Tuesday, July 17, 2012

"which God had sworn to Abraham" - Immediately After Hiroshima/Nagasaki Bombings

Japanese National Diet Building

Immediately After Hiroshima/Nagasaki Bombings

After the US military forces attacked Hiroshima (on August 6) and Nagasaki (on August 9) with B29 bombers that dropped a nuclear (atomic) bomb in each city, the Imperial Government started medical investigation on citizens of the two cities.

It continued after the US troops landed on Japan following surrender of the Imperial Army and Navy on August 15.  The Japanese medical team started to cooperate with an American investigation team that came to Japan to study the effect of atomic bombs on human bodies.

But the initial report was solely prepared by Japanese medical doctors and scientists.  The report was issued on November 15, 1945 under the title of "Medical Report of The Atomic Bombing in Hiroshima." The authors were specified as Army Medical College, The First Tokyo Army Hospital (of the Empire of Japan).

However, another report delivered on November 30, 1945 seemed to be more popular among parties concerned:
The Impact of The A-Bomb (Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 1945-80) 
November 30: 
Special Committee for Investigation of A-bomb Damages (Scientific Research Council) presents first report (at Tokyo Imperial University). GHQ issues directive requiring prior permission for A-bomb research.   

A medical department of the Imperial Army of Japan started medical checks on 6,000 Hiroshima citizens who survived while suffering the atomic bomb attack in an army hospital in Hiroshima City immediately after the atomic bomb attack on August 6, 1941.        

Japanese medical doctors who participated in this investigation checked injured citizens not to cure them but to collect data without informing patients of the true purpose of the medical examination.  (This fact is now criticized by many Japanese citizens engaged in peace movement.)

At the time, Japanese parties concerned were eager to prepare a report without delay and present it to a US investigative team and related authorities that came to Japan for study on the effect of the nuclear bombs.  The Japanese elites involved wanted to receive a favor from US parties concerned who were mostly under authority of General MacArthur, General Head Quarters (GHQ) of the occupation forces, or defense branches of the US Government.  By presenting useful and precise data on effects of atomic bombs on the human body, ex-Imperial military generals, officers, and officials expected lenient judgment from US authorities on their anti-American and inhumane acts they had conducted during WWII.

Specifically the report included results of medical checks on 17,000 surviving children who had been in 70 locations in Hiroshima and Nagasaki when an atomic bomb was dropped in each city.  There included were also 14 volumes of data from postmortem examination with 200 dead bodies.
US medical doctors and scientists who received the report prepared by Japanese experts expressed their great gratitude to the Japanese team.  And it is believed that this report contributed much to development of American study on radiation medicine and technology.

In addition, cooperation between Japan and the US on effects of radiation on the human body has continued to date.

It might still help Fukushima citizens who lived close to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant that started a great accident after the M9.0 earthquake and the great tsunami on March 11, 2011.  

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Act 7:17 But when the time of the promise drew nigh, which God had sworn to Abraham, the people grew and multiplied in Egypt,
Act 7:18 Till another king arose, which knew not Joseph.