Monday, April 16, 2007

"Condoleezza" and "Osama" on Afghanistan in 1980's

"Condoleezza" and "Osama" on Afghanistan in 1980's

US Secretary of State Ms. Condoleezza Rice, a specialist in the study of the USSR, changed her position from the Democrats to the Republicans in the wake of the USSR's invasion upon Afghanistan in 1979.

The main factor that influenced her is said to have been lukewarm measures the Carter (Democrat) Administration took on the USSR.

But my view is that she had majored in the study of the USSR with a romantic expectation that Marxism might solve racism.

Marxism put the highest value on equality of workers. It sounded as if the ideology requested its followers to be against any racism which benefited capitalists. "Marxism and the Soviet Union might have a key to solving and abolishing racism." I suppose she might have thought so, and thus she majored in the study of the Soviet Union.

But, when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan only to secure hegemony in the region neglecting poor Afghans' wish for freedom and equality, she must have found and realized what Marxism and the Soviet Union truly meant.

She then began to fully support Republicans and respect Ronald Reagan. Now, she is the Secretary of State who cannot be a victim of racism while so many victims are being seen and heard of nowadays in the U.S.
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The then so-called jihad leader Mr. Osama bin Laden joined the war against the Soviet troops in Afghanistan in 1980's.

It is said that he sometimes cooperated with Americans covertly working there.

But, after the war ended and the Soviet troops pulled out, Mr. bin Laden must have seen Americans losing interests in Afghanistan and leaving poor Muslims so helpless. He must have been disappointed with Americans whom he once probably thought to be nice, advanced, and respectable citizens fighting against irreligionists of the USSR, though his religion was different from Americans' somehow.

When Iraq invaded Kuwait, Mr. bin Laden with patriotic sentiments and confidence in battle skills offered his dedication to his country. But it was politely rejected by the Saudi Arabia Government. His love of country was damaged. His Government in tie up with America opted for military aids and supports from Christian countries rather than contribution by Islamic warriors.

He then found a reason for Jihad which he has adamantly pursued since then, making an enemy of America and the Saudi Arabia Government, while strengthening linkage with other Islamic warriors including those called terrorists by the U.S. Government as well as Governments of Islamic countries.

After his attacks on US assets in East Africa and the East Coat of the United States, Mr. bin Laden himself was clearly identified as a terrorist.
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Young "Condoleezza" and "Osama" hoped that they could find, meet, and discover something that would meet their wish for certain ideals.

But with disillusion since Afghanistan in 1980's, "Condoleezza" moved to the Republicans and the dominance hierarchy of America.

Also with disillusion since Afghanistan in 1980's, "Osama" moved to nationalism, radical religious activities, and Jihad.
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You may think it is very irrelevant and inappropriate to discuss the US Secretary of State and the globally wanted terrorist in one context.

But, the underlying key players are Vatican and the Islamic leaders in addition to Israelite leaders.

They should have relevantly and appropriately contributed to efforts for recovering the Afghan society or solving racism in America before "Condoleezza" and "Osama" got such disillusions.

It is because such significant tragedies could be only prevented and remedied by extensively working at the level of minds and souls of people concerned.

What "Condoleezza" and "Osama" saw on Afghanistan must have been inability of those religious powers as well as ideologies.
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In two years, I suppose Ms. Condoleezza Rice and Mr. Osama bin Laden would be people of yesterday.

But, we have to make our best to see a rise of more potential figures fired with high hopes following holy guidelines which only the God or Allah can give.
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In the U.S. Civil War, 600,000 people were killed.

No single person seems to have been recorded in history as a primary war criminal, such as Adolf Hitler.

But, the God might have judged some as such.

After the War on Terror, the God might also judge some as such.
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As for me, I was not so much impressed with the Soviet invasion upon Afghanistan.

Japan was in the middle of powerful expansion of its economy and technology with a sense and feeling of overwhelming, at least in some key sectors, the U.S. and the USSR that were both spellbound in the Cold War.

However, the significance of shadows of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism was not yet clearly observed at this End of the East from Jerusalem and the Euphrates.

Christianity has been alive especially among minorities in America; Islam has been alive especially where ladies wear veils; and Judaism has been alive among those God has chosen.

It might be what Japan should have had an insight into wisely in those days in 1980's, which then should have helped the nation stand more firmly in this era of globalization being driven not only by borderless economy but also by religious conflicts, oil-reserves depletion, and the rise of India and China not directly associated with the Three Great Religions like Japan.

(...But, was it a romantic period for you, though I cannot recall how good girls in those days looked like specifically?...)

"...If She Perseveres in Faith and Love and Holiness, with Modesty..."