Wednesday, June 12, 2024

"and continued all night in prayer to God" - Light and Minds Linked with the Spirit World

A Park around Tokyo

Light and Minds Linked with the Spirit World 

The speed of light is constant if observed and measured by anyone moving at any speed.  This is called the principle of constancy of light velocity.  But, it suggests that light is an entity not in this material world but in the spirit world.

The relationship between this material world and the spirit world never changes no matter if a man in this material world moves at any speed in this material world.  Heaven a man imagines in this world at any speed never moves.  If a man imagines Heaven while walking or in a jet plane flying fast, Heaven never moves.  Likewise, light never changes its speed even if observed or measured by a man walking or in a jet plane flying fast in this world.  This means that light is essentially a phenomenon in the spirit world but its shadow is projected from the spirit world to this material world.   

Moreover, according to Einstein, energy (E) in this world can be expresses as E = MC^2 with mass (M) of a material object in this world and square of light speed C^2 that is a phenomenon in the spirit world.  This equation means that a phenomenon in the spirit world, which is light (C), can influence this world by delivering material energy (E) through a material factor of mass (M).  

In addition, there is another special phenomenon in this material world that is called the human mind that has no mass like light but works at the light speed or more.  So, it is natural to think that the human mind has some relationship with the spirit world like light.  The speed of the mind work never changes even if a man moves at any speed, walking or in a fast jet plane, like the speed of light.  And, as light has a relationship with energy in this world, the human mind can have a relationship with energy in this world.

So, a man with supernatural power or spiritual power to cause a paranormal phenomenon should be able to put his mind in a special state.  Then, his mind should be able to work on a material object to deliver energy like E = MS^2 with S as a spiritual quantity of a state of his mind.  But, this S, namely the spiritual quantity of a state of the mind, should vary according to each man.  The higher one's S is, the more he can perform a miracle.       

So, some people should be born with high spiritual quantities of their minds.  Others might try to enhance their spiritual quantities of their minds through ascetic training or religious training.  This is why there were some Buddhist monks or Shinto priests in Japan who performed miracles with their spiritual power.  And, people like Yuri Geller should have special constitutional spiritual ability with higher S in their minds.   

However, it is not yet clear how to measure the spiritual quantity of one's mind.  None can see how pure or great other man's mind is spiritually.  An outwardly poor, little, and weak man might have a very pure or great mind spiritually.  He might be able to cause a miracle like the Lord Jesus Christ.

Anyway, light is an example of phenomena that links this material world with the spirit world.  And another example should be our minds or souls.

More importantly, it is assumed that this material world where we live was created from the spirit world through words and notion of the God who must have used spiritual energy, light, and His mind work. 

Indeed, the Gospel reads as follows: And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not (John 1).  The material world should be dark without light from the spirit world.  The mankind should live in darkness without a spirit/soul coming from the spirit world to generate the human mind in the material world.

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Luke 6, King James Version
9 Then said Jesus unto them, I will ask you one thing; Is it lawful on the sabbath days to do good, or to do evil? to save life, or to destroy it?
10 And looking round about upon them all, he said unto the man, Stretch forth thy hand. And he did so: and his hand was restored whole as the other.
11 And they were filled with madness; and communed one with another what they might do to Jesus.
12 And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.