Saturday, January 17, 2015

"unto Christ are fourteen generations" - The Future Testament and Gospel

Last Year's Snow in the Tokyo Suburbs 

The Future Testament and Gospel 

What is the most strange is that no Bibles have been written in these 1,900 years.

No continuation of the Old Testament has been written, and no Gospels or the fifth or the sixth one has been written.

It is very strange while Judaists have been living for 2,000 years and Christians have been living for the same period of time after the First Emergence of Christ Jesus.

More Testaments and Bibles should have been created, but only the Koran was edited in these 2,000 years as a new holy book.

Have Judaists and Christians lost spiritual ability to communicate with holy spirits?  But it seems that only holy Muhammad was endowed such ability with in these centuries.

If such a new Bible or Testament is to be produced in the US, it must probably begin with the 9/11 Terror of 2001 and continue with descriptions on the 2008 Financial Crisis.

If it should be written in Japan, it must probably start with description of the atomic bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 and continue with the 1995 Hanshin-Kobe Earthquake and Tokyo subway terror with a sarin gas and further the 2011 Northeast Japan Great Tsunami and subsequent Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident.    

Maybe some holy men are writing such a holy book now.  But how are they being guided by holy ghosts?

For instance, last night I met an American woman in my dream.  She spoke Japanese while I was speaking English.  And finally she disappeared while I was checking something at the counter of a railway station.  She said something about a domiciliary register before the disappearing act.

New authors of the future Testament or Gospel must be guided by angels even in their dreams like holy Mohammed was guided by the angel Gabriel.

By the way what were your ancestors fourteen generations ago doing?  If it translates into 500 years, it was when Columbus discovered America.  It is time for an American or somebody to enter into the writing of a modern Gospel.

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Mat 1:17 So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations; and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations.