaningless.  A spiritual entity in the spirit world must not perform such prayer or worship the God in such a manner.  They should pray to the God in terms of spiritual love, truth, and faith in the God.

We should not imagine the God as somebody with infinite power in this world.  But, we should realize in awe that our existence is meaningless to Him unless He has love to us and we have love to Him, since we are no essential entities for His glory.  To judge or measure power of the God, say, as infinite or more than infinite is itself a kind of blasphemy.  We are not in such a position to judge or measure the God.  A spiritual entity in the spirit world should not even try to judge or measure power of the God.

Therefore, worshipping the God in one's spirit should mean worshipping the God in the utmost fear.  And, this fear should teach us what is allowed in our prayer to the God.            

Anyway, asking the God for life prolongation is meaningless, since our life continues as a spirit in the spirit world after death in this material/human world.  So, what should we ask the God for?  At least, a spiritual entity in the spirit world should ask the God not to let it fall into the hells.    

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Matthew 5, King James Version
13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.
14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.
15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.
16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.