Monday, October 08, 2007

Autumn Sporting

Autumn Sporting
(sport d'automne)

Ms. Marion Jones admitted that she did not deserve honors she had won in various races due to her fatal mistakes:
In October of 2007 Jones admitted to having taken steroids before the Sydney 2000 Summer Olympics. This may result in the loss of her three gold and two bronze 2000 Olympic medals.

Mr. Naoto Amaki, a Japanese ex-diplomat and critic, has praised her for her courage in admitting her past fault (though he has also added that what she did could not be overlooked), while Japanese politicians and high-ranking bureaucrats will not admit their lies on various political issues, especially concerning a bill that allows Japan's Maritime Self-Defense Force to supply fuels and water for free to the naval ships of the U.S., the U.K., Pakistan, and so on.

Yet, his argument on Ms. Marion Jones includes a view that she had a splendor potential without which no drugs would lead her to gold medals.

Of course, I think that Jesus Christ does not blame Ms. Marion Jones.

I hope that she will contribute to improvement of the world of mankind.
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As for Japanese professional athletes, when they have become global players, I suppose, they must experience a kind of culture shock. In addition, one mistake at a global stage will be fatal, though, not because a whole ability of an athlete is correctly judged on the occasion but as a kind of rules of gamble as the nature of professional sports.

In soccer, Shunsuke Nakamura may be an interesting example. He dose not look like a worrier type or a tough-guy type, but he is a kind of typical Japanese geniuses who look of slight build and less aggressive but accurate in control and judgment though they sometimes have strong likes or dislikes.

Another star player in soccer, Hidetoshi Nakata is of a quite different type. However, if I were a coach of a team, I would prefer Nakamura's talent to Nakata's toughness and honest play in addition to his ruling passion.

In last night's Fuji TV's program presenting Mr. Hidetoshi Nakata traveling in the Middle East, I found an answer as to why he did not look like exerting his physical power more flexibly on running on a pitch.

He cannot eat vegetables.

It is a problem beyond having strong likes or dislikes. It can be fatal. It is nice for him to be considering his second career now on the desert under the gaze of Allah.
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For example, former Japanese Ambassador to Lebanon Mr. Naoto Amaki once made right-about-face in his career to criticize the Government as a citizen, specifically for example, on a secret pact between Japan and the U.S. on U.S. nuclear weapons brought in Okinawa.

Being a pious and humble citizen, with whatever political likes and dislikes, is more blessed than being materially blessed as a celebrity without any critical ability.

It is because what matters is not individual success but improvement of the world of mankind.

(But, what once truly moved Japanese was Yoshikatsu Kawaguchi's saving of so many powerful and skillful kicks in a soccer match against Brazil at Atlanta Olympic Games in 1996, which led to confidence in Japan's hosting of the World Cup Soccer Games in 2002 in Japan [and Korea]. .

Finally, I wish success of the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008 as well as the possible first Olympic Games in India and second Olympic Games in Tokyo...)