Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Atomic Bomb Blasted by North Korea

Atomic Bomb Blasted by North Korea

A young scientist of the University of Tokyo, specializing in seismology, said the level of the nuclear bomb North Korea tried yesterday seems to be a Nagasaki Atomic-Bomb class.

The magnitude of an earthquake triggered by the nuclear test was reportedly about 4.9 as observed at a certain location in Japan, though it was about 3.6 in South Korea.

There are still many arguments and speculations about the size of the bomb and its conclusion, namely, even whether it was successful or not.
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Everybody wants to get big money.

No one wants to die before getting rich and richer.

So, no one in the U.S. is interested in nuclear bombs which would eventually turn to be a fatal means, if used for making money in whatever mean, to all involved.

But, North Korea is different.
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My appeal is that the U.S. Government and the United Nations allocate a certain amount of budget for dealing with this problem.

With that amount observed by North Korea, they may get serious in considering a change in their strategy.

Failures of the U.S. and the U.N. in dealing with other problems have really cost billions of dollars while sacrificing so many innocent lives.
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Too many have been killed since September 11, 2001.

It is time to consider saving lives in ongoing and potential war zones including Iraq, Afghanistan, and North Korea.
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I did not feel a tremor the nuclear test in North Korea caused yesterday.

But, I saw someone who looked like an ancient messenger reborn scuttling and passing by me in the morning.

And, one of my electronic gears got out of tune, a happening very rare, that is perhaps once-a-decade thing.

Did you get any inkling at all on that?