Saturday, April 28, 2007

Pagoda in Zenkouji Temple, Nagano Pref.

(People in Japan are watching Major League Baseball live broadcast from the Yankee Stadium.

As I changed the channel from a US news program to the NHK sports, Matsuzaka, a Japanese pitcher of the Boston Red Sox, took on Matsui of the Yankees who flied out to an outfielder. This matching is the biggest concern this year for baseball fans in Japan. Many Japanese will go to New York and to the Yankee Stadium this year, too.

However, I may be allowed to tell people in the world to meet God where you are now and realize that the place where you are is the center of the world for you. Just look up at the sky. That is the direction you have to move to.

I do not want to spend money in the richest city in the richest country to make it a little bit richer.

When Rome collapsed about 1500 years ago, Paris, Madrid, London, Berlin, and other Western European cities got a big chance to develop. New York may be given the same kind of glory in future as Rome was given in the past.

But, first of all, we need real and earnest followers of the Son of God in New York just like in Rome 1500 years ago.

[But, in older days no decent American fathers allowed their good daughters to go to New York, for it was so dangerous and rotten, specifically a century ago or so, according to a certain report.])

"...'Let There Be Light' - And Light Appeared. God Was Pleased With What He Saw..."