Saturday, May 25, 2024

"Methuselah lived an hundred eighty and seven years, and begat Lamech" - The Spiritual Energy in the Material/Human World


A Sunset around Tokyo

The Spiritual Energy in the Material/Human World  

This material world was created from the spirit world with spiritual energy through words or notion of the God as the Bible taught.

Indeed, some theories in modern physics such as the principle of constancy of light velocity and the existence of imaginary time at the beginning of the universe suggest that this material world was made of the spirit world with spiritual energy, which cannot be comprehended and explained by the human modern science.  

So, it is no wonder that miracles or paranormal phenomena can happen in this material world or the human world.  The spiritual energy or force should overcome laws of physics.  If such energy or force works in this material world, a man should be able to float on air or walk over waters like our Lord Jesus Christ.  Indeed, the Lord produced foods such as many breads and fish from nowhere.  So, therefore the Holy Mother could surely bear the holy child, Jesus Christ, through inspiration.  

Truly nothing is impossible for the God in the material/human world as well as in the spirit world.  That is why people have continued to intuitionally pray to the God for anything they wish in any human cultures or religions.  Truly for the creator of this material universe and the human world, who is the God, nothing should be impossible although men' ability is limited with restrictions of time, space, etc.   

But, some people with supernatural power or psychic power can perform miracles against laws of physics such as spoon bending, object attraction, or even levitation.  They should use the spiritual energy in this human world.  But, the mechanism of their use of the spiritual energy is not clear.  But, most of them respect the God, great holly spirits such as the Buddha, or their ancestors.  Indeed, their mind status, religious depth and purity, or inherent propensity toward the holy should allow them to use the spiritual energy.  Indeed, none can see how faithful the mind of others are. 

Put simply, if a man is appraised highly by the God, he might be allowed to use the spiritual power.  But, it is impossible for others to judge how much faithful a man who can use the spiritual energy is at the bottom of his mind or soul.

Yet, as the God used the spiritual energy through His words or notion, such men should also use their mind power to perform miracles.  So, some medical doctors admit that mind status of patients affect their recovery from diseases.  And, believers of a religion respect a leader or a guru with strong mind power.  People can accept the idea that power of our minds can cause miracles.

That is why our Lord Jesus Christ with great spiritual ability and power has been revered for so long.  His power should be working even after His death on the cross 2,000 years ago.  Other holy figures such as the Buddha, etc. should also have had great mind power.  They should be able to give the spiritual power to their followers living in this material/human world.  Therefore, some monks, nuns, and other religious people have been able to perform miracles through ascetic training or pure faith.  Some of them are called saints or sagas.  Indeed, the Gospels tell that disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ were given the spiritual or mind power to perform miracles.

Yet, even if you are not professional religious men, you might be able to use the spiritual energy to cause miracles only if the God allows it.  The minimum condition seems to have true faith in and fear of the God.  For example, Uri Geller must have true faith in holy spirits or the God, although people around him cannot see it.    

In Japan in early 1970s, when Uri Geller made a TV appearance to perform spoon bending, more than 10 thousands little children who saw the TV program started to bend spoons with their psychic power.  Little children with credulous minds watching Geller's performance on TV should have thought that they might have such power and they proved it.  Having nothing in their minds that could be obstacles in using spiritual energy should allowed them to use the spiritual energy.  Indeed, the Lord Jesus Christ said that we had to be docile or submissive to be admitted into the Kingdom of the God, which should mean to be able to use the spiritual energy.        

So, some researchers of the spirit world and psychic matters recommend people to pray to the God for peace in the world; then as a result of such prayers aggregated, peace should come to Ukraine and Gaza.  The spiritual power and psychic power invoked by billions of people should work to cause the miracle of stopping the war in Ukraine and Gaza.

Anyway, this material world and the human society are made of the spiritual energy that can supersede physical laws in the material world and laws of cause and effect in the human society.  The spiritual energy can overcome restrictions of time and space.  So, with the spiritual energy you might achieve peace in the world or bend spoons only if the God or other great holly spirits allow. 

However, Satan and other evil spirits can also use the spiritual energy to make people get astonished and follow them.  Those who can use the spiritual energy must face challenges from Satan and evil spirits, which is so dangerous that our Lord Jesus Christ carefully chose His discipled to be given the spiritual energy lest they might be made slaves of Satan.  Otherwise, the God gives ordinary people at most the psychic ability to use the spiritual energy that is only enough to bend a spoon.         

Finally, believing in the Lord Jesus Christ means believing in the spiritual power He has.  We have to start to believe that this material/human world was created from the spiritual energy in the spirit world through word/notion of the God.      

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Genesis 5, King James Version
21 And Enoch lived sixty and five years, and begat Methuselah:
22 And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters:
23 And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years:
24 And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.
25 And Methuselah lived an hundred eighty and seven years, and begat Lamech.
26 And Methuselah lived after he begat Lamech seven hundred eighty and two years, and begat sons and daughters:
27 And all the days of Methuselah were nine hundred sixty and nine years: and he died.
28 And Lamech lived an hundred eighty and two years, and begat a son: