Tuesday, April 22, 2014

"nothing hid, which shall not be manifested" - Chosen People


Chosen People

Once, or some 50 years ago, a Japanese woman married an American Judaist in New York.

Then she met family members of her husband.  The Japanese woman was astonished to hear their saying that they were chosen people; they were excellent, accordingly.

However Judaists have not been the only contributors to crucial development of technology of the human world, while technology is direct tools to produce wealth based on science.
The Four Great Inventions are inventions from ancient China that are celebrated in Chinese culture for their historical significance and as symbols of ancient China's advanced science and technology. 
The Four Great Inventions are:
These four discoveries had a large impact on the development of civilization throughout the world.
Of course, there are more familiar great inventions that don't seem, however, to have been invented by Judaists.
Greatest Inventors of all Time

Who is the Greatest inventor of all time?

It is hard to pick out a winner of the greatest inventor of all time. Also for some inventions we don't know the first person to invent it was. For example, fire, the wheel, a boat. All these are marvellous and essential inventions that could have been invented by anyone. 
Also, sometimes inventions don't come all at once but are more gradual evolutions. For example, Baron Von Drais is credited with inventing the bicycle. But, others made significant contributions to its development.

These are some of the greatest inventors. who do you think was the greatest inventor of all time?

Thomas Edison - the light bulb and many more. One of the most prolific inventors of all time 
The Wright Brothers - for making the powered aircraft flight. 
John Deer - inventing the plough 
Henry Ford - for inventing the assembly line and the first low cost automobile cars 
Benjamin Franklin - discovered electricity and invented the Franklin stove 
Charles Babbage - created first mechanical computer 
John Boyd Dunlop for inventing and producing the rubber pneumatic tyre. 
Marie Curie - discovered Radium and help make use of radiation and X Rays. 
Alexander Bell - Inventing the telephone 
Leonardo Da Vinci - one of the greatest ever minds, invented models that proved workable 3-500 years later. 
Galileo - the telescope and revolutionary theories about the nature of the world. 
Tim Berners Lee the http:// protocol for the internet. 
Archimedes - amongst other things worked out pi and developed the archimedes screw for lifting up water from mines or wells. 
James Watt - inventor of the steam engine in the industrial revolution. 
Nikola Tesla - fluorescent lighting, the Tesla coil, the induction motor, and 3-phase electricity and AC electricity. 
John Logie Baird - TV
But of course, some Judaists have devised world-class inventions.
List of jewish inventions..?

Polaroid Camera -- Edward Land
Adding Machine -- Abraham Stern
Traffic Light -- Charles Adler
Scale-Model Train -- Joshua Lionel Cowan
Blue Jeans -- Levi Strauss
Valium -- Leo Sternbach
Microphone -- Emile Berliner
Teddy Bear -- Morris Michtom
Stainless Steel -- Benno Strauss
Disc Records -- Emile Berliner
Sound movies -- Isador Kitsee
Telephone -- Jacob Reis
Kodachrome -- Leopold Mannes & Leopold Godowsky
Hot dog bun -- Abraham Levis
Flexi-straws -- Joe Friedman
But even Japanese have developed many great products:
Top 10 Japanese Inventions 
Japanese tech companies are better known for improving upon foreign inventions, but there have been plenty of significant technologies to come out of Japan in the last 50 years. Here are ten of the best. 
10. The Flat-Panel Display

9. The Floppy Disk

8. The Digital SLR Camera

7. The Video Cassette

6. The Camcorder

5. The Pocket Calculator

4. The Portable Music Player

3. The Quartz Wristwatch

2. The High-Speed Passenger Train

1. The Compact Disc
So, God chose Hebrews, but it was not to make them create wealth in the world as the greatest contributor.

God chose Jews not for material reasons but for spiritual reasons, which Judaiats today do not seem to fully recognize.

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Mar 4:22 For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad.