Saturday, April 03, 2010

"Man shall not live by bread alone"

Paradigm Chnage

[Updated in February 2012]

You do not probably have $100 million as your own and at your discretion like 90% or more of American people.

But, those who have $100 million as their own and at their discretion do not want to lose $50 million at all.

If a law clearly stipulates the maxim allowable amount of money a man can earn and keep, the world would be economically improved.

But, why can't a law so stipulate? Does the God authorize an unlimited amount of money a man can earn and keep?

If freedom mostly means an unlimited amount of money a man can earn and keep is assured, slaves of money have the most freedom.

From the beginning, do you think those who have $100 million as their own and at their discretion and do not want lose $50 million at all are normal? Of course, this is a different matter from tax evasion.

In 2006, there are 116 million households in the U.S. Their average income is $66,572.

Indeed, each household must not be allowed to earn more or less than $66,572, and then each household pay a tax of $10,000 per year, since its total will be $1.16 trillion per year.

SECTION I: Separation of Taxation and Budget Preparation

Without revenue from tax, there is no budget preparation - this is the commonsense till the 20th century.

So, a government has to borrow money by issuing bonds when a fiscal balance is minus, that is, when a budget scale is larger than the amount of revenue from tax.

However, is it sane to adhere to this paradigm in a highly industrialized and advanced country, such as Japan?

Tax and budget must be two different things in my view in a new era of economy.

It is based on the idea that a scale of public work must not be influenced by the money market.

Even when a government bond loses value to zero, the government should implement public work costing, say, $1 trillion. Without tax revenue and issuing bonds, the government must prepare $1 trillion or order rich people directly to pay costs for public work mostly directed to the poor.

All the rich people might leave such a country in the worst case. But, in other case, they will obey the government. And, in this case, they will rather like the government to print bills newly to cover the public work costs.

The government, the money market, the poor, the rich, and the whole system of a nation must be addressed in new economics.

The enemy is desire for money. The enemy of a nation is the money market that does not respect a government.

The individual desire for money must be capped by the need of a government for money.

SECTION II: Could Velocity Vector Be Preserved?

They teach that a force changes the direction of the velocity of an object.

So, the gravity of the earth changes the direction of the original velocity of the moon, so that the moon circulates around the earth.

It means the moon preserves the magnitude of the original velocity but changes its direction every moment.

However, the truth might be as shown in the figure below with an assumption of a discrete time flow based on a certain small time unit.

The moon preserves the original speed in terms of direction and magnitude forever.

But, the gravity of the earth incessantly adds a new velocity to the moon toward the earth. These velocities are being added forever or as long as the moon rotates around the earth.

The original velocity still remains in addition to infinite number of added and balanced out velocities caused by the gravity of the earth.

The gravity force does not change the direction of the original velocity, but adds other velocities in different directions. They are all preserved while being added, accumulated, and cancelled out.

V = "a"
V = "a" + b
V = "a" + b + c
V = "a" + b + c + d
V = "a" + b + c + d + [the last added velocity]

If the earth should disappear before the last added velocity is added to the moon, while (b + c + d) = (0) like in the case of completion of one cycle (or all the accumulated velocities should be taken out or cancelled out), the moon should fly away to the original direction with its original magnitude.

V = "a" + (0) = "a"

Nonetheless, it might be:
V = "a" + [the latest added velocity]

(For a standard Newton-style analysis, )

(Force is defined as F = m x dv/dt.
If gravity works for dt, F x dt = (m x dv/dt) x dt = m x dv.
An object with a mass of m receives an additional velocity dv.
If its original speed is "a," it will have a velocity of "a" + dv.
However dt is usually an infinitesimal period of time.)

But, you had better realize that "a" is the word of the God, while (b + c + d) is what mankind has created, thought, or spoken the accumulation of which would be completely taken away or cancelled out eventually (when a man dies).

The word of the God remains forever while everything passes away.

*** *** *** ***

It will take 13 hours to fly from Tokyo to New York.

But, to meet a timing, you might have to first fly to Paris from Tokyo, taking 12 hours, and then fly to New York from Paris, taking 7 hours.

But why? Ask the Department of Foreign Affairs of Japan.

Or, is this a handicap of Japan for centuries?

Time is money, however, is not a word of Jesus Christ.


The only direction of evolution for mankind is that Jesus Christ showed 2000 years ago. It is not to the moon and beyond, or far and far away to eventually return to the earth of a billion years ago when no dinosaurs yet emerged.)

Mat 4:3 And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.

Mat 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.