Thursday, December 08, 2016

"the Son of man is Lord" - More Peace Loving God Followers Needed

Shinkansen super-express train, east of Tokyo

More Peace Loving God Followers Needed

When the Empire of Japan decided to launch a war against the US in 1941, only 10 to 20 persons were involved in the decision making: the emperor, the prime minister, other ministers and the Cabinet members, top generals of the Imperial Army and Navy.  But as a result of this war fought as part of WWII, three million Japanese were killed.

When the US decided to launch a war against Iraq in 2003, only several persons were involved in the decision making: the President, the Vice President, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of State, etc.  But as a result, hundreds  of thousands of Iraqis and subsequently Syrians as well as thousands of US soldiers faced fatal fates.  And, indirectly, due to the rise of ISIS, millions of Muslims have been forced to flee their countries as far as to Western Europe.

Whether in a totalitarian country or a fully democratic country, a decision made by a small number of top politicians could cause a grave consequence.  And if more people were involved in such decision making,  such a tragedy could not be prevented probably.

However, if there is common strong understanding in the society that a war must be avoided at any costs, the situation must be different.  Those top leaders must be influenced by the voice of citizens.

So, we need more peace loving God followers in any society to prevent war.  Only righteous citizens can stop war.  We should not trust and rely on top leaders of a nation.

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Mat 12:8 For the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day.