Thursday, August 01, 2024

"the twelve were with him" - From Material Civilization to Spiritual Civilization


Around Tokyo

From Material Civilization to Spiritual Civilization

This world was created by the God, which is taught in the Bible.  And, even the modern science cannot deny it.  

For example, there can be a scientist who has studied the mind of a human being for a long time and finally has found that there cannot be such a thing as a human mind in the human brain.  The scientist denies the existence of the mind based on his long-term scientific study while using his mind.  The modern men look like this scientist.  

But, customarily they may go to churches and read the Bible, since this custom gives them peace of their minds.  Yet, they do not leave their rich life supported by money.  They may think that the most important thing in this world is money next to their lives.  In this context they revere money, which is another form of Satan, as a god, although they never despise the churches and the Bible for their peace of minds.  This status symbolizes the present material civilization.  Therefore, the God should stop protecting the civilization.  We should realize this possibility of critical danger coming to us on a global basis.  We should be in front of the era of great collapse of the human material civilization.    

Indeed, admitting the existence of the God means admitting energy and power that are not contained in this material world.  The power and energy of the God should work even in this material world.  But they are not simply material so that science can detect and analyze them.  Only those who have pure, strong, and deep faith in the God should be allowed to use them.  So, such monks, nuns, and believers have performed various miracles like the Lord Jesus Christ.

Nonetheless, people have chosen to enjoy products of the material civilization based on money.  With pleasure and joy realized by the material civilization, they forget to show gratitude to the God.  They have come to neglect what cannot be identified by use of science.  Indeed, it is money that makes them materially happy but not faith in the God.  So, they believe in power of money more than power of faith.  The current material civilization is based on faith in power of money but not power of faith in the God.

Yet, this material world was not created by money but by the God.  And, people have stopped showing gratitude to the God who created this material world.  Something is wrong.  

Do people dream that they can create another material world like the God in the remote future with further developed material civilization?  Such a crazy dream fostered by Satan should be broken by the God soon or later.  Therefore, it is no wonder that the current civilization will collapse in this century due to interference of the God.

After the debacle of the current material civilization, we should spiritually rebuild a new civilization.  We should stop pursuing material happiness based on money that is another form of Satan.  We should make our faith in the God purer, stronger, and deeper so that we will be allowed to use the spiritual energy and force.              

It is natural that a spiritual civilization prevails in the material universe created by the God who had used His words to make the spiritual energy work so as to create the material universe.  Indeed, the Kingdom of God should be realized only in a spiritual civilization.  

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Luke 8, King James Version
8 And it came to pass afterward, that he went throughout every city and village, preaching and shewing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God: and the twelve were with him,
2 And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils,
3 And Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod's steward, and Susanna, and many others, which ministered unto him of their substance.
4 And when much people were gathered together, and were come to him out of every city, he spake by a parable:

Monday, July 29, 2024

"the devil is gone out of thy daughter" - The Spiritual Energy for Peace


A Park around Tokyo

The Spiritual Energy for Peace

This material world was created by the God who used power of His words, notion, and imagination so as to turn spiritual energy to material energy.

Therefore, in this material universe not only the material energy but also the spiritual energy can also work surpassing physical laws in the material world.  However, although the material energy can be used through scientific means and technologies, this spiritual energy can be only used through holy words, notion, and imagination like those of the God.  That is why the Lord Jesus Christ could perform various miracles through His words, notion, and imagination.  And, monks, nuns, and followers of Christianity who had pure, strong, and deep faith could also perform various miracles in these 2,000 years after the emergence of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

One example is the holy spring at Lourdes, France.  The secret of its miracle water to cure the sick should be in the spiritual energy.  Materially water in Lourdes should not be different from water at any place.  But, spiritually it should contain the spiritual energy invoked through faith of Bernadette Soubirous.  She might not have looked special, but at the bottom of her heart she must have extraordinarily pure, strong, and deep love in the God, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Mother.  Indeed, none can see the bottom of the hearts of others.  Only holy spirits in the spirit world can.

Even without Christian faith, monks, priests, practitioners of the Japanese Buddhism, Shintoism, Shugen-do, etc. in past could perform various miracles by use of their mind power.  Through hard training, they seemed to acquire the ability to use the spiritual energy.  Their hard religious training must have allowed them to enhance their spiritual nature to reach the spirit world, so that they could use the spiritual energy through their mind power.  

And there are some people who were born with special mind structure, so that they can use the spiritual energy as long as they preserve their original mind structure.  They can bend spoons only through their mind power as they can use the spiritual energy.  Regardless of whether they realize that they are using the spiritual energy, they must actually use it.  

But as for ordinary people, how can they use the spiritual energy?  Without vet pure, strong, and deep faith in the God, hard religious training, and the special mind structure, it is impossible to use the spiritual energy to cause miracles.  So, do they have to rely on G0d's mercy?  Probably yes; they have to pray to the God.  Indeed, prayer to the God should mean asking the God to give the prayer the ability to use the spiritual energy that can cause miracles even in this material world.            

Anyway, if the spiritual energy works in this material world, it surpasses physical laws and natural laws in this material world.  It should be able to cure the sick, make the poor get foods and earn necessary money, solve any troubles in the human world, etc.  Its work surpasses the scope of science and human commonsense.      

Finally, we have to pray to the God so that He will give people the ability to use the spiritual energy to solve the Ukrainian War and the Gaza conflict.  Truly, peace should be realized only through the spiritual energy but not through worldly material energy. 

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Mark 7, King James Version
26 The woman was a Greek, a Syrophenician by nation; and she besought him that he would cast forth the devil out of her daughter.
27 But Jesus said unto her, Let the children first be filled: for it is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it unto the dogs.
28 And she answered and said unto him, Yes, Lord: yet the dogs under the table eat of the children's crumbs.
29 And he said unto her, For this saying go thy way; the devil is gone out of thy daughter.
30 And when she was come to her house, she found the devil gone out, and her daughter laid upon the bed.