Monday, September 11, 2017

"the rising from the dead" - Abandonment and Adoption of the Language

Shibuya, Tokyo

Abandonment and Adoption of the Language

When checking the structure of the Indo-European language tree, the following points are noteworthy:
1. Greek and Latin (Italic) are in different groups.
2. Greek and Macedonian are in different groups.

It is interesting when looking back to the history of the ancient power shift from ancient Greeks to ancient Macedonians and to ancient Romans.  Any of these tribes abandoned its language and adopted a new language all through its history.

Indo-European Language Tree

And, it is also interesting that Jewish people in the diaspora after the Jewish-Roman wars around the first century totally abandoned Hebrew and adopted local European languages, Arabic, etc.

So, it can be assumed that Abraham and his clan abandoned Sumerian in their immigration to Palestine after the fall of the Sumerian kingdom where Sumerian was spoken, since they left Ur, the city of Sumerians in Mesopotamia, around 2000 BC.

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Mar 9:10 And they kept that saying with themselves, questioning one with another what the rising from the dead should mean.