Thursday, December 29, 2005

Dr. Hawking and “i”

Dr. Hawking and “i”

Year 2005 was the Year of Physics. It is mainly related to Albert Einstein.

Anyhow, as the New Year’s Day is coming, we might refer to theories of the birth of the universe.

The most famous scientist in this field is Stephen William Hawking of the U.K.

According to his theory, our universe was born following the uncertainty principle. The principle tells there is a special condition on the product of energy and time. Even if the product should take a specific value, larger energy in a shorter period of time is allowed:

For a very small particle,
E x T = (6.6261 x 10^-34) / (2 x pi),
where E and T are a change of energy and time, respectively.

Following this principle, our universe was born in a very short period of time, getting over an energy barrier that had suppressed the birth of a universe.

The moment of the birth was too unusual to handle it reasonably and scientifically in its mathematical expression. So, Dr. Hawking introduced an idea of “imaginary time” into the mathematical expression, thus making smooth the flow of time back to the birth of the universe and beyond and, at the same time, that quantum leap possible.

(with "i" = (-1)^(1/2), i second, 2i seconds, and so on, instead of 1 second, 2 seconds,..; however, this method is common in quantum physics.)

As the meaning of quantum theory as well as Einstein’s theory is still controversial, his solution based on both the theories looks still so.

I believe mankind is yet to understand the truth of the birth of our universe.

But, this theory gives mankind a great courage. Even for a very short period of time, we are allowed to exercise great ability, though it might not create another universe.

As for “imaginary time,” apart from its use as mathematical agency, if God is real, everything should be real to the limit we are allowed to understand about our universe, including its birth and its state before the birth.

Beyond the limit, we are no longer human beings in any way.