Tuesday, June 10, 2008


(The Tone River, North of Tokyo; not only Japan's largest river but also the main water source for Tokyo)


Have you bought and read the book "What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception" written by Mr. Scott McClellan?

Mr. McClellan did not present any proof that President Mr. George W. Bush had ordered to plan and carry out the 9/11 Conspiracy so as to kill thousands of US citizens in disguise as AlQaeda’s attacks in order to get support for launching the Iraq War.

But, the author Mr. McClellan gave some useful inside knowledge about the White House:
McClellan tells about Bush being asked by Tim Russert of NBC in February 2004: "In light of not finding the weapons of mass destruction, do you believe the war in Iraq is a war of choice or a war of necessity?" Bush replied that it was the latter, but "seemed puzzled" by the question…


(Nontheless, I have a feeling that a cosnpiracy must have been laid among secret agencies working in the Middle East, including Israel, Iraq, and Iran, not to inform their American counterpart of full details of information related to the then possible 9/11 Terror; and the US inteligence agents in turn seem not to have fully informed parties concerned, including the White House and FBI, of the very information before Sept. 11, 2001, since "the LORD said unto me, A conspiracy is found among the men of Judah, and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem" as reported in Jer 11:9 of the King James Version.

Indeed, there is a possibility that President Mr. George W. Bush himself was duped into that situation, though he surely took the opportunity for the war of necessity...)

SECTION I: FROM 1980 TO 2013

In 1970’s, Mr. George H.W. Bush came to have firm determination to run for the US Presidential Election.

In the 1980 Primaries, Mr. Bush won the Republican primary election in Iowa as he concentrated his efforts into the Iowa caucuses.

Mr. Bush, however, became US Vice President in 1981, which yet looked like promising him his Presidency from January 1989.

As Mr. Bill Clinton became US President in 1993 and Mr. George W. Bush has been serving the nation as US President since 2001, if Mrs. Hillary Clinton should become Vice President in 2009 and serve at least till 2013, the United States would be under presidency and vice presidency of Bushes and Clintons for 32 years.

Put simply, American people would live with the paradigm Mr. George H.W. Bush started to cherish in late 1970’s for 35 years.

Nonetheless, Jesus Christ told not to judge anybody.



The current situation in Iraq should be viewed from a certain point in history, namely August 1990 when the then Iraqi President Saddam Hussein tried to annex Kuwait to Iraq by sending tanks and troops over the border.

It should be also noted that Kuwait got independence from the U.K. only in 1961, while Iraq got independence from the U.K. in 1932.

Since crude oil reserves were discovered in the Middle East around 1900, the U.K. has been the first major stakeholder in the region, followed by the U.S. who started to establish a strong tie with Saudi Arabia before WWII.

The flow of the incidents from Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990, the 9/11 Terror on the U.S., the US and UK invasion of Iraq in 2003 to the present situation in the Middle East should be viewed in this context.

And, a key factor in this chain of events is Mr. George H.W. Bush’s decision not to advance US troops all the way to Baghdad to take on Saddam Hussein in 1991.

Another key factor is Mr. George W. Bush’s decision to advance US troops all the way to Baghdad to take on Saddam Hussein in 2003.

What needs wisdom most is analysis and consideration on these two factors concerned with two presidents, a father and his son.


2 August 1990—Iraq invades Kuwait. Saddam Hussein proclaims Kuwait as a province of Iraq.

7 August 1990—Operation Desert Shield begins. The first US forces arrive in Saudi Arabia.

29 November 1990—UN authorizes any force necessary to remove Iraqi forces from Kuwait. Iraqis are given to 15 January to leave Kuwait.

28 February 1991—After 100 hours, Iraq agrees to a ceasefire. Iraqi forces have retreated from Kuwait. The United States (under the leadership of President George H.W. Bush, Defense Secretary Dick Cheney and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Colin Powell) is satisfied with U.N. objectives and does not push on to Baghdad. Within Iraq, Saddam brutally crushes Shi'ite and Kurdish opposition.

3 March 1991—Iraq accepts conditions for a permanent cease fire.

April 3, 1991—The Security Council passes Resolution 687, allowing Saddam to stay in power but demanding he destroy all weapons of mass destruction. Until he does, economic sanctions are to remain in place. Iraqi officials begin hiding weapons and data…


Now you can see why the term “weapons of mass destruction” got so popular in the wake of the 9/11 Terror and on the US military invasion of Iraq.

When President Mr. George W. Bush wanted to complete the mission his father had suspended a decade before, it must be "weapons of mass destruction" that could give him any authenticity and justification, absolutely in his personal view, as the above timeline shows.


During the Gulf War, why didn't the United States go all the way and stop Saddam Hussein? We are concerned because he seems to be able to still cause problems.
-- Bebe Oh, Newington Forest School, Springfield, Virginia

President Bush: We did not "go all the way" in Desert Storm because at no time was that the purpose of the mission. It's complicated, so let me tell you why.

When our diplomatic efforts to convince Saddam Hussein to leave Kuwait were not successful, the United States and our coalition partners obtained explicit authorization from the United Nations to remove the Iraqi military from Kuwait by force — but not to eliminate Saddam Hussein or to change the government.

As I mentioned before in Question 2, our coalition consisted of more than 30 countries — some of them were from the Arab world. Iraq is an Arab country, and a number of those coalition partners never would have supported the U.S. and other Western nations overthrowing an Arab government just because they don't like it.

Anyway, by the time we finished pushing the Iraqi forces out of Kuwait, they were in such bad shape that most of their troops were, in effect, defenseless. The United States does not massacre helpless people simply to prove a point.

Furthermore, if we had gone into Baghdad to look for Saddam Hussein and to establish a government more favorable to our point of view, two things would have happened. First, our coalition would have shattered, and our Arab friends would have lost their trust in the United States. Second, American troops would have been bogged down in a very dangerous kind of urban warfare, and I was not going to let that happen to our people.

The UN Resolutions were limited for a purpose. I believe that because we respected and adhered to them the way that we did, we gained a great deal of goodwill and credibility that later enabled us to restart the peace process between Israel and her Arab neighbors. So a lot of good has come from it.

It's a complicated matter — diplomacy usually is — but I am convinced we did the right thing when we stopped the war…



In short, Saudi Arabia did not support the idea: the US military invasion of Iraq in 1991.

If the US had done it, tens of Mr. Osama bin Laden might have emerged among young Muslims after the Gulf War.

Conversely, as the then President Mr. George H.W. Bush ordered the cease-fire without invading deep into Iraq in 1991, the US and the rest of the world could have only one Mr. Osama bin Laden.


Now you have to think about significance of President Mr. John McCain or Mr. Barack Obama, if so inaugurated, in terms of monopoly of US Presidency and Vice Presidency by Bushes and Clintons as well as authenticity of the War in Iraq since 2003.

Even before the start of his presidency, Mr. George W. Bush seems to have been determined to take on Saddam Hussein, which his father did not.

It must be partly his personal challenge; but it must also reflect a change in a view and a strategy among top leaders of Saudi Arabia against Saddam Hussein.

Top leaders of Saudi Arabia did not want Mr. George H.W. Bush to have US troops invade Iraq.

But a decade after, the same top leaders of Saudi Arabia did want Mr. George W. Bush to have US troops invade Iraq, in my humble analysis.

To comprehend this sequence of changes in interests in the US elites and Saudi Arabian leaders, we have to further review the history since late 1970’s when Mr. George H.W. Bush started to plan to become US President based on a certain paradigm.

It is essential for you to find any new meaning or significance in realization of President Mr. McCain or Mr. Obama in 2009.

(The Great Sichuan Earthquake in China toppled hundreds of large and strong buildings in the devastated areas.

When two big towers, each with a height of 1400 ft like the World Trade Center buildings, suddenly collapsed any adjacent building would face a risk of collateral collapse, since its ground must have received a huge shock and impulses. One streak of developing cracks, like a fault, on the surface of the ground on which the adjacent building stands could trigger its massive collateral collapse.

This must be a reason why the "Building 7" – the third building in the World Trade Center complex that collapsed actually collapsed.


Now you know that Financial Times cannot be trusted.

It must be manipulated by some members of Bilderberg Group who are busy disseminating the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory which would hinder non-nonsense analysis on the U.S., the U.K., and Saudi Arabia in addition to AlQaeda.

That is why you must be very careful when dealing with the British media which mostly do not respect Japan at all.

And, you had better keep an eye on the Guantanamo 9/11 suspects on trial…

Yet, if you know somebody who might have taken out a gun or brandished a knife if he had wrongly judged that he was snidely fired from a job, you had better give him a chance to listen to a nostalgic song...especially in the case that he got an Ivy League MBA or graduated from University of Tokyo's Faculty of Law...

http://www.fukuchan.ac/music/j-folk2/kaze.html )

Jer 11:9 And the LORD said unto me, A conspiracy is found among the men of Judah, and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem.