Wednesday, August 07, 2024

"I will come and heal him" - Power of the Spiritual Energy


Mt. Fuji Viewed from around Tokyo

Power of the Spiritual Energy

The world of the dead (the spirit world) comes before the world of the living (the material world).

All the human spirits have come from the spirit world.  Therefore, even when they physically die, their souls with their minds go back to the spirit world.  It means that they should not be afraid of their physical death of their bodies, since their minds on souls would continue to live as spirits in the spirit world.

In other words, this material universe was created by the God using His words from the spirit world.  The God should turn spiritual energy to material energy, so that the material energy generated space and time in addition to various elementary particles, atoms, molecules, etc.  And finally, the human species was created.  

So, in any materials in this world the spiritual energy can work.  The spiritual energy and force surpass physical and natural laws, since this material world was basically made from the spirit world with spiritual energy and force.  As the modern science does not admit this truth and effect of the spiritual energy and force, it cannot solve various fundamental issues of the material world.  The science cannot even give a clear answer to the question as to whether or not there is the afterlife for the human beings.  Unless the modern science admits the existence of the spirit world and the spiritual energy, it cannot give a clear answer to the question on how this material universe was created. 

So, everything that exists in the material universe is essentially under influence of the spiritual energy and force.  From a stone in the field to the human brain, the spiritual energy has limitless scopes of its effect.  That is why a miracle can happen with anything in this material world.  In other words, a stone and the human brain have their spirits as their original power source, although they follow the physical and natural laws in this material world without interference of the spiritual energy.

Living things such as plants have their own unique spirits.  But, the human brains have more unique spirits with the spiritual ability akin to God's.  Therefore, the human brains have generated words and notion that have allowed the human beings to evolve beyond the limit of mere living things.  Finally, the human brains have acquired power of prayer to be linked to the spirit world.  Therefore, some people have been able to use the spiritual energy through prayer and cause miracles.  Religious training and spiritual practices enhance this ability.  That is why the Lord Jesus Christ said that you could move a mountain only if you had enough faith in the God.  It means that if we were allowed to use the spiritual energy by the God, the spiritual energy should work on a mountain to move it with spiritual linkage with the mountain.

Today, medical doctors admit power of prayer.  Qigong therapists admit effects of mind power in their healing.  Even, Uri Geller should admit power of his notion in spoon bending.  Some people with pure faith in the God, great spiritual entities in any religions, or their ancestors can sometimes cause miracles.  Even some pious Christian monks and nuns could float in the air while praying to the God.  Regardless of consciously or unconsciously, they have used the spiritual energy with permission of the God.  Indeed, the spiritual energy surpasses the physical and natural laws.

Spirits come from the spirit world to this material world.  A spirit should penetrate into an atom, a molecule, a human cell, etc.  And, a special spirit at a higher level in the spirit world should come into the human brain to become a soul to generate a mind, and then a human being is created.  So, the human being has the ability to use words and notion so as to use the spiritual energy like the God.  This ability might happen to be invoked by someone with a pure mind like a little child (indeed, many little children without doubts started to bend spoons with their mind power when they saw Uri Geller on TV in 1970s ).                      

According to Swedenborg who was allowed to see the afterlife in the 18th century, spirits of dead men could use the spiritual energy in the spirit world (the world of the dead) to realize anything they wished.  When they wished delicious foods, the foods appeared, although there was no need for them to eat anything in the spirit world.

So, the kingdom of the God mentioned by the Lord Jesus Christ should mean the place where one can use the spiritual energy like in the spirit world.  And, with the belief in the truth about the origin of this material world, we might really be able to use the spiritual energy and force so as to perform miracles such as moving a mountain or curing the sick, provided that the God allows it.           

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Matthew 8, King James Version
5 And when Jesus was entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion, beseeching him,
6 And saying, Lord, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented.
7 And Jesus saith unto him, I will come and heal him.
8 The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.
9 For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it.
10 When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.