Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Shadow of the Roman Empire

(Compared with my burning vision, the splendor of Xmas is still neon, even if the Tower stands for the unidentified from Western Japan)

Shadow of the Roman Empire
(Ombre de l'Empire romain)

1. O, Oh, Champs-Elysees
It is nice to see that they are now using low-powered LEDs to deck almost all the trees on the Champs-Elysees over 2 km of its span to Arc de Triomphe in Paris.

They say that those LEDs consume only 70% of electricity that would be needed when using ordinary small electric bulbs.

I do not have a dislike of the Champs-Elysees at all, since they use LEDs.
(a picture here included is still with electric bulbs)

2. Solar Cells
Wikipedia introduced a solar cell or photovoltaic cell:
"Solar cells are manufactured in Germany, USA, Japan, China and Thailand. While technologies are constantly evolving toward higher efficiencies, those companies with large scale manufacturing technology for coating inexpensive substrates will be the lowest cost net electricity producers, even with cell efficiencies that are only in the 5–7% range."

But, in this June, Japan's Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. announced that it developed a solar cell product that can convert 22% of the energy absorbed from the sun rays into electric energy, which is the world highest conversion rate.

The new solar cell can also generate 10 to 50% more electricity per unit area than a conventional product. Sanyo will bring this product into market in 2010.

Japan's Sharp Corporation, as a maker of solar cells, shipped the largest amount of solar cells in the world even in 2006 just like in preceding six years.

Japan's Fuji Electric Systems has succeeded in developing a film type of flexible solar cells, as the world first, which can be applied to a curved surface of a wall or a vehicle.

The insufficient and biased description in Wikipedia on Japan's solar cell industry is just one example on how Americans are not fairly informed of Japan even today.

3. Ohm's Law
Wikipedia, of course, explains Ohm's Law, one of the greatest discovery of mankind:
"...the current passing through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the potential difference (i.e. voltage drop or voltage) across the two points..."

But, the German discoverer of the law, Georg Ohm, does not look like having been a happy scientist.

Although he discovered Ohm's Law in 1821, it was 1841 or so that his work was appreciated by scientific communities in France and England while Germans did not recognize importance of the formula, which might tell something deep about personality of Germans.

Anyway, his equation, V = IR, turned out to be a universal basic instrument for development of the science and society of mankind, since it can be extended to W = IV or H = IV, as I suggested in a previous report.

4. Shadow of the Roman Empire
Caesar and other Roman generals and soldiers fought harshly against then Northern Europeans living in the north of the Alps.

First their enemy was Celts. Well organized Roman troops could at last demolish the core of the Celtic force so as to prevent the establishment and maintenance of a large Celtic empire in Europe, especially in the Great Britain.

Then Germanic races encountered Romans. The fight and battles became all the more severe as Romans troops could not at last fully conquer territories in the north of the Rhine River.

This history of wars still has a long-remained influence on each European tribe.

Anglo-Saxons, part of the ancient Germanic race, were lucky that they could avoid a fatal collision with Romans as they concentrated in defending stubbornly their own home territory near Denmark in current Germany and eventually moved to the Great Britain where Celts had no more overwhelming power due to past fierce wars against Romans.

But, the mainstream of the ancient Germanic race was more seriously damaged by Roman troops. Strong strikes by Romans on ancient Germans caused even their descendants to suffer the grave aftermath for a very long time at least until 1945.

That is why Germans called their kingdom Great Roman Empire from 962 to 1806. That is also why German people were completely duped by Adolf Hitler who appealed to Germans with a magic word "the Third Reich" while pretending to be a messiah for Germans.

In this context, French are more interesting.

Contemporary French people consist of descendants of Celts, Germanic tribes, and ancient Romans who invaded ancient France but remained there even after the collapse of the Roman Empire.

Even there is a theory that some ancient Israelites left Jerusalem to the Mediterranean region of France after the fall of Jerusalem in the first century.

That is why the sound of the French language is so difficult and sophisticated enough to alleviate the grave aftermath once inflicted by Caesar and other Roman troops.
* * *

Now, descendants of Anglo-Saxons, French, Germans and even ancient Romans constitute the core of European Americans who do no look like being under any aftermath Caesar and other ancient Roman troops inflicted.

That may be why they once took too far the attack at Pearl Harbor in 1941 and probably the terror at the World Trade Center in New York in 2001.

The aftermath of the attack at Pearl Harbor eventually led to, and ended at, a US' counter-attack with unclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

But, the aftermath inflicted by the terror at the World Trade Center has not yet come to conclusion, since US troops are now at both the sides of Iran, namely Iraq and Afghanistan.

That is why I am telling you to elect somebody who can honestly study history and religion as President of the U.S. in 2008.

Also, the new President should be able to love the equation of "H = IV" and Japanese solar cells, hopefully.

(The year 2008 is full of planned events, such as US Presidential Election, Beijing Olympic Games, the G8 Summit in Japan, and completion of Iran's nuclear weapons development scheme as well as the testing time for the value of dollar and US credit systems.

You, good girls, had better find somebody who can invent a new type of solar cells or LED lamps, since I am highly interested in H = IV.

Truly, Paris is not burning but shining just like in 1940's.)


(Jesus spricht in Gleichnissen)