Saturday, August 31, 2013

"after three days rise again" - Rothschild and Uranium

Oiso Railroad Station, Kanagawa Pref. Southwest of Tokyo
(Oiso on Sagami Bay facing the Pacific is a town where many VIPs have vacation houses, historically.)

Rothschild and Uranium

The nuclear energy industry is big business.

It means that there are many people concerned with this business like in the financial business and the automobile industry.  But who are the leading figures in this sector who control profits in the global market?
Jacob Rothschild and the nuclear power lobby 
Rothschild’s interests extend beyond the financial sector. In
2005, the newspaper Sunday Business reported, ‘N. M.
Rothschild, the London merchant bank, is leading an initiative
to finance, build and manage Britain’s next generation of
nuclear power stations.’ (Orange 2005) 
Rothschild’s involvement in nuclear power was centred
on his ambition to ‘dominate the next phase of nuclear power
development’. (Orange 2005) British Nuclear Fuels plc is an
international company owned by the government, involved in
all stages of the nuclear process: designing reactors,
manufacturing fuel, decommissioning reactors and dealing with
radioactive waste. (British Nuclear Fuels 2006)  
In 2005, Rothschild assembled a plan for British Nuclear Fuels plc
suggesting the means for funding nuclear power through the
private sector. (Orange 2005) In April 2006, Rothschild was
appointed by British Nuclear Fuels plc to handle the £1bn sale
of the organisation’s nuclear clean-up arm, British Nuclear
Group. (Pfeifer 2006)


There is a very powerful international hidden nuclear alliance. Nuclear power and uranium supplies and prices are controlled globally by the Rothschild syndicate. This power and control was not at first obvious. 
In a two volume series, “The Rothschilds,” Japanese journalist Takashi Hirose exposed the well-concealed mechanisms for the Rothschild syndicate’s control of nuclear power. A Rothschild serves as the business manager for the Queen of England, who privately and secretly owns massive interests in uranium holdings in Africa, Canada and Australia through Rio Tinto Mines. 
Hirose’s charts of Rothschild intermarriages in his books reveal that the Rothschild syndicate has for centuries extensively intermarried with royal families and nobility globally. He also revealed that Princess Diana’s mother was a Rothschild through intermarriages several generations back. It is easy to understand how the ruling elite and London Money Power have shared common interests and goals, since they mutually benefit by forming alliances. And they know elected officials are easy to bribe. 
Three secret nuclear wars 
With little awareness in the global community, the global ruling elite have carried out three continuous and overlapping secret nuclear wars since the end of World War II, with atmospheric testing, nuclear power plants and depleted uranium weaponry. Nuclear technologies certainly meet their depopulation policy goals and, at the same time, the maximization of profits – since they own the uranium sources needed for nuclear fuel and have vested interests in nuclear energy. 
There are also ties to pharmaceutical companies, which further their goals of maximizing profits. They get paid to make the mess, they get paid to clean it up and they get paid to treat the illnesses they caused. It is repeat business – extreme capitalism at its best. 
The best way to stop it is for cities, towns and villages to get off the grid. Citizens must own the energy companies and shift energy choices to renewable, passive and non-destructive forms of energy. The oil economy is a con game with extortion, racketeering and fraud thrown in.


In his 1985 autobiography, Guy claimed that, until the old Rio Tinto evolved into RTZ (Rio Tinto Zinc) in 1962, through its acquisition of Consolidated Zince in Australia, the Rothschilds held no less than half the shares of the British company. At an unspecified time, Anglo American (one of the Rothschild's partners in the Brinco confection) also acquired 10% of RTZ, through its London-based subsidiary, Charter Consolidated and a Rothschild sat on the Charter board. 
Certainly RTZ and the French Rothschilds connived closely to form the notorious "uranium cartel" in the early 1970s, in order to outflank the United States, then the prime supplier of the deadly metal. During US Congressional investigation of the cartel in 1975, one Congressman McDonald lambasted the Rothschilds in no uncertain terms: 
"As suggested by the fist clenching five arrows in the family crest, the Rothschilds of France and England have an interest in nearly every uranium mine in the world…The Rothschild presence is everything" [ US Congressional Record, Extension of Remarks, Washington DC 4/3/1975].` 
It is fair to conclude that the Bank (certainly the French arm) is no longer "everything" in the manifold manoeuvres of what is now the world's second largest mining company. In its latest Annual Report, Rio Tinto plc lists its twenty largest shareholders; between them controlling 32.47% of the company's share capital. All are "nominees" (ie investing on behalf of unnamed investors which could include themselves), led by the Bank of New York (7.63%), followed closely by Chase (7.58%) and with HSBC coming third (2.06%). 
Rio Tinto Ltd, the company's Australian arm, is 37.60% owned by Rio Tinto in London, with Chase Manhatten Nominees second (9.18%).  
Neither of the dual-listed companies are officially the beneficiaries of any important Rothschild stake. [Rio Tinto 2001: Annual Report and financial stat ements (according to US General Accounting principles), London and Melbourne, 2002, page 131]. 
Nonetheless, during the 1980s and early 1990s Rothschild and Rio Tinto continued to do deals. The bank was associated with the mining company when Rio Tinto planned to purchase the huge Cerro Colorado copper project in Pinochset's Chile, through its subsidiary, Rio Algom. (The project was delayed and Rio Tinto late sold off Rio Algom ["Plunder!" page 137]). And Rio Tinto bought up 40% of the vast - and hugely rich - Neves Corvo copper mine in Portugal in 1984 from two IMETAL subsidiaries. 
But the nineties yielded nothing of the type and scale of investment brokered between the partners over the previous century. Two mining projects have brought the company and bank together recently (Lihir and Richards Bay) but these are relatively minor, conventional plays (see appendix). Rio Tinto and Rothschild do not seem to be currently wheeling and dealing in Australia, where the bank is concentrating its attention on the minerals sector 
It is certainly reasonable to suggest that Rothshild's newfound interest in the mining company Lepanto may be partly motivated by Rio Tinto's former hands-on involvement with the Philippine company in the same area (It would not be unreasonable to speculate that the two parties consulted beforehand). But this is probably less important than the fact that it is partly through their 120 year association with Rio Tinto that the Rothschilds have acquired an expertise in mine finance which is unrivalled.
It is said that the following five uranium producing companies are still subject to the Rothschild House: Rito Tinto (UK, Australia), Cameco (Canada), BHP Billiton (UK, Australia), and Paladin Energy (Australia).

(However, there are rumors that the Rothschilds have already sold out mining rights of many of uranium mines they held previously to Japanese and Chinese companies.)

Japanese nuclear reactor makers are also actively involved in this industry on a global base.

Mitsubishi ties up with Areva; Toshiba now retains Westinghouse Electric Company; and Hitachi works together with GE.  And Areva and Westinghouse are under control of the Rothschild family while GE belongs to the Rockefeller combine.  They are major players in the nuclear energy market in the world.

It is also interesting that the nuclear energy development in Japan after WWII was started by Matsutaro Shoriki (1885-1969).  He was a bureaucrat-turned owner of The Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper as well as a politician.  Shoriki had also a secret tie with US CIA.

Then this nuclear initiative was carried on by Mr. Yasuhiro Nakasone (1918-), a former prime ministsr of Japan.  In 1950's and 1960's when Nakasone was a young rising politician, he introduced a bill into the National Diet to allocate a government budget to nuclear development.  Nakasone has been strongly supported by CIA.

Finally when Japan started in full scale to build nuclear power generation stations around 1970, then prime minister Kakuei Tanaka (1918-1993) started to be engaged in hunting of right and interest in building nuclear power plants.  However, Tanaka was not liked by CIA, so that he was trapped in the Lockheed scandal and forced to resign eventually.

So, since CIA owed its foundation and progress to Allen Dulles who was a contact lawyer of Rockefeller's Standard Oil, the Japanese nuclear policy has been under influence of Rockefeller.

But roughly speaking, we might say that nuclear energy is under a strong influence of the Rothschild House while the oil sector is in the realm of the Rockefeller family.

In either case the more consumers in the world use energy and electricity, the more the Rothschild House/the Rockefeller family and their associates make a profit, if energy revolution is not fully realized.

Major Uranium Mines

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Mar 8:31 And he began to teach them, that the Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders, and of the chief priests, and scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again.