Saturday, June 18, 2011

"John had said unto Herod" - (Remember Fukushima)

Japan's National Diet (Parliament)

Tokyo Bay

Imperial Palace Plaza

Remember Fukushima (N'oubliez pas de Fukushima)

In the International Space Station flying on the orbit around the earth, an astronaut receives 0.5 to 1 milli sieverts of radiation per day, which is 150 times more than he receives on the ground.

However, the radiation does not come in burst. It is spread in 24 hours almost evenly. But, if you receive 1 milli sieverts in a second of the day, your body would be hurt to some degree.

That is why shocking news had better be informed people of slowly. Or great news can have a special effect as it can be understood in a moment.

Accordingly, during a few years of His preaching, the news that Christ Jesus is the Son of the God or even the God Himself was understood by His followers. It is just a moment if 2000 years is a day.

SECTION I: Harassed Engineers

There are some engineers in Japan who have given warning to utility companies about problems of nuclear power plants.

They pointed to defects of designs of nuclear reactors imported from the U.S. They claimed that more measures should have been taken against a possibility of a big earthquake. They complained about a way governmental agencies informed the public of states of nuclear power plants at time when accidents occurred.

But they were all demoted, purged, alienated, and pushed out of the nuclear power community of Japan. One researcher has not been admitted to the state of professor in a university for more than 30 years, working as a mere assistant technical staff member in nuclear facilities of the university. It is just like some labor union members are harassed by corporate management, being branded with a title of an enemy of a company.

Yet after the 3/11 Disaster and the subsequent Fukushima Daiichi accidents, some have been spotlighted by the Media.

However, they look like still being regarded as enemies of the Japanese nuclear community consisting of conservative politicians, elite bureaucrats, industrial leaders, academic bosses, and so on.

The possibility that an M9.0 earthquake occurred and 15-meter high tsunamis attacked a nuclear plant must have been 1/1000. But, if it occurred, it would claim more than $100 billion damage. Rationally, an electricity company should have spent $0.1 billion per year for safety and security of its nuclear power plant, which however they did not.

They must have thought, "We are not such a fool that would spend $100 million per year for an accident estimated to happen at a possibility of 1/1000 or once in 1000 years. Our equity holders support us."

They should have announced, "We offer safety and security as much as possible to our clients even by addressing an accident estimated to happen at a possibility of 1/1000 with costs of $100 million per year. Our equity holders are being persuaded to accept our policy."

For a nuclear power plant, it must become commonsense to take necessary measures against an accident estimated to happen at a possibility of 1/1000 or once in 1000 years.

SECTION II: Fukushima Daiichi Radiation Effect

The hot spot map for the period between April 21 and June 10 shows that rain let radioactive particles in the air fall on the ground in distant zones from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant before they were floating further and spreading high in the sky. They reached somewhat close to Tokyo.

(Click to enlarge.)

SECTION III: Chernobyl Radiation Effect

The big difference between Fukushima Daiichi of Japan and Chernobyl of the Soviet Union is the number of deaths from nuclear radiation.

Case....................Death Toll
Fukushima Daiichi....0

Chernobyl............4000 to 9000

(Click to enlarge.)


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The big public concern in Japan nowadays is when and how Prime Minister Mr. Naoto Kan will step down.

It is so, since his approval rating has come down to 22% even according to a survey by the pro-Kan liberal Asahi Shimbun newspaper. Maybe, one-time liberal hero Mr. Kan is what the liberal Japanese Media created for purpose all through the ages from the Vietnam War era to the War on Terror era.

My big concern on the world is, of course, how Libya and Syria would follow Egypt. They are harming reputation of Islamic nations. They fail in showing great power of Islam to the world. Or, only for these examples in Libya and Syria, New Islam must emerge.

Yet, the fate of President Mr. Barack Obama in 2012 might have wider influences on Japan and Islamic nations.

Mar 6:17 For Herod himself had sent forth and laid hold upon John, and bound him in prison for Herodias' sake, his brother Philip's wife: for he had married her.

Mar 6:18 For John had said unto Herod, It is not lawful for thee to have thy brother's wife.

Mar 6:19 Therefore Herodias had a quarrel against him, and would have killed him; but she could not: