Monday, June 17, 2024

"which came to hear him, and to be healed of their diseases" - The Spirit World and The Material World

A Park around Tokyo

The Spirit World and The Material World

According to those who have claimed that they once entered into the spirit world in any way such as near-death experiences and spiritual experiences, everything they wished there was immediately realized and embodied.  So, there is no need to earn and use money.  In addition, there are no restrictions of time and space there.  However, not all that entered into the spirit world advanced to Heaven but some voluntarily went to the hells to avoid bright light of the God.   

The description on the afterlife or the spirit world by Swedenborg is accepted by must of them as true, though he lived in the 18th-century world. 

Put simply, the afterlife or the spirit world is a world of notion and thoughts.  Indeed, the Bible reads that the God created the world with His words and notion.  The God first created the spirit world and then the material world with spiritual energy.  Spirits were also created in the spirit world and put into the human brains in the material world.  The spirits turned to souls to create human minds in the human brains.  So, when a man dies, his material body collapses but his soul with his mind leaves this material world and comes back to the spirit world as a spirit.  This is the common view on the spirit world by those who have claimed that they have seen the spirit world.  Physical death in this world is not death of souls and minds.  It is consistent with words of the Lord Jesus Christ.

So, Christianity prevailed for centuries among people who believed in the afterlife.  In this context, the Middle Ages in Europe  (from the late 4th century to the 10th century) are not dark ages but bright ages with hope of the bright afterlife.  Europeans in the Middle Ages should have lived happily spiritually.

But with the Crusades in the 11th century, this belief in the afterlife or the spirit world was tarnished. Furthermore, with the Industrial Revolution started in the late 18th century, this belief came to fade away.  And finally around the 21st century, with development of computers and AI, this belief has been regarded as fantasy.     

Yet, in each era when the belief in the afterlife or the spirit world was drastically decreased, some spiritual activities or phenomena appeared in the human world.  Examples were Swedenborg, Mary's Apparition in Fatima, Harry Edwards, Yuri Geller, etc.  They all suggest the existence of the spirit world and the spiritual energy. 

From the beginning, the Lord Jesus Christ taught that there is the spirit world.  The human civilization in these 2,000 years has been built on this teaching.  The belief in existence of Heaven and the hells has been the basics of the human civilization.  But, it is about to be cast out with development of computers and AI.  However, computers and AI cannot see the spirit world, deliver warnings on coming wars and natural catastrophe to the mankind, heal the sick through spiritual energy, or even bend a spoon with spiritual power.       

With the belief in the afterlife and the spirit world, Christianity and this world civilization started 2,000 years ago.  But, with fading away of this belief, this world civilization is about to collapse in the 21st century.  

Finally, to avoid the coming tragic catastrophe in this century, we have to revive the belief in the afterlife and the spirit world.  We have to reaffirm that this universe and the material world were created by the spiritual energy.  Then, all mysteries in modern science should be solved.

According to those who were allowed to see the spirit world, most of elite scientists, scholars, and savants were in the hells still claiming their useless argument and theories like mad men.  So, while people who believe in the afterlife and the spirit world are regarded as a kind of mad men in this human world, professors, etc. who deny the afterlife and the spirit world are treated as mad souls in the afterlife or the spirit world. 

At least, those who can exercise their spiritual ability or supernatural power never deny the existence of the spiritual energy even in this material world.

And, what I want to claim is that the Lord Jesus Christ must have come from the spirit world.  To regard Him as a simple son of a man is a big mistake.  If a king came into society to see people's life, he should claim that he is just a son of a man, which is not a lie but should be purposely claimed so as not to terrify citizens, since the king can dispose of them in any way according to his will.    

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Luke 6, King James Version
15 Matthew and Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon called Zelotes,
16 And Judas the brother of James, and Judas Iscariot, which also was the traitor.
17 And he came down with them, and stood in the plain, and the company of his disciples, and a great multitude of people out of all Judaea and Jerusalem, and from the sea coast of Tyre and Sidon, which came to hear him, and to be healed of their diseases;
18 And they that were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed.
19 And the whole multitude sought to touch him: for there went virtue out of him, and healed them all.