Wednesday, October 24, 2012

"And Cornelius waited for them" - US President vs. China

Near the Tokyo Station...

US President vs. China

This year while Syrian people were suffering the cruel civil war, Europeans and other people were enjoying the London Olympics games.

This is very bad.  The God must be angry at Europeans and other people.  However as it was one year after 2011 when Japan experienced the huge natural calamity and the nuclear accident, Japanese people had psychological room in their minds to enjoy the sports events.

In 2008, it was bad.  The Beijing Olympics were crazy as athletes were forced to compete in heavily contaminated air of Beijing.  Even before the Olympics games, a big earthquake occurred in southern China, especially, around a region where there were many nuclear weapon related facilities and installations run by the Chinese defense sector.

What was worse, the sub-prime mortgage crisis finally entered its worst phase; the oil price hit the highest level in history; and decisively the Lehman Shock started in Wall Street.

Riding on this exceptionally bad trend, Mr. Barack Obama was elected as US President.

And four years later, today, no American elites passionately talk about the coming of the G2 era, like they did before 2008, where every issue in the world is supposed to be solved by G2, the US and China.      

Now let's see what President Mr. Obama and Mr. Romney have said about China:

Obama, Romney say China needs to play by the rules 
By MATTHEW PENNINGTON | Associated Press – Tue, Oct 23, 2012
"I want a great relationship with China," Romney said. "China can be our partner. But that does not mean they can just roll all over us and take our jobs on an unfair basis." 
Obama described China as both an adversary and a potential international partner. He defended his record in addressing China's trade violations, saying his administration had brought more cases than his predecessor, George W. Bush, did in two terms. 
Neither candidate grappled with the deeper challenges of China's rise: that it has managed to build a competitive economy while maintaining an authoritarian political system. There was also little substantive discussion of the challenge posed to U.S. military pre-eminence in the Asia-Pacific by China's rapid military buildup. 
Romney said China needs to create 20 million jobs every year, and that it wants a stable world in which it can trade its goods. But he said China would not respect a United States that has a heavily indebted economy and is cutting back its military.

By Elizabeth Dwoskin on July 05, 2012   
At a campaign stop in Toledo on Thursday, President Barack Obama announced his latest gambit in the race to demonstrate a tough line against China: a World Trade Organization case against the Chinese government’s tariffs on American cars.
This is the seventh such case the U.S. has brought against China during Obama’s tenure, and the location and timing are significant. Toledo, as my Bloomberg colleague Kate Brower reports, is home to a Chrysler plant that manufactures the Jeep Wrangler.

14 November 2011 Last updated at 12:42 GMT 
To be fair Barack Obama was a little more circumspect about the way he put it, but it's still a pretty extraordinary statement to make. 
He was careful to begin by saying he welcomed China's "peaceful rise", and believed there could be "friendly and constructive competition" between the two.
But China's leaders, he said, need "to understand that their role is different now than it might have been 20 years ago or 30 years ago when, if they were breaking some rules, it didn't really matter, it didn't have a significant impact".
"Now they have grown up. They are going to have to help manage this process in a responsible way." 
There is a widespread view in America that China's rise is happening because it is willing to flout the rules that others follow, profiting at their expense.

BUSINESS | 9/13/2011  
Romney Takes On China 
Romney promised last Tuesday that one of his initial executive orders on his first day as president would be to “clamp down on the cheaters” by slapping duties on Chinese imports if Beijing doesn’t move quickly to float its currency. “I will label China as it is, a currency manipulator and I will go after them for stealing our intellectual property,” he said while unveiling his plan to revive the troubled U.S. economy and create jobs.

Mitt Romney on Free Trade

China doesn't want to have a trade war; so push hard

Source: 2011 GOP debate at Dartmouth College, NH , Oct 11, 2011

Q: Candidates have talked tough on China before--George W. Bush did it, Barack Obama did it--but once elected, the president takes a much more cautious approach.
A: They have been played like a fiddle by the Chinese. And the Chinese are smiling all the way to the bank, taking our currency and taking our jobs and taking a lot of our future. And I'm not willing to let that happen. We've got to call cheating for what it is. 
Q: Isn't that risking a trade war?
A: Well, now, think about that. We buy this much stuff from China; they buy that much stuff from us. You think they want to have a trade war? This is a time when we're being hollowed out by China that is artificially holding down their prices. On day one, I will issue an executive order identifying China as a currency manipulator. We'll bring an action against them in front of the WTO for manipulating their currency. If you're not willing to stand up to China, you'll get run over by China. And that's what's happened for 20 years.
Nobody wants war between the US and China.

Nobody minds if poor Chinese get rich.

But it might lead to a de facto war between the coalition of the US and Japan and China, if rich Chinese are all bad.

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Act 10:24 And the morrow after they entered into Caesarea. And Cornelius waited for them, and he had called together his kinsmen and near friends.
Act 10:25 And as Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him, and fell down at his feet, and worshipped him.
Act 10:26 But Peter took him up, saying, Stand up; I myself also am a man.