Monday, July 05, 2010

"Noah did according unto all that the LORD commanded him"

(Shinjuku, Tokyo, Yesterday)

Cold Air High Makes Rain Fall in Japan

A weather forecaster said that it is cold air from Siberia now staying high over east Japan that is making guerrilla-type of local downpours around Tokyo.

It does not look like an effect of global warming.

Anyway, it is GDPs of China and the U.S. that have increased in parallel with an increase in the world temperature and the CO2 concentration in these two decades.

In my observation, heat accumulated in the Pacific Ocean is till strong, but a cooling trend has already started high in the air.

SECTION I: Approval Rate of the Kan Cabinet

According to the Aasahi Shimbun newspaper:

June 8/9.....60%

June 12/13.....59%

June 19/20.....50%

June 26/27.....48%

July 3/4.....39%

Within one month, the approval rating for the Kan Cabinet has dropped by nearly 20%.

Such a steep fall in popularity of the prime minister is very rare in the past Japanese politics. It took several months to get down to the 40% level even in Mr. Yukio Hatoyama's case.

Yet, if Former Prime Minister Mr. Yukio Hatoyama had continued his premiership, the rating would have become 10% or so by now. In such a case, no reliable and meaningful national election would be possible, though Mr. Yukio Hatoyama had been one of the world-class heroes eight months before. Mr. Hatoyama had to step down to save democracy and legal/political justice in Japan, no matter what reasons there were for his failure.

Prime Minister Mr. Naoto Kan must stop announcing a possible 5% consumption tax rise but start to study economy and economics for himself.

In addition, P.M. Mr. Naoto Kan must have strongly requested Chinese President Mr. Hu Jintao at the G20 Meeting to persuade North Korea to release Japanese citizens having been abducted by North Korea spies from 1970's to 1990's.

P.M. Mr. Kan reportedly showed his misguided appreciation to Chinese President Mr. Hu for his cooperation in this issue, though most of Japanese experts concerned think that China actually did not work on this issue against North Korea for Japan.

SECTION II: Chinese Bubble

The Chinese Government admitted this February that real-estate value in 70 major cities has risen by 10.7% year on year; new buildings are priced 13% higher than in the previous year.

The situation of the Japanese bubble from 1985 to 1991 seems to have been repeated in China between 2005 and 2008, according to some experts.

Some analysts even think that this bubble contributed to the China's 8.7% economic growth in 2009 and the 11.9% growth in 1Q of this year.


Probably a real and effective growth rate of Chinese GDP must be around 5% now, since capital investment accounts for 44% in its GDP, twice larger than in Japan, though China is still growing at around 28% in terms of car production.

China looks like still building in a frenzy many, many factories, commercial buildings, and condominiums 40% of which will not be fully used for a decade.


Chinese companies in the manufacturing sector invest in the real estate market, pushing up prices. It is because they cannot get enough profits in their main business, production of goods.

However, unlike Japan and the U.S., China is a despotic state. The Chinese Government can order rich men and businesses to sustain the bubble even by decreasing their assets by 30%, 50%, or 70%.

Yet, G3 had better be convened in order for Japan and the U.S. to guide China into soft landing.

*** *** *** ***

I wonder why now there is nobody in Palestine whose family tree can be traced back to the era of Jesus Christ without interruption of his ancestors as residents in Palestine.

(But, almost no ancestors of today's European Americans lived in North America 500 years ago.)

It is truly unbelievable that a memory of the emergence of the Son of God has completely lost in the very area where He emerged.

It is not easy to interpret this mystery in light of commonsense, logic, and philosophy.

Students in the world had better tackle this mystery during their summer holiday.

By the way, they say nowadays many Japanese are wrongly taken as Chinese in Europe and Latin America. I may even look like a Chinese depending on a street in the world. You had better look like a Spaniard, a German, a Netherlander, or an Uruguayan nowadays to be safe on the street of the world, if you do not look like a Japanese sometimes at all.


Nice vacances never corrects a bad mind, since Jesus Christ had never been to vacances.)

Gen 7:4 For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth.

Gen 7:5 And Noah did according unto all that the LORD commanded him.

Gen 7:6 And Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth.