Nuclear Bomb Test in the Summer of 2008?
Many people say that North Korea failed in its first nuclear test.
Data, information, findings, and theories on the test seem to be far from being reached consensus on, so far.
One alarming thing is swift decision and action of the Japanese Government in taking punitive measures against North Korea.
One remarkable thing is the emphasis in the address by President George W. Bush on corporation of China being highly expected .
One thing to be especially noted is that China is to hold Summer Olympic Games in Beijin in 2008.
You should be also reminded of the next Secretary-General of the United Nations being a South Korean.
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If North Korea makes other nuclear bomb test in the summer of 2008, I wonder how the U.S., Japan, China, and South Korea should respond.
The matter should be properly addressed and orderly resolved now, not in 2008.
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North Korea is a far more autocratic state than Iraq under Saddam Hussein's regime.
Majority of its people are extremely poor and have no freedom, but are destined to be helplessly killed if a war erupts with or without nuclear weapons.
Under this circumstance, decision makers in the U.S., Japan, China, South Korea, and Russia would be held liable, if any failures in addressing the issue happen.
Therefore, if you are not involved in administrations of those governments responsible, you may be a little lucky.
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But, do you think that North Korea actually failed in its first nuclear test, luckily for us?
And why? It is because they are just fools?
Fools cannot maintain a nation for more than half a century amid the international powers including the U.S., Japan, Russia, and China.
There cannot be such a fool in this world, which is mankind.
If there is, it is a bigger shame on mankind than inability to correct North Korea.