Friday, April 04, 2008



('or et les amis)

If one man in the society knows different or unique 100 individuals as a relative, a friend, a business partner, a colleague, or just an acquaintance, you can connect anybody to any given person in the world in five steps, in theory.

For example, 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 = 1,000,000,000,000.

(Usually they say it is six steps, since the global population is six billion.)

Therefore, you can connect yourself to the Pope, the Dalai Lama, or Mr. Nelson Mandela in five steps from your door.

If the intermediary substance that links you to your neighbor or somebody is love, friendship, compassion, or goodwill, there are no problems.

But, that substance can be gold if not a huge amount of money. In either case, the big amount of profits will persuade people to do anything against their conscience. This is what Jesus Christ condemned 2000 years ago and the Buddha abhorred 2500 years ago.

In this context, I am interested in Barrick Gold Corporation, the largest pure gold mining company in the world.
(click for a large view)

You can refer to the following, if you want, though I do not assure authenticity of their contents:

Barrick Gold Corporation (set up by international arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi who's first employer was the Bin Laden family and has close ties to the British throne; Barrick also employed Bush Sr.; the later discussed Rothschild buddy Vernon Jordan; and was headed by Peter Munk, a 1001 Club member and skiing partner of Prince Charles).

Adnan Khashoggi:
a Bush-allied Saudi billionaire and arms trafficker, founder of the Barrick Gold Corp.; famous for his illegal weapons sales to Iran.

Peter Munk:
a business failure who became a protege of the British royal family, and Khashoggi's partner. Munk is chairman of Barrick Gold Corp.

“Munk is originally from an Israelite Hungarian family and now engaged with Nathaniel Philip Rothschild in developing recreational facilities in Hungary and East Europe, since East Europe is a domain of the Rothschild brand…”

(Gold is not bad. It is one of metallic elements the God created at the core of fixed stars, such as the Sun, in the universe through nuclear fusion for a certain holy purpose mankind is yet to comprehend.

What is bad is an economic system of mankind that adopts gold as a measure of the ability to satisfy their material desire against the teaching of God, the Buddha, Jesus Christ, and Islam.

Therefore, the more you love gold, the more you have to communicate with followers of God, the Buddha, Jesus Christ, and Islam, since it is not gold that heals people but love from Heaven.

Have a nice weekend, friends.

Remember that in five steps, if you like, you can connect with “anybody,” though my million steps might lead to the last holy gold mine in this world or in Japan and here and there.)