GM, a US automobile giant, reported a big deficit, since consumers are suffering loans and high prices of gasoline.
This is a consequence of a bio-fuel fever in the U.S.
Clearly, it is a politician-led slump.
Global conditions on energy and foods need more responsible governments here and there. Yet, a government is a mass of people or personalities and talents.
There are some global media reports on the new formation of the Japanese Cabinet:
Japan's beleaguered PM reshuffles cabinet
August 1, 2008, 11:45 pm
TOKYO (AFP) - Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda on Friday named a new cabinet filled with heavyweights, vowing to jump-start a lacklustre economy in a last-ditch bid to revive waning public support.
Fukuda replaced 13 of his 17 ministers, mostly by tapping seasoned politicians, bluntly acknowledging that most people in Japan were feeling worse off than a year ago because of rising global oil and food prices.
Fukuda's rival rises in reshuffle
A main rival to struggling Japanese PM Yasuo Fukuda has assumed a key role in a major cabinet reshuffle.
Taro Aso, 67, has accepted Mr Fukuda's offer to become secretary general of the Liberal Democratic Party.
Thirteen out of 17 cabinet posts have been replaced, including finance and economics ministers, but some important positions were unchanged.
My summary on this reorganization of the cabinet of the Japanese Government is as follows:
(1) Departure from, or erasing the economic policy of the former Koizumi Administration and the national security policy of the preceding Abe Administration.
(2) Inclination to the paradigm of the Japanese upper class.
Prime Minister Mr. Fukuda has appointed two female politicians as the ministers for the consumer protection and the operation to take back Japanese citizens abducted by North Korea, respectively.
One of them is a female politician who was once against the Koizumi Administration which strongly pushed the privatization of the Japanese postal saving system.
Another is a symbolic ex-high-ranking female bureaucrat in this North Korean matter, recruited by the Koizumi Administration and treated preferably in the Abe Administration which succeeded the Koizumi cabinet.
Now, these two female Diet members pledge fealty to Mr. Yasuo Fukuda who is senior than the two former Prime Ministers and must have a hidden sense of rivalry against them in terms of personality and policy.
Therefore, consciously or unconsciously, incumbent Prime Minister Mr. Yasuo Fukuda will try to depart from, or erase the economic policy and the national security policies the two former administrations adopted and promoted.
It means that Prime Minister Mr. Yasuo Fukuda will not look like nationalistic or anti-China; he will not help with zest aggressive operations by foreign financial institutes in the Tokyo Market.
In other word, Prime Minister Mr. Yasuo Fukuda has put an end to the remaining momentum of the former Koizumi and Abe Administrations, so that he can face the coming General Election in his own style, if he intends not to withdraw from the politics before the Election.
Prime Minister Mr. Yasuo Fukuda has succeeded in establishing a tie-up with Mr. Taro Aso, the most possible next prime minister of Japan if the Liberal Democratic Party can continue to hold the reign of government after the coming General Election.
But, as the father of Mr. Yasuo Fukuda was once Japan’s Prime Minister, a grandfather of Mr. Taro Aso was once Japan’s Prime Minister, too.
They both belong to the upper class of Japan; and they really look so more than Mr. Jyunichiro Koizumi and Mr. Shinzo Abe, two former prime ministers born in families specializing in politics as a family trade.
A solar eclipse happened globally yesterday.
In ancient days in Asia, if a great earthquake occurred, people suspected that their king or the government did something wrong to displease Heaven.
In ancient days in Asia, if an extraordinary phenomenon occurred in the sky, people suspected that their king or the government did something wrong to displease Heaven.
The eclipse which happened in the northern part of the Eurasia Continent yesterday must have significance even in this modern era of the 21st century.
Indeed, Heaven must be displeased by the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games or the new Japanese cabinet, or otherwise by the recent diplomatic decision taken by the US President on an disputed island in the Sea of Japan if not a bio-fuel fever causing a global surge of food prices.
What quality does a statesman need? It is always a non-nonsense issue in the society based on democracy and a free market system.
Once in the Japanese national politics, a minister was not requested to perform a Question and Answer session held in the Parliament (Diet) all by himself unaided by bureaucrats.
If a cabinet minister could not answer a question posed by an Opposition member, he could order by a simple gesture a high-ranking bureaucrat to answer in lieu of him, even in a televised budget committee.
It is because a politician in Japan can be appointed to any ministerial post regardless of his specialty and past experiences, which is a big difference from the way the US President appoints his cabinet member or a Secretary.
If you are a Japanese politician with a background in the financial sector, you may be assigned to a ministerial post in the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. Accordingly, you will not be able to answer some questions in a Diet session. Therefore, it was regarded as a matter of course for a minister to order his official to answer questions on behalf of him.
But, this custom changed since the Koizumi Administration. Nowadays, any cabinet minister of the Japanese Government is requested to answer for himself in a Diet session except the case of responding to a very detailed question.
( )
It may be similar to a public hearing held in US Congress; but an amateur minister is requested to answer like an expert with guts like a US Presidential Election candidate.
Yet, morality must come first. A minister must stand against an opposition lawmaker in a Q&A session as a representative of public servants with moral rectitude.
In this context, if a prime minister chooses a politician as a member of his Cabinet based on not visibility on TV or on the Internet but good conducts and behaviors, he would be more appreciated by the people.
That is all for this week.
And, the God told me in these days to go low-keyed.
He also told me not to work too hard.
(So, I went to bed without watching TV after 11 p.m., so piously.)
Joh 8:1 Jesus went unto the mount of Olives.
Joh 8:2 And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught them.
Joh 8:3 And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst,
Joh 8:4 They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.
Joh 8:5 Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?
Joh 8:6 This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.
Joh 8:7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
Joh 8:8 And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.
Joh 8:9 And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.
Joh 8:10 When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?
Joh 8:11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.
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Saturday, August 02, 2008
Friday, August 01, 2008
Japan’s Financial Big Bang to Subprime Loan Debacles
Japan’s Financial Big Bang to Subprime Loan Debacles
Today, Japan’s Prime Minister Mr. Yasuo Fukuda is going to form a new cabinet.
As incumbent Chief Cabinet Secretary is expected to stay in the cabinet, the media is mostly arguing how many female politicians or experts will be assigned to cabinet ministers.
In other words, Chief Cabinet Secretary Mr. Nobutaka Machimura and new LDP Secretary-General Mr. Taro Aso are regarded as major candidates who will succeed Prime Minister Mr. Yasuo Fukuda, if Mr. Yasuo Fukuda should step down before the next General Election to be held within a year or so but the Democratic Party of Japan cannot come into power after the Election.
In 1996, then Prime Minister of Japan Ryutaro Hashimoto launched the Japanese version of Financial Big Bang.
The aim was to consolidate the position of Tokyo as one of three global financial centers following New York and London.
There have been many arguments about success and failures in this drastic policy change of the Japanese Government.
Then Prime Minister of Japan Ryutaro Hashimoto claimed that if Tokyo evolved to "free, fair, and global" financial market, Japanese economy would be revitalized.
However, the fact is that elimination of bad loans was not accelerated; the Bank of Japan had to continue the policy of zero-interest rates distorting fundamentals; and the Tokyo Market could not be boosted to catch up with New York and London as a global financial center.
Nonetheless, private deposits worth US$ 1.2 trillion Japanese citizens had in domestic banks were freed to foreign financial institutes through proceedings of the Big Bang.
Yet, the unprecedented confusion and disarray in the financial sector and the remained recessional mood in the general public of Japan forced then Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto to resign in the middle of his efforts to completion of the Big Bang.
Today, Ryutaro Hashimoto is in general considered to be a kind of failed prime minister of the past, though former Prime Minister Mr. Jyunichiro Koizumi as one of successors of Ryutaro Hashimoto enjoyed more reputation among, and support from, foreign financial institutes while driving his economic reform policy on the extension of the late Mr. Hashimoto’s paradigm.
