Wednesday, December 06, 2006

No.1 Best Seller in Japan in 2006

No.1 Best Seller in Japan in 2006

The Japanese version of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" by J. K. Rowling is ranked the second.

The No.1 best seller in Japan in 2006 is reportedly "Kokka-no-Hinkaku" by Masahiko Fujiwara.

The direct replacing of "Kokka-no-Hinkaku" by word by word is "Nation-of-Dignity"; however with the word order changed, it is "Dignity of the Nation."

The author, a mathematician and essayist, extends his thought about how Japan has become so tainted by greed.

When you judge other persons just depending on how much money they have, you will be regarded as a worshipper of Mammon.

If you are surrounded by people of other origins in terms of race, nationality, culture, and language, judging others with the sole criterion of money may be excused in a certain situation; however, traditionally it was not the case in Japan.

Nonetheless, this tradition has been eroded in the Japanese society, probably, due to globalization of economy.

The author of "Dignity of the Nation" claimed that Japanese should preserve respect for human value which is essentially opposite to love of money.

And, more than two million people who have bought his book are thinking about his idea, pro and con, results of which might improve the society at least to whatever small extent.
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Jesus Christ's followers 2000 years ago must have mostly consisted of those who could not read and write.

The less we read, the closer we get to the original followers.

You had better recall and think about parables Jesus Christ said to His followers as many times as possible.

The best I can do is to report any holy signs God has given.