Tuesday, December 11, 2007

"Objection to This Ceremony!"

(Pictures presented here were taken and presented with approval of the Railway Museum)

"Objection to This Ceremony!"
(Cette objection à la cérémonie!)

Somebody dashed into a certain ceremony, shouting, "Objection to this ceremony! God is not here!"

Before you start to laugh, you have to check the following chart.

Indeed, CO2 is included in the air with a share of 0.0038 percent.
But, water vapor is included ~0.25% over full atmosphere, typically 1% to 4% near surface.
( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth%27s_atmosphere )

It suggests that how much water vapor can keep heat in the air is more crucial than how much CO2 can.

You have to also check the following chart.
( http://www.data.kishou.go.jp/climate/cpdinfo/temp/list/an_wld.html)

Indeed, a yearly temperature in recent years shows a larger difference from an average value calculated from past record on temperature.

You have to also check the following chart.
( http://www.jccca.org/content/view/1034/775/)

Indeed, an amount of CO2 in the air is increasing every year, but it is rather incremental and not multiplied or exponential.

You have to also check the following chart.
( http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/ieo/electricity.html )

Indeed, mankind is generating more power every year with heat dissipated around (Heat = IV), being almost doubled in these 20 years.

You have to also check the following chart.
Indeed, mankind is using more cars every year with heat from engines, motors, and batteries dissipated around, being almost doubled in these 20 years.

CO2 occupies only a very small portion in the air, while water vapor occupies a hundreds-times-more larger portion in the air with, probably, a proportional capacity to absorb and carry heat.

CO2 increases only 1.1 times in past 20 years while the use of cars and electricity has increased almost 2 times in past 20 years.

In addition, without use of heat sources, namely cars and electricity, on the earth, if only CO2 gas is emitted from a certain static source without accompanying heat, will it really cause global warming at a magnitude now being discussed worldwide?

The truth is that CO2 is emitted from car engines and batteries as well as power generation facilities in power stations or ordinary factories using fossil fuels.

Some people deliberately decided to use the term "CO2" instead of "cars," "electricity," or "factories."

But why?

It is for some people concerned to keep and increase their profits from investment in the car industry and electric industry as well as other industries using energy sources that dissipate heat to the air eventually mainly via water vapor following the energy conservation law.
* * *

The above is still a hypothesis.

But, the CO2-based War on Global Warming can be misled by wrong information, wrong interpretation, or wrong handling of data related to the nature and human activities, maybe, just like WWII, the JFK Assassination, the 9/11 Terror, and the War on Iraq.

Indeed, some scientists have argued that water vapor (gas) accounts for 97% of contribution to increase in temperature in the atmosphere while CO2 and other types of gas account for 3%.

Truly, there is a well-know study that proves the decisive contribution of heat from the sun, represented by sunspots, to an increase in temperature in the atmosphere.

(Of course, you can go to Norway or Indonesia for your holidays.
You can enjoy skiing, skating, swimming, or scuba diving.
But, I have to deliver objection to a ceremony involving CO2 or excluding holy spirits.
It is not from jealousy but from love to mankind and the nature.

Now, you can laugh with me, since CO2 has been laughing together with water vapor.)

"...Don't be afraid; only believe, and she will be well..."

(Erschrick nicht, hab nur Vertrauen, dann wird sie gerettet!)