Though there are strong criticisms against monetary and financial policies of the Japanese Government having been pursued from the Hashimoto Administration to the Koizumi Administration, it is true that a kind of Big Bang happened in the Japanese financial sector, introducing more freedom and chances to parties concerned.
But, the point at issue is that it does not look like contributing to improvement of performance of the Japanese financial sector as indicated by the global subprime loan-related financial crisis.
Japan’s Former Prime Ministers Ryutaro Hashimoto and Mr. Jyunichiro Koizumi look like having trusted the US financial sector too much.
Though the US financial sector had become nothing but a casino based on advanced financial technique, financial software, and IT machines, such Japanese politicians must have regarded it as a "free, fair, and global" arena regulated by justice and reason.
As now revealed clearly, the Mafia-like salesmen, with support from Wall Street and virtual silent approval from FRB, sold mortgage loans to poor American people called subprime clients who could not pay back at all from the beginning.
Consequently, the total amount of subprime-loan defaults is now believed to reach US$500 billion, though only $130 billion losses are so far identified in the US and European financial industries, which means still $300 billion or so losses are yet to be identified in terms of their whereabouts in a form of securitization.
( )
Anyway, Japanese politicians including Japan’s Former Prime Ministers Ryutaro Hashimoto and Mr. Jyunichiro Koizumi could not gain an insight into the true state of mentality and the paradigm of American businessmen in Wall Street.
They are not ordinary citizens. They are a kind of gangsters and the Mafia members.
The Japanese Government must not respect New York and London, since their money market has been proven to be just a casino eerily equipped with advanced financial technique, financial software, and IT machines which inevitably contributed to wider spread of losses related to the subprime mortgage crisis.
Mr. Bill Totten, a European-American Japanese-national businessman, concluded that Japanese Big Ban contributed to funneling deposits and savings of the Japanese people into overseas money markets, leading to large-scale reluctance of Japanese banks to loan to domestic businesses.
According to his estimation, in 1998 when the Big Bang started in Japan the total amount of outstanding credit of all the Japanese banks was US$5.3 trillion; but it was officially reported this May to be $3.9 trillion.
On the other hand the amount of bank savings in Japan changed from $4.4 trillion in 1998 to $5.9 trillion in this April.
So, as it shows that Japanese banks has operated funds excessively in overseas markets, it is natural to be suspected that $300 billion or so subprime-loan-related losses yet to be identified might be incurred by Japanese financial institutes.
I do not think that US President Mr. George W. Bush has presented a clear perspective on what measures he will further take to prevent recurrence of the subprime loan crisis or the second subprime mortgage crisis of another $500 billion scale.
But, Japanese Prime Minister Mr. Yasuo Fukuda must not be duped any more by gangsters and the Mafia in Wall Street, no matter what financial and economic ministers he will chose on this cabinet formation.
What’s more, I can't help but be worried over the same old faces attending in an economic meeting Mr. Barack Obama hosted recently in New York or Washington D.C. as they were the same old faces I had often seen on TV in late 1990’s.
(Tonight the Japanese media, especially TV news stations will be busy introducing newly appointed ministers. However, I am yet to decide whether my recent habit to go to bed at 11 p.m. as much as possible should be abandoned tonight.)
Luk 8:1 And it came to pass afterward, that he went throughout every city and village, preaching and shewing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God: and the twelve were with him,
Luk 8:2 And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils,
Luk 8:3 And Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod's steward, and Susanna, and many others, which ministered unto him of their substance.
Luk 8:4 And when much people were gathered together, and were come to him out of every city, he spake by a parable:
Luk 8:5 A sower went out to sow his seed: and as he sowed, some fell by the way side; and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it.
Luk 8:6 And some fell upon a rock; and as soon as it was sprung up, it withered away, because it lacked moisture.
Luk 8:7 And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprang up with it, and choked it.
Luk 8:8 And other fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bare fruit an hundredfold. And when he had said these things, he cried, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
Today, Japan’s Prime Minister Mr. Yasuo Fukuda is going to form a new cabinet.
As incumbent Chief Cabinet Secretary is expected to stay in the cabinet, the media is mostly arguing how many female politicians or experts will be assigned to cabinet ministers.
