Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Ability to Read and Write Japanese: Ability to See the Truth of 9/11 Terror

"L is for the way you look at me..."O is for the only word I say, since 'Lo! the Eiffel Tower in Tokyo'"

Ability to Read and Write Japanese: Ability to See the Truth of 9/11 Terror
(capacité de lire et écrire le Japonais)

Mr. Edward Seidensticker died in Tokyo.

He joined the battle in Iwojima during Japan-US War in WWII. It is after WWII that he started to study Japanese literature when he was stationed in Tokyo. He translated works of Yasunari Kawabata, which led to Kawabata's Nobel Prize winning.

But, Mr. Seidensticker's historical work is translation of the famous novel written by Murasaki-shikibu 1000 years ago into English.

Though I don't know how Mr. Seidensticker translated quadruple time Japanese into simple-triple time English, he can be honored as one of two foreigners that have ever translated the most valuable literary work in Japan's history into English.
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I suppose most of American elites, such as Mr. Summers and Mr. Rubin, have never read any Japanese literary works. Especially, most of Israelite Americans have never read any Japanese literary works.

It means most of American elites and most of Israelite Americans are unenlightened.

How can you neglect literary works of Japan, the leading country in Asia since 16th century, one of the four strongest countries before WWII, the second largest economy in the world today, the country Marco Polo dreamed of in his report that gave a dream to Columbus, one of a few Asian countries that have never been colonized or invaded by Europeans, and one of the eighth unique civilizations of today even anti-Japanese US scholars would admit?

Now you know that when American elites speak ill of Japan, they are talking about what they do not understand.

Now you know that when Israelite Americans speak ill of Japan, they are talking about what they do not understand.

Japan had nothing to do with German Nazi's massacre of European Israelites.

It is a matter of madness that Israelite Americans speak ill of Japan in a manner as if they were attacking Nazis.

They had better study works by Mr. Seidensticker, even if Japanese language is too difficult for them to read and write while they think they are the cleverest in the world as they are successful in New York, however, which is not a success at all in the eye of God's.
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If Israelite Americans had been truly against US invasion of Iraq, President Mr. Bush could not have ordered US troops to invade Iraq.

US invasion of Iraq is to help Saudi Arabia. US' helping Saudi Arabia is to help Israel.

If most of terrorist who were engaged in the 9/11 terror had been Japanese, Israelite Americans would have requested the US President to attack Japan.

But, while most of terrorist who engaged in the 9/11 terror were in fact Saudi Arabians, Israelite Americans asked the US President to help Saudi Arabia and attack Iraq.

But, why? Are Israelite Americans mad?
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The answer is plain to see. AlQaeda is not a threat to Israel at all. Hidden friendship between Israel and Saudi Arabia is a key to Israel's existence and subsistence. And, the gravest threat to Saudi Arabia is not AlQaeda but Iraq.

Therefore, by abusing anger and fear of the US citizens in the wake of the 9/11 terror, Israelite Americans exerted their influence on the US Administration to have US troops attack Saddam Hussein's Iraq.

Now, it is Israelite that has become most secured since the launching of the War on Terror by the U.S. In other words, by sacrificing security of the U.S., the U.S. Government saved Israel.

In short, the US Government attacked Iraq to save Saudi Arabia. But, Israel is the most beneficiary. Nonetheless, this fact has not been told to US voters, taxpayers, citizens, and respectable soldiers.
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US voters, taxpayers, citizens, and respectable soldiers should know that US elites, including Israelite Americans, have no ability to learn and master Japanese, so that their intelligence is very much biased.

Whatever US elites, including Israelite Americans, do internationally, US voters, taxpayers, citizens, and respectable soldiers should review it carefully, since they have no ability to learn and master Japanese, which means that their intelligence is very much biased.
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Is the Japanese language so difficult? Daily spoken Japanese is very easy even in pronunciation.

However, as once a French Catholic priest having lived in Japan 30 years said, it would take more than 30 years for a European to mater Japanese language in reading, writing, and properly speaking including true pronunciation.

Even in Paris, it is said that there are many native French who cannot properly write a letter or an official document in French.

Conversely, American elites should respect Japanese at least as much as French.

Then they will not be misled by Israelite Americans, the most beneficiary of the US War on Terror.

(To tell the truth, I do not very much like the work of Mursaki-shikibu. Though I admit her work, created 1000 years ago, to be one of the most valuable literary works in the world, I do not much like her romantic fiction, since I do not like a romantic fiction technically.

I do not very much like Yasunari Kawabata's works based on Japanese sense of appreciation for the beautiful so lonesome, so weak, but so noble, either.

Of course, there are other Japanese authors whose works once I liked to read.

One of them is Souseki Natsume, who wrote such a novel as is titled "I Am Honorably a Cat."

Do you like "Les Trois Mousquetaires" in which a bad Cardinal engages in a secret operation, if not a biography of Jeanne d'Arc abandoned by churches?

Yet, you had better read a report written by a French farmer who worked at construction sites in Paris centuries ago when Paris was under construction. They were building stones into the city of Paris we see today.

Or, has anybody, if wisely able to write a criticism on Jesus Christ and EEE Reporter, made a story on the World Trade Center at which a saint and his followers visited far before 2001 to exchange a little conversation?)

"...he will rule from sea to sea, from the Euphrates to the End of the East..."