Friday, June 02, 2006

New Type of Cells Discovered: Great Discovery in Billion Years

New Type of Cells Discovered: Great Discovery in Billion Years

A research group of Tokyo Medical College has discovered a new type of cells that has special characteristics neither eukaryotic cells nor prokaryotic cells have.

Natural life forms on the earth are made of cells. And, it has been believed that there are only two types of cells in the nature (though one type of cells applies to two types of primitive life forms).
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A human being is made of 60 trillion cells, the types of which are all eukaryotic. However, a bacterium is made of a prokaryotic cell.

No other types of cells have been so far known to human beings, at least until this new discovery.

It is believed that a prokaryotic cell, which had first appeared 4 billion years ago, evolved to a eukaryotic cell 1.5 billion years ago. And then, eukaryotic cells evolved to constitute an animal as well as a plant.
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The newly discovered cell is situated between a eukaryotic cell and a prokaryotic cell.

It should give information and clues needed for answering the question as to how a prokaryotic cell evolved to a eukaryotic cell.

In this respect, the cell the researchers of Tokyo Medical College recently discovered from the depths of the sea near Japan might establish the third type of cells, as it has only a partial sheet or film surrounding and protecting DNA in a cell.
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This is a great discovery in billion years.

But, who could appreciate it?

I cannot help but praise the Lord, for it tells that the emergence of human beings on the earth is truly a miracle.