Sunday, March 11, 2007

Jesus Christ, the Roman Governor, Judas, and We

Jesus Christ, the Roman Governor, Judas, and We

When Jesus Christ was arrested by Roman soldiers, all of His followers ran and hid with a shudder of horror.

How then can you blame Judas who might have been caught by terror, when he might have been coerced into cooperation with the Roman Governor and subsequently leaders of Israelites in power 2000 years ago?

As long as there is even the slightest possibility for Judas to have been intimidated with a death threat, you should not blame and judge him.

If Jesus Christ had saved the life of Judas, under a death threat by Romans, by sacrificing Himself through acceptance of accomplishment of the plot in which Judas played the significant role, Judas could be regarded as the most beloved follower by Jesus Christ, though ironically.

I mean there is such a probability of our inexcusable mistake in dealing with Judas.

Judas was given some silver coins, but as he realized that he had been manipulated and duped by the Roman Governor, he committed a suicide, in my interpretation.

Jesus Christ cannot be such a religious leader as would commit mistakes in choosing right staff.

There is an unpardonable possibility that mankind has been trapped by the Devil for 2000 years.

But, then, who should take responsibility, in company with me?

Am I alone facing the Roman Empire?

(If the Roman Governor had been an admirer of Jesus Christ, he would not have arrested and judged Him. The Roman Governor would not have done so, especially since Judas, a nameless, poor, and powerless man, and leaders of Israelites 2000 years ago, with less bargaining power to Romans than King Herod had, acted on their own initiatives from their own emotional and business interest and thus appealed to the Roman Governor. Besides, why did the Roman Governor himself interrogate Jesus Christ in person? Weren't there other officers? What was the grave threat to the person of the Roman Governor?

Wasn't there any lesson Romans had learnt form the wars Cleopatra had brought down on them 60 years ago, just like WWII to the present day?)

Maybe I am not alone, now.