Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"not come to destroy" - (Meltdown in Fukushima Daiichi)

Onahama Port Area, Fukushima Prefecture - 2 months after the tsunami

Iwaki City Street

Iwaki Station, Fukushima Prefecture

Tokyo-to-Iwaki Express Train

Meltdown in Fukushima Daiichi

Japan has no intention to be armed with nuclear weapons.

But, there is no denying a fact that some conservative politicians who introduced the nuclear power generation technology from the U.S. to Japan around 1960 had a secret vision to prepare Japan for possible nuclear armament in future.

This underlying policy has long survived but it must be terminated, since the Japanese Government has recently set a target of making nuclear 50% of all the Japanese power stations in a decade.

SECTION I: Meltdown Fuel in Fukushima Daiichi

It gave a great impact to the Japanese people: Nuclear fuel in the Fukushima plant started to melt down several hours after the occurrence of the 3/11 earthquake/tsunami, most probably, as a record about the water level made by TEPCO staff on site suggested.

This record and other internal information on March 11 and at an early stage of the accident were made public for the first time only yesterday by TEPCO.

If nuclear fuel was heated so much, it could scatter radioactive material to the environment or cause hydrogen explosion through heating metal inside the vessels. Otherwise, a chain reaction might happen leading to recriticality where many harmful neutrons are discharged.

Accordingly, water has been provided into the pressure reactor at a pace 8 to 10 tons per hour, though it is understood now that most of water is leaking from a hole at the piping on the bottom of not only the pressure vessel but also the containment vessel. Yet, it is taking away heat from nuclear fuel melted and fallen to the bottom of the pressure vessel.

The most significant finding is that this situation must be also existent in the No.2 reactor unit and the No.3 reactor unit but not only in the No.1 reactor unit.

The worst finding is that people concerned in the Kan Cabinet, the Nuclear Safety Commission of Japan, the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency of Japan, and TEPCO understood that there was a higher possibility that nuclear fuel was already melted and the vessels had already cracking late at night of March 11, but they did not mention it at all till yesterday, namely, for two months to the Japanese voters and taxpayers.

SECTION II: Chinese Secret Nuclear Bomb Tests

China has conducted many nuclear bomb tests in Islamic territory of Central Asia, especially around an ancient Islamic city, Laulan.

China's nuclear tests in Silk Road and Japan's task

There are a several countries that possess nuclear weapons and that have conducted the nuclear weapon tests. Yet, China is the only country that carried out the extensive atmospheric nuclear test on residential area. The nuclear tests were carried out without any concern of the ramification that the tests would surely bring.
China conducted 46 nuclear tests between 1964-1996 near Loulan in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (East Turkistan). The combined output was 20 megaton and it caused deadly health damage and environmental contamination.
China conducted 46 nuclear tests that count 20 megaton of output in Lop Nur in East Turkistan from 1964 to 1996.
Kazakhstan, 1000 km away from Lop Nur has detected the amount of radiation that harms human's health. Nuclear tests were carried out until 1996 and yet it is considered that Uyghurs are suffering from health damages and the environmental damages are not healed yet. Chinese government's immediate information disclosure and remedy for the victims are desired.
As Japan is the first country victimized by the atomic bomb and also as the leader of the freedom and democracy in Asia, we have to support the 3 ethnic groups to make Chinese government to hold atomic sanitary measure and fund the security for the victims of the nuclear test.


It is said that 190,000 people died and 1,290,000 people got sick because of these Chinese nuclear bomb tests.

In addition, as NHK and other Japanese media created a "silk road" boom in Japan, 270,000 Japanese tourists visited Laulan and other sightseeing spots in the "silk road" area of the Chinese territory between 1964 and 1996. Some of them have been most likely affected by radioactive material Chinese atomic bombs had sprayed in the desert area.

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When the Cold War was over with the Soviet Union collapsing in 1991, all the Japanese thought that nuclear weapons became relics of the past. Even the U.S. looked like losing a passion to promote nuclear energy at the time.

Yet, the so-called Nuclear Renascence is going on nowadays all over the world, which should be put under control of the God.

This must be a lesson of Fukushima Daiichi.

Mat 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

Mat 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.