Monday, February 16, 2015

"Mary, and Joseph, and the babe" - God is Miracle


God is Miracle

It is apparent that God exists.

There is no doubt about existence of God who created this universe and more, including the spiritual world.

But why must God exist?  If God did not exist, of course, this universe doesn't exist and hence we, mankind, don't exist.

This is the last question for mankind.  Why must God exist, though without God there would be nothing?  In the case, there is no space and time.  Even no spirits exist.  No angels and devils should exist.  It is total naught.

We cannot even imagine the world without God, since the world doesn't exist and we don't exist.  No stars, no sun, and no moon are in the sky.  And there would be no sky at all.

In addition, though God exists, this world looks incomplete.  Among human beings created by God, there are many bad guys.  In the spiritual world, there are evil spirits.  What God has created actually includes such horrible negative factors.  But, if God does not exist, even no bad guys and no devils exist.  Then it looks like it is more perfect without God.

So, the answer is that the existence of God is beyond our understanding.  We cannot know why God must exist.  And further, we cannot understand why God has created this incomplete world.

By the way, this evening I saw three cars at one location of a narrow path in a city.  One was going to enter a garage of a house on the path; another is going out from a small parking lot to the path; and the other is slowly passing by me.

All these cars have two "0"s on their license plates that have four-digit numbers on them explicitly except that the fourth digit with 0 is not indicated (ex. 67-89 or 1-23).

These three cars have such numbers as 11-00, 50-50, and 6-00.

The probability of XX-00 is 9/10,000; the probability of Y0-Y0 is 9/10,000, and (0)Z-00 is 9/10,000.

And, all the cases happened one time at one location: 27/1,000,000,000,000 or 27 per trillion, or one in 37 billion.

If I see 1,000 cars per day, 37 billion cars need 37 million days, which means 100,000 years.  

Therefore, this evening an event that would occur once in 100 thousand years in Japan has really happened just before my eyes without being known by anybody, including drivers of those cars, since I was only at a position where I could read all these licence plates of the cars.

And if God did not exist, there would be no probability and no possibilities of anything.  Conversely, God exists with all the probabilities covering 100% perfect to 0% of total incompleteness.  I may be positioned at 0.000000001%.

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Luk 2:16 And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.