In other words, Chief Cabinet Secretary Mr. Nobutaka Machimura and new LDP Secretary-General Mr. Taro Aso are regarded as major candidates who will succeed Prime Minister Mr. Yasuo Fukuda, if Mr. Yasuo Fukuda should step down before the next General Election to be held within a year or so but the Democratic Party of Japan cannot come into power after the Election.
In 1996, then Prime Minister of Japan Ryutaro Hashimoto launched the Japanese version of Financial Big Bang.
The aim was to consolidate the position of Tokyo as one of three global financial centers following New York and London.
There have been many arguments about success and failures in this drastic policy change of the Japanese Government.
Then Prime Minister of Japan Ryutaro Hashimoto claimed that if Tokyo evolved to "free, fair, and global" financial market, Japanese economy would be revitalized.
However, the fact is that elimination of bad loans was not accelerated; the Bank of Japan had to continue the policy of zero-interest rates distorting fundamentals; and the Tokyo Market could not be boosted to catch up with New York and London as a global financial center.
Nonetheless, private deposits worth US$ 1.2 trillion Japanese citizens had in domestic banks were freed to foreign financial institutes through proceedings of the Big Bang.
Yet, the unprecedented confusion and disarray in the financial sector and the remained recessional mood in the general public of Japan forced then Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto to resign in the middle of his efforts to completion of the Big Bang.
Today, Ryutaro Hashimoto is in general considered to be a kind of failed prime minister of the past, though former Prime Minister Mr. Jyunichiro Koizumi as one of successors of Ryutaro Hashimoto enjoyed more reputation among, and support from, foreign financial institutes while driving his economic reform policy on the extension of the late Mr. Hashimoto’s paradigm.
Though there are strong criticisms against monetary and financial policies of the Japanese Government having been pursued from the Hashimoto Administration to the Koizumi Administration, it is true that a kind of Big Bang happened in the Japanese financial sector, introducing more freedom and chances to parties concerned.
But, the point at issue is that it does not look like contributing to improvement of performance of the Japanese financial sector as indicated by the global subprime loan-related financial crisis.
Japan’s Former Prime Ministers Ryutaro Hashimoto and Mr. Jyunichiro Koizumi look like having trusted the US financial sector too much.
Though the US financial sector had become nothing but a casino based on advanced financial technique, financial software, and IT machines, such Japanese politicians must have regarded it as a "free, fair, and global" arena regulated by justice and reason.
As now revealed clearly, the Mafia-like salesmen, with support from Wall Street and virtual silent approval from FRB, sold mortgage loans to poor American people called subprime clients who could not pay back at all from the beginning.
Consequently, the total amount of subprime-loan defaults is now believed to reach US$500 billion, though only $130 billion losses are so far identified in the US and European financial industries, which means still $300 billion or so losses are yet to be identified in terms of their whereabouts in a form of securitization.
( )
Anyway, Japanese politicians including Japan’s Former Prime Ministers Ryutaro Hashimoto and Mr. Jyunichiro Koizumi could not gain an insight into the true state of mentality and the paradigm of American businessmen in Wall Street.
They are not ordinary citizens. They are a kind of gangsters and the Mafia members.
The Japanese Government must not respect New York and London, since their money market has been proven to be just a casino eerily equipped with advanced financial technique, financial software, and IT machines which inevitably contributed to wider spread of losses related to the subprime mortgage crisis.
Mr. Bill Totten, a European-American Japanese-national businessman, concluded that Japanese Big Ban contributed to funneling deposits and savings of the Japanese people into overseas money markets, leading to large-scale reluctance of Japanese banks to loan to domestic businesses.
According to his estimation, in 1998 when the Big Bang started in Japan the total amount of outstanding credit of all the Japanese banks was US$5.3 trillion; but it was officially reported this May to be $3.9 trillion.
On the other hand the amount of bank savings in Japan changed from $4.4 trillion in 1998 to $5.9 trillion in this April.
So, as it shows that Japanese banks has operated funds excessively in overseas markets, it is natural to be suspected that $300 billion or so subprime-loan-related losses yet to be identified might be incurred by Japanese financial institutes.
I do not think that US President Mr. George W. Bush has presented a clear perspective on what measures he will further take to prevent recurrence of the subprime loan crisis or the second subprime mortgage crisis of another $500 billion scale.
But, Japanese Prime Minister Mr. Yasuo Fukuda must not be duped any more by gangsters and the Mafia in Wall Street, no matter what financial and economic ministers he will chose on this cabinet formation.
What’s more, I can't help but be worried over the same old faces attending in an economic meeting Mr. Barack Obama hosted recently in New York or Washington D.C. as they were the same old faces I had often seen on TV in late 1990’s.
(Tonight the Japanese media, especially TV news stations will be busy introducing newly appointed ministers. However, I am yet to decide whether my recent habit to go to bed at 11 p.m. as much as possible should be abandoned tonight.)
Luk 8:1 And it came to pass afterward, that he went throughout every city and village, preaching and shewing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God: and the twelve were with him,
Luk 8:2 And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils,
Luk 8:3 And Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod's steward, and Susanna, and many others, which ministered unto him of their substance.
Luk 8:4 And when much people were gathered together, and were come to him out of every city, he spake by a parable:
Luk 8:5 A sower went out to sow his seed: and as he sowed, some fell by the way side; and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it.
Luk 8:6 And some fell upon a rock; and as soon as it was sprung up, it withered away, because it lacked moisture.
Luk 8:7 And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprang up with it, and choked it.
Luk 8:8 And other fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bare fruit an hundredfold. And when he had said these things, he cried, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Japan's Prime Minister Mr. Yasuo Fukuda reportedly plans to reshuffle the Cabinet on this Friday, August 1.
He will then attend the memorial service at Hiroshima on Aug. 6 and the opening ceremony of Beijing Olympic Games in the next week.
You may be very busy next week, if you are not focused on by the tabloid press.
SECTION I: The Survivor Mr. Yasuhiro Nakasone
Mr. Yasuhiro Nakasone served out as Prime Minister of Japan from 1982 to 1987. He was a good counterpart of Ronald Reagan, the then US President.
When I was reading a book Mr. Nakasone wrote recently, I could confirm causal relationship or punitive justice.
If you do good, you will be so paid off; but if you do a bad thing, you will be also so paid off.
Mr. Yasuhiro Nakasone was first elected as national lawmaker or as a member of the Lower House of the Diet in 1947. Until he lost the support from the Liberal Democratic Party in 2003, Mr. Nakasone kept his position in the Diet without interruption.
Even the deceased father of the incumbent Prime Minister Mr. Yasuo Fukuda was one of senior rivals for Mr. Nakasone decades ago.
Mr. Yasuhiro Nakasone wrote in his memoir that he met Mr. Fidel Castro in Havana before the failure of the Kennedy Administration in invading Cuba.
It is a little surprise that Mr. Fidel Castro accepted a request for interview from a then nameless Japanese politician in 1960 or so, allowing him to observe the state of Cuba in preparation for a coming war with the U.S.
Anyway, this act of grace by Mr. Fidel Castro must become a factor for his own longevity in a personal life and a political life.
Mr. Fidel Castro even visited Japan twice in 1995 and 2003. On the latter occasion, he visited Hiroshima, which must also work through causal relationship to prolong his life on the earth.
Mr. Yasuhiro Nakasone immediately went to Washington D.C. after his visit to Cuba.
He called Robert Kennedy and the then Attorney General accepted the request for an interview from Mr. Nakasone, since he just came from Cuba.
Mr. Nakasone gave a warning against a US plan to invade Cuba, since Cuban troops were mobilized in a large scale and took up every necessary position at its coat lines.
However, Robert Kennedy propped his feet up on the desk while listening to Mr. Nakasone. So, Mr. Nakasone responded with a casual attitude, according to his own description.
As history tells, the US scheme to invade Cuba resulted in a tragic failure, leading to the assassination of JFK, though Mr. Nakasone had attended the inauguration ceremony of President John F. Kennedy.
