Friday, January 01, 2010

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth"

(Photo taken by EEE Reporter on January 1, 2010, titled "For Whom the Bay Rushed")

Further You Travel, Less You See; More You Possess, Less "They" Praise You

The wind was blowing fairly strong as I stepped onto the shore.

The water edge was busy as white wave was rushing one after another.

Yet, the sea was remarkably green and the sky is nicely clear.

Concentrating on their challenge to winter waves were wind surfers.

Southwest of Tokyo for 40 Km, Mt. Fuji could be well observed here.

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There are two things you cannot ultimately buy in this world: Jerusalem and Mt. Fuji.

Indeed there are two things you cannot ultimately buy in this world, if Chinese offer the Long Wall for sale and Americans turn the White House into a casino: Jerusalem and Mt. Fuji.

Truly there are two things you cannot ultimately buy in this world, if the Vatican turns to be a public company and super rich Muslims start to build another Dubai to promote Islam: Jerusalem and Mt. Fuji

There are two things only the Devil tries to buy in this world: Jerusalem and Mt. Fuji.

That is why I recommend you to abandon billions dollar/yen assets, since they cannot buy you Jerusalem or Mt. Fuji, the two most valuable things in this world, namely more valuable than diamonds queens in the world have.

Or, are you planning to buy the Antarctic Continent as a countermeasure for global warming.

Indeed, the third thing the super rich men cannot buy is CO2.

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Yes, Bill, a CPU had to be given a code from the beginning.

It needed an instruction and operands from the beginning.

But, man created codes, instructions, and operands in his brain for himself.

Yes, man got the ability through repeating the process of trial and error for billions years.

A CPU is not a living thing; a computer is not a living thing; it is not so from the beginning, if it starts to create codes, instructions, and operands suddenly today, since in the beginning it was a machine.

In the beginning, Bill, there was a keyboard.

Have nice 2010!

(Oh, Yeah! I got the right destination today, though I had been at a loss around 0:00 today. I saw a dark skinned foreign woman standing on a corner looking a little worried, though I hurried on a lane to the Sagami Bay facing the Pacific Ocean. The temperature must be around 5 degrees C or so as the wind was blowing fairly strong...

[Some people observed an eclipse of the moon in Japan around 4:00 of January 1. And it was the first in 19 years that a full moon was observed before the dawn of New Year's Day. Oh, maybe we are being blessed, ladies, gentlemen, and Your Highnesses.])

Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Gen 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Gen 1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.