Saturday, August 31, 2024

"they besought him that he would not command them to go out" - A Prophecy for July 2025

Around Tokyo

A Prophecy for July 2025

The God does not tell everybody that He is the God and they have to obey Him.  And, in most cases people take Satan as a god, obeying it, being brainwashed by it, and pursuing money and wealth according its teaching.  However, what they should encounter after obtaining worldly happiness is Satan leading them to the hells in the spirit world.  Nonetheless, a very few people who can find the real god would follow God's teaching to be accepted in Heaven.  This is the real state in this world and between this material world and the spirit world or the afterlife.  

However, when the Lord Jesus Christ came to this world 2,000 years ago, He took it as granted that everybody had the concept of the God.  And, He saw that there were only a few people who truly had faith in the God; others were brainwashed by Satan.  So, He started to save people from Satan who hated Him so much to kill Him on the cross, which is reported in the Gospels.  Yet, love and words of the Lord Jesus Christ have remained and survived in this world to date.

But most of people today love money, another form of Satan, more than the God.  Their material civilization is based on their material desires and love for money.  If they had developed their faith in the God in these 2,000 years, this world should have become a kind of the Kingdom of God.  Instead, this world has become a kind of the Kingdom of Satan.  Therefore, the God or the Lord Jesus Christ should do something to the human world so as to preserve dignity and honor of the Lord.  And the time for the God or the Lord Jesus Christ to act must be close.  This is the real status of the current human world.  

So, some people are trying to find predictions or prophecies about the coming tragedies on the human kind.  In this context, a Japanese  manga artist (cartoonist), Ryo Tatsuki (1954-), is now being focused on as she had mysteriously predicted the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake (leading to the Fukushima nuclear accident) in her manga work published in 1999 based on her precognitive dream (  She recently (in July 2021) saw another precognitive dream on a huge earthquake/tsunami around Philippines happening in July 2025 as whose consequence a great land area appears connecting Philippines, Taiwan, Shanghai, and Hong Kong to one another.     


Although she says that she is not a psychic, she has a special spiritual linkage with Saibaba (1926-2011), a famous Hindu psychic.  She once travelled to India to see Saibaba and confirmed that she had been once a daughter of Saibaba when he had been an Englishman in his previous life.  Believe it or not, her manga work with prediction on the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake is well known in Japan.  It is also said that she could see the death of Princess Diana before her death in 1997, etc.  Therefore her prophetic instinct seems to be reliable.  

Anyway Tatsuki's prediction of the great tsunami to happen around Philippines in July 2025 that is as high as three times the height of the 2011 tsunami in East Japan should not be neglected.  If it should really happen, many countries around the Pacific Ocean including Japan would be severely affected.  She wrote that she saw two big dragons coming around the epicenter under the Philippine Sea, whose meaning is still unknown to her.  

There might be true psychics who have been allowed to see near future as the end of the current material civilization is coming to end.   And, Tatsuki's prediction on July 2025 is so imminent as to deserve our attentions although there are many similar predictions. 

In addition, the name Tatsuki means a dragon and a tree.  There was once a great Buddhist monk in India, Nagarjuna, whose name is expressed as Ryujyu in Japanese meaning also a dragon and a tree.  Nagarjuna lived in India in the 2nd century and became a founder of some factions of Buddhism.  

In the spirit world, there should be no barriers between Christianity and Buddhism or Hinduism.  So, it is no wonder that the God has used a Japanese female manga artist with a symbolic name who claims she has a spiritual linkage with a Hindu psychic.  Finally we had better watch out for situations around Philippines in July 2025.      


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Luke 8, King James Versio
30 And Jesus asked him, saying, What is thy name? And he said, Legion: because many devils were entered into him.
31 And they besought him that he would not command them to go out into the deep.
32 And there was there an herd of many swine feeding on the mountain: and they besought him that he would suffer them to enter into them. And he suffered them.
33 Then went the devils out of the man, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the lake, and were choked.
34 When they that fed them saw what was done, they fled, and went and told it in the city and in the country.