Sunday, February 18, 2007

"Nobody Blames You"

"Nobody Blames You"

When Jesus Christ sat between outraged people and a woman about to be executed, He was writing or drawing something on the ground.

(This is the only description on his writing or drawing in the Bible.)

Then, the outraged people admonished by Jesus Christ left the place one after another.

Was He, however, just drawing a circle on the ground?

I suppose He was writing names of women.

Outraged people, while being admonished by Him, reading the names of women written on the ground, clearly understood the meaning, since they were familiar names to them.

My assumption is that Jesus Christ first wrote the name "Cleopatra" every Israelite knew well, so as to hold the stage in the situation; it was two generations after her death in her war against the Roman Empire (just like today to WWII).
* * *

We had rain today.

I just checked "SUN TZU" (a book of ancient China on the art of war), not for any specific purposes.