Thursday, June 26, 2014

"your heavenly Father feedeth them" - Full Faith in God vs. Power of Money

Mt. Fuji around Tokyo

Full Faith in God vs. Power of Money

Some people think that there is neither Heaven nor the hell.

A life is only once, they think, so that it is absurd not to enjoy it fully while a man is alive.  And thus, they conclude, a man has to ignore other poor and unhappy people to secure his own happiness.

But there is a big flaw in this thinking.  Why and how a man is born is not taken into consideration.  They may think that a man is born by chance as the human species was created by chance.  There is no God and there are any spirits and ghosts.  Or if they existed, they have nothing to do with them.  Everything is a product of chance, they consider.

It is true that many innocent people are killed in war, accidents, and other tragedies.  God does not save them.  Poor people die in poverty and terrible conditions; but God doesn't save them.  Then, how can we or should we trust and believe God?  If an innocent man believes in God, he might be killed in a traffic accident.  If a poor man trusts in God, he might die due to a lack of foods, medicines, and means to protect him.  Where is merit in believing God?

The answer is that God is almighty and omnipotent.  He can compensate any innocent men and poor men for their tragedies after their death.  God can take them all into Heaven where those unlucky people  are rewarded for their tragedies they have experienced during their lives in this material world.

Put simply, if you believe that God exists and He is almighty, giving life and spirits to you, you would put more value in Heaven than in life in this material universe.  Hence, you will love God more than money.  Yes, you will love God who makes you satisfied in Heaven more than money that give you satisfaction only while you live in this world.    

Jewish views of poverty, wealth and charity
From Wikipedia
Over the course of Jewish history, different attitudes have been held towards poverty and wealth. Unlike Christianity, in which some strands have viewed poverty as virtuous and desirable, Jews have generally viewed poverty negatively. Jacobs and Greer assert that "[i]n general, Jewish texts have portrayed poverty as an unjustifiable burden."[1] In contrast to the consistently negative view of poverty, Kravitz and Olitzky describe a rapidly changing attitude towards acceptance of wealth as desirable as the Hebrews transitioned from being nomadic shepherds to farmers and ultimately to city dwellers.
Islam And Wealth 
In Islam, all wealth is the possession of Allah with which humans are entrusted. It is a responsibility; it must be earned through permissible means and spent in permissible ways, such as spending on one's self and those for whom he is responsible for, without extravagance or waste. The Messenger of Islam, Muhammad said: 
"A slave will not be able to take a step further on the Day of Requital until he is taken to account for [the following things]: his time and how he spent it, his knowledge and how he used it, his money and how he earned and spent it, and his youth and how he passed it. (Tirmidhi)

Put extremely, a religion that does not deny wealth cannot be a true religion, since it puts wealth higher than God even partially.  In this context, Judaism and Islam are incomplete as a religion.

If you love God fully, you don't need money or rather you hate money that is challenging God due to its inherent power and function to neglect faith in God of those who possess money.

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Mat 6:26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?