Wednesday, June 26, 2024

"Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you!" - Power of the Spiritual Energy Superseding Money


A Path to a Shinto Shrine

Power of the Spiritual Energy Superseding Money

It is time to admit that there is spiritual energy working in this material world.  The energy should also work in the human world.

Therefore, the Lord Jesus Christ used this energy to perform various miracles.  Some people could bend spoons with their mind work accessing this energy.  And even some monks and nuns floated in the air while being absorbed in their prayer.  Indeed, the spiritual energy and force surpass physical laws only applicable to materials.  

Therefore it is no wonder that miracles beyond physical laws happen in this material world and the human world.  But how can we access and use this spiritual energy? 

First we should realize that this material world was created by the God using the spiritual energy from the spirit world.  As the Bible reads, He used His imagination, notion, and thoughts with His words.  The God did not use any machine and tools in His creation of the material world and even the spirit world.  Truly, we can say that power is in His words.  The God used His words as the device to create everything. 


Based on the long tradition of studying the afterlife or the spirit world, it is concluded that everything a man's spirit wishes comes true there.  After physical death of one's body, a man's soul with his mind enters into the spirit world to live forever there.  And, in the spirit world there are no restrictions of time and space in addition to physical needs.  So, the man's spirit can go up to Heaven or go down to the hells as he wishes.  But amazingly, spirits of most of men choose to go to the hells.   

Anyway, only power of one's mind is effective in the spirit world.  And with this power a man can create everything in the spirit world like the God.  A pious man thinks of Heaven to get it.  An evil man thinks of the hells to get them.  Indeed, the Holy Mother Mary becomes sad to see an ever increasing number of spirits of men think of the hells to enter there.

Put simply Heaven and the hells are created by spirits of men in the spirit world.  In the hells they pursue convenience, pleasure, and satisfaction of physical desires as if they were alive in the material world.  And, Satan is rejoiced to see them.

Apart from the spirit world, even in this material world and the human world this power of the human mind and soul works to create environments where they live.  As the God creating the worlds, a man with his spiritual power can create the environment where he lives.  In other words, he can work on materials around him with his words, imagination, notion, mind work, etc. to invoke the spiritual energy.  This is why some religious men or some people with supernatural power can perform miracles superseding physical laws like the Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.      

So, it may be possible for a man to create another universe with his mind's power like the God.  This possibility makes some men to consider themselves as a kind of the God, which is of course absurd and blasphemous.  But, the mankind is madly moving along this direction.  They believe that they can earn as much money as they wish and that they can develop their science and technology as much as they wish.  It is as if they were aiming at becoming Satan and the God at last, which is of course absurd and blasphemous.

Yet, power of the spiritual energy to be accessed and used through mind's work is so great even in this material world.  Traditionally, many religious people have tried to get this mind's work through hard ascetic training or enhancement of their thoughts.  But some pious people have been easily given this power by angels or higher spirits due to high quality of their faith.  Even some people have been given congenitally this power by accident or for unknown reasons.  Indeed, the spirit world should be full of mysteries.  So, some people could bend spoons or cure the sick by the spiritual energy and power they could invoke.     

Even rocks in the space around the sun formed the earth to become single-celled organisms, multicellular creatures, reptiles, mammals, primates, and the mankind.  Rocks around the sun might have the spiritual energy or the spiritual energy has worked in rocks to advance and evolve to the mankind; or rocks have simply followed the imagination, notion, or words of the God.  Indeed, generation of the mankind with mind work in the planet earth made of rocks and debris should have been made by the spiritual energy.    

We have to admit that we ourselves are products of the spiritual energy.  Money and material technology that can be bought by money should not be able to create the mankind on the planet earth.    
The Lord Jesus Christ said that the God can even create descendants of Abraham from stones or rocks (through the spiritual energy).  So, as God's power in the form of the spiritual energy could work in stones or rocks, it should work in a man even if the man was not the son of the God.  With mind work, we should be able to access and use the spiritual energy. 

Finally we have to be spiritual rather than materialistic or mammonish.

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Luke 6, King James Version
23 Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets.
24 But woe unto you that are rich! for ye have received your consolation.
25 Woe unto you that are full! for ye shall hunger. Woe unto you that laugh now! for ye shall mourn and weep.
26 Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets.
27 But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you,