Thursday, September 10, 2009

"Healed Them that Had Need of Healing"

(Just some 40 miles from Tokyo Central; photos taken by EEE Reporter in Sept. 2009)


There is one unique political party in Japan: the Japanese Communist Party (JPC)

In the 8/30/2009 election, the JPC won total 3 million votes in single-representative constituencies (while they got 5 million votes in proportional-representation constituencies).

However, in the 9/11/2005 election, the JPC had won total 5 million votes in the same single-representative constituencies (while they reasonably had got 5 million votes in proportional-representation constituencies).

It is because Japanese communists changed their election strategy to help Mr. Yukio Hatoyama’s DPJ win in 2009 by avoiding contests in many single-representative constituencies.

The DPJ increased the number of votes they got in single-representative constituencies from 24.8 million in 2005 to 33.5 million in 2009, which is an 8.7 million-votes increase.

(The Social Democratic Paryt increased their garnered votes from 1 million to 1.38 million in single-representative constituencies, in contrast to communists.)

So specifically, the decrease in votes for the Japanese Communist Party accounts for 22.6% of the increase in votes for the Democratic Party of Japan in the recent general election.

From this analysis, we may conclude that it is not the Social Democratic Party but the Japanese Communist Party that has effectively helped Mr. Yukio Hatoyama assume office of the Japanese premiership.


Next Prime Minister Mr. Y. Hatoyama must be more thankful to Japanese communists than to Japanese socialists.

Moreover, it is an ex-secretary of a lawmaker of the Japanese Communist Party that made public the fact of abduction of Japanese citizens by North Korea, which had been long unknown to the Japanese public.

It is the Social Democratic Party that attacked those who were making this fact known to the Japanese public; actually the SDP said that it was a false accusation to harm dignity and honor of North Korea and its leaders.

If Prime Minister Mr. Y. Hatoyama (to be inaugurated next Wednesday) gives one seat in his Cabinet to the SDP, he had better offer three seats to the JPC.

Japanese socialists are friends of N Korea; but Japanese communists are not, and they do not tie up with Chinese communists and Russian communists nowadays.

The August-30 2009 Lower House Election Result:
Mr. Hatoyama’s DPJ: 308
Socialists: 7
Communists: 9
Others: ***
Total: 480

Upper House:
Mr. Hatoyama’s DPJ and allies: 118
Socialists: 5
Communists: 7
Others: ***
Total: 242

Anyway, in the coming Upper House election next summer, all those 5 million voters will concentrate on boosting the Japanese Communist Party, taking 2 million votes away from the DPJ.

(But, why did Japanese communists and their leader Mr. Kazuo Shii decide to help Mr. Yukio Hatoyama and his DPJ in the 8/30/2009 election? Have they come to love the nation Japan more than Karl Marx, anti-Christianity philosopher?

Finally, I have never been a member of JPC; I think Mr. Tetsuzo Fuwa, the old boss of Mr. Shii, should work in a factory of Sony or Toyota without living in a comfortable villa.)

SECTION I: History of Japanese Overseas Wars

Japanese people engaged in overseas wars only in three periods of history over 2000 years:

(i) In the late 7th century against China (Tang) and part of Korea.

(ii) In the late 16th century against China (Ming) and full Korea.

(iii) From the late 19th century to WWII against China (Qing), Russia, China (the Kuomintang/the Chinese Communist Party), Russia (USSR), and the U.S. and its allies.

However, all these attempts failed.

Nonetheless, these warring periods triggered the beginning of a new era each for Japan and the Japanese people.

And, no warring periods started by the Japanese side taking a key initiative.

(To be continued...)

(C'est une route longue et sinueuse que tout le monde devrait rappeler. Yet, they would say that they never met Jesus or an angel of God. That is why they are destined for the hell. At the dead end of the road, they jump up to dark space down to the hell while holding a bunch of paper money...However, you may reach a door to salvation, dear.


Luk 9:7 Now Herod the tetrarch heard of all that was done by him: and he was perplexed, because that it was said of some, that John was risen from the dead;

Luk 9:8 And of some, that Elias had appeared; and of others, that one of the old prophets was risen again.

Luk 9:9 And Herod said, John have I beheaded: but who is this, of whom I hear such things? And he desired to see him.

Luk 9:10 And the apostles, when they were returned, told him all that they had done. And he took them, and went aside privately into a desert place belonging to the city called Bethsaida.

Luk 9:11 And the people, when they knew it, followed him: and he received them, and spake unto them of the kingdom of God, and healed them that had need of healing.