Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Correct Measures for Correctness

(For Tokyo Bay)

Correct Measures for Correctness

For example, when you get into a telephone shop, how can you tell what your correct choice is when buying a new cellular phone?

There are several service providers, each selling tens of models in Japan.

What is correct choice then, a white model, a rectangular model, a functionally advanced expensive model, or the most popular type of mobile phones?

Yet, as this is the third cellular phone since I started to use this type of equipment 13 years ago, I had to choose the very correct one.

And, as Prime Minister Mr. Taro Aso is going to provide a special allowance, 12,000 yen or $130, for each Japanese to boost consumption as a special economic measure, I am now content to have found one being discounted to below 10,000 yen in a certain shop.

The new cellular phone I purchased recently is actually an unsold one (but unused one, of course) since last autumn or so, meaning not a new model for the Spring of 2009, though it has a kind of Window OS-based functions.

SECTION 0: Mr. Heizo Takenaka and Mr. Ben Bernanke

"I told the banks clearly, 'I am in a position to supervise you,' "Mr. Takenaka said. "I told them I am not open to negotiation."

It took three more years to finally get the majority of bad loans off the banks' books. Resona Bank, which was found to have insufficient capital, was effectively nationalized.

From 1992 to 2005, Japanese banks wrote off about 96 trillion yen, or about 19 percent of the country's annual G.D.P. But Mr. Takenaka's toughness restored faith in the banks.

"That was a turning point in the banking crisis," said Mr. Gomi of the Financial Services Agency, who worked with Mr. Takenaka on the audits.

By then, other factors had fallen into place that aided economic recovery, including a boom in exports to the United States and China...

Mr. Barnaļ½Žke expressed recently an optimistic view of American economy. It is reasonable to have such an expectation, since the U.S. can command its domestic consumer market without much relying on the Chinese market. Recovery of the financial system with tight control on Wall Street, including AIG, would help U.S. economy back onto a desirable state.

Japan can wait for the coming upturn of a U.S. economic cycle, but it is more needed to cultivate other markets than the American one and the Chinese one, since the era when a Mr. Takenaka-type hero is needed seems to be passing away...

SECTION I: An American Poem

'There was an old man of Nantucket'

There was an old man of Nantucket
Who kept all his cash in a bucket;
But his daughter, named Nan,
Ran away with a man -
And as for the bucket, Nantucket.

* * *

Note: They say that it is poor and cheap humor, since "Nan took it" is expressed as Nantucket. But, it depends on how Nan looks more than how the old man looks.


Now this, monks, is the noble truth
of the way that leads to the cessation of pain:
this is the noble eightfold way, namely,
correct understanding, correct intention,
correct speech, correct action, correct livelihood,
correct attention, correct concentration,
and correct meditation


Only Almighty God can give measures about correctness, however, to monks and civilians.

Indeed, if your desire and pride supersede the respect for Buddha, you will break the noble eightfold way and spoil your community as well as yourself.

And, Buddha also asserted that money cannot be a measure to identify correctness. Yet, it may be a long way to deduce what is correct from teachings of Buddha, which is why you have to abandon your life to learn it in Buddhism...

(If they call it spring, everything around me rejects it under dominance of unfailing order of strong winter, a certain Japanese song says.

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