Saturday, October 22, 2011

"for he had great possessions" - Future Factors

Tokyo Governmental District...

Future Factors

What is the powerful resource for the future that lies mostly in Japan and Central America?

Oil Shales

Image Detail

Shale Gas

File:EIA World Shale Gas Map.png





Wheat Importers & Exporters

Map of global wheat production

Methane Hydrate
File:Gas hydrates 1996.svg
Methane clathrate, also called methane hydratehydromethanemethane ice, "fire ice" and natural gas hydrate, is a solid clathrate compound (more specifically, a clathrate hydrate) in which a large amount of methane is trapped within a crystal structure of water, forming a solid similar toice.[1] Originally thought to occur only in the outer regions of the Solar System where temperatures are low and water ice is common, significant deposits of methane clathrate have been found under sediments on the ocean floors of Earth.[2] The worldwide amounts of methane bound in gas hydrates is conservatively estimated to total twice the amount of carbon to be found in all known fossil fuels on Earth... 
The sedimentary methane hydrate reservoir probably contains 2–10 times the currently known reserves of conventional natural gas. This represents a potentially important future source of hydrocarbon fuel. However, in the majority of sites deposits are likely to be too dispersed for economic extraction... 
A research and development project in Japan is aiming for commercial-scale extraction by 2016.
Yes, it is methane hydrate!

So, more specifically,
The amount of methane hydrate existent around the Japanese Archipelago is estimated to cover 100-year consumption of natural gas in Japan. However, there is a concern that taking methane hydrate from the sea bed in a large scale might cause a big earthquake and big tsunamis.

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We may be very lucky to have witnessed the fall of Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, Mr. Mubarak and Gadaffi.

But, many people died in Iraq and Afghanistan, around Egypt, and within Libya.  Indeed, it is estimated that 30,000 Libyans died in the civil war.

In Japan, the number of (accidental or natural-cause) death of workers engaged in restoration of the Fukushima Daiichi plant is so far three since the occurrence of the M9.0 Great Earthquake/Tsunamis  on March 11, 2011.  No radioactive deaths have been reported.

So, a civil war is worse than a nuclear power plant accident.

Mar 10:21 Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me.
Mar 10:22 And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions.
Mar 10:23 And Jesus looked round about, and saith unto his disciples, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God!