Thursday, August 16, 2007

Midsummer Night's Dream 2007

Summer Mt. Fuji 60 Miles Far (today no raven on the top of the tree)
"Every heart you break.....every heart you save
I was watching you....I'll be watching you"

Midsummer Night's Dream 2007
(le rêve de la nuit de milieu de l'été 2007)

If you were a king of a country under "True Theocracy," you should order to withdraw all money from the nation.

Every citizen should bring all the money he or she has to government offices. No records shall be however made on who submits how much money to the office.

Then, an order will be issued so that everybody should live as if they had money just like in the days before the order.

A citizen should say simply to a clerk of a shop that he will buy certain goods priced at 120 yen or 320 yen with his credit appropriately conferred by the Government.

Even for a loan of a house, a borrower should simply inform a lender or a financial company that he pays the loan for the month with his credit conferred by the Government.

An employer, still being motivated for business success that allows for enjoying more materially advanced life even in this social system, should say to his employees that he pays them with his credit conferred by the Government.

Put simply, hard currencies and coins should be all replaced by credit conferred by the Government, which is intangible and can be transferred viva voce or by word.

Then, people will not have to see that dirty thing called money any more.

But financial institutions will be allowed to record any appropriate figures on their books and files as their need arises, ultimately based on infinite prime credit of the Government.

Of course, education will be aimed at making people so pious, trustworthy, honest, responsible, and capable of understanding how much credit they owe to the Government that owes everything to God under "True Theocracy."

The only problem is international relationship.

Indeed, some countries might hate this system.

They may launch a war on your country that uses no tangible form of money or financial instruments, but unlimited credit granting as well as flexible and convenient figures on books and files.

Truly, you may have to first conquer the world to introduce this non-money economy in your country.

Indeed, even in this dream scenario, you have to first ask the God to put the world under His foot through direct interference for you.

Truly, if you were a king of a country under "True Theocracy," you should order to withdraw all money from the nation.

(Or how much do you claim for every step you make?

Oh, can't you see every atom in your body belongs to God who may price one atom at one dollar, meaning 60 trillions multiplied by 80 trillion dollars?

[Sir Newton did not know that a human body consists of 60 trillion cells each of which consists of 80 trillion atoms. And Gentleman Shakespeare did not know it, either.]
( )

Yet I can pay you my poor heart aching; or infinite love do you so claim?
O my God! Oh my Goodness! She assumes a queen! Yes she does!)

Indeed, it is a midsummer dream.

"...But he shouted even more loudly, 'Son of David, have mercy on me!' Jesus stopped and said, "Call him!'..."