Saturday, February 03, 2007

King Kong

King Kong

In 1976, the movie "King Kong" was released. In its last scene, the gigantic ape-man King Kong was climbing a World Trade Center tower in New York to protect a human woman he loves. However, US jet fighters flew in to fire at him. King Kong got fatally shot and fell from the rooftop of the WTC tower to the ground.

It is said that this movie depicts arrogance of human beings in a pathetic manner.

King Kong loves a human beauty and climbs a WTC tower trying to save her despite attacks by US Air Forces, which may be a laughingstock; but it is the WTC tower that actually fell down to the ground in 2001 (with so many ultimate sacrifices - Amen!).
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I am not so sure if this episode is very appropriate or not.

But, a certain notable Japanese author who studied racism, money scandals, political scandals, and scandals in the War on Terror of the U.S. included this episode in his book.

So, what is a good lesson? Do not be a King Kong? Do not fall in love with a beauty in New York? Do not climb a WTC tower? Do not lose to US Air Forces?
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The producer of "King Kong" is the one who also produced "The Bible: in the Beginning" in 1966.

The lesson given seems to surpass the intention of the producer (as with a Japanese American architect who designed the WTC towers).
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Now, apart from an episode between mankind and other primates, focusing on the human race, our only resort is the Messiah.

It may look strange, but Jesus Christ did not order his disciples to go and preach specifically in Africa to strengthen people there to cope with invasion by Europeans expected to happen 1500 years later.

However, my interpretation about the Civil War in the U.S. is that it must have been fought with ultimate sacrifices of 620,000, in order to atone for the sin and crime of slavery.
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If my son is white, I will tell him to be white as much as possible until he becomes proud of being white.

If my son is black, I will tell him to be black as much as possible until he becomes proud of being black.

If my son is yellow, I will tell him to be golden as much as possible until he becomes proud of being golden just like ears of rice plants (even Marco Polo reported on Japan as a country of Gold around 1300).

(Colors in the Heaven must be very different from those on the earth due to glorious light of God.)

Anyway, it is a family matter; only God should interfere.

So then, what about your respectable father?