Friday, November 03, 2006

Chinese Girls Singing in Sight-Seeing Area in Vain

Chinese Girls Singing in Sight-Seeing Area in Vain

A Japanese reporter was traveling in a sight-seeing area, maybe Guilin, in China.

A guide told him no to give money to children offering some kind of services on the wayside along a sight-seeing path.

Later on, they encountered dozens of local girls singing and standing in ranks at a certain spot.

The reporter did not pay for their thankless service of singing local songs.
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This was, however, reported by the reporter himself on a certain evening newspaper the other day.

Accordingly, here are you being reported on the incident.
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Before the girls started to sing, you had better start to communicate with them, if not with money.

If Jesus Christ was then walking by the sight, what He would give to them and take away from travelers I cannot stop wondering.