Robert Kennedy could not accomplish his own Presidential Election campaign due to his own assassination in 1968, though he had been invited to Japan by Mr. Nakasone and his friends in a very friendly way before the fatal incident.
In 1973, Mr. Yasuhiro Nakasone as a minister of the Japanese Government visited Beijing to see Chou Em-lai, the then Prime Minister of China or the greatest Chinese hero after WWII.
They talked for long hours a few times, since their conversations covered many aspects so interesting to each other. When one long dialogue was over very late at night and Mr. Nakasone was about to step out of a big official building into a cold winter night of Beijing, he received unthinkable hospitality.
Chou Em-lai helped Mr. Nakasone put on his over coat.
Mr. Nakasone recalled the kindness of Chou Em-lai as a typical of Asian act of bona fide intention. He stressed that you could not expect such hospitality from any Western politicians.
Chou En-lai is respected deeply by the Chinese even today. Though Mao Tse-tung was an amateur in economy, Chou En-lai sustained the governmental administration through the turmoil and the severe power struggles in the Chinese Communist Party from 1960’s to early 1970’s.
I can really sense the karmic law in the experiences Mr. Yasuhiro Nakasone presented in his memoir.
"What you sow, you reap" is also a common expression. Isaac Newton also specified that every action receives an equal and opposite reaction.
Buddha clearly stated that if you did good to holy monks and ascetic monks, you would be highly rewarded according to the Law of Universe.
Indeed, Jesus Christ said that if you were slandered and abused by words or spoken ill of, you would yet receive many consolations and rewards in Heaven, so that you have to be glad if so attacked.
Truly, meeting no counter attacks when delivering venomous criticism to an enemy is a horrible situation, since Heaven, if judged the criticism to be false or unfair, would surely take charge of revenge on behalf of the faithful victim.
That is why I am telling you that any prime ministers or presidents in the world should be benevolent to poor citizens in their territories.
Now US voters should think which has cultivated virtue in human relationships and accumulated treasure in Heaven more, Mr. McCain or Mr. Obama?
Mar 7:31 And again, departing from the coasts of Tyre and Sidon, he came unto the sea of Galilee, through the midst of the coasts of Decapolis.
Mar 7:32 And they bring unto him one that was deaf, and had an impediment in his speech; and they beseech him to put his hand upon him.
Mar 7:33 And he took him aside from the multitude, and put his fingers into his ears, and he spit, and touched his tongue;
Mar 7:34 And looking up to heaven, he sighed, and saith unto him, Ephphatha, that is, Be opened.
Mar 7:35 And straightway his ears were opened, and the string of his tongue was loosed, and he spake plain.
Japan's Prime Minister Mr. Yasuo Fukuda reportedly plans to reshuffle the Cabinet on this Friday, August 1.
He will then attend the memorial service at Hiroshima on Aug. 6 and the opening ceremony of Beijing Olympic Games in the next week.
You may be very busy next week, if you are not focused on by the tabloid press.
SECTION I: The Survivor Mr. Yasuhiro Nakasone
Mr. Yasuhiro Nakasone served out as Prime Minister of Japan from 1982 to 1987. He was a good counterpart of Ronald Reagan, the then US President.
When I was reading a book Mr. Nakasone wrote recently, I could confirm causal relationship or punitive justice.
If you do good, you will be so paid off; but if you do a bad thing, you will be also so paid off.
Mr. Yasuhiro Nakasone was first elected as national lawmaker or as a member of the Lower House of the Diet in 1947. Until he lost the support from the Liberal Democratic Party in 2003, Mr. Nakasone kept his position in the Diet without interruption.
Even the deceased father of the incumbent Prime Minister Mr. Yasuo Fukuda was one of senior rivals for Mr. Nakasone decades ago.
Mr. Yasuhiro Nakasone wrote in his memoir that he met Mr. Fidel Castro in Havana before the failure of the Kennedy Administration in invading Cuba.
It is a little surprise that Mr. Fidel Castro accepted a request for interview from a then nameless Japanese politician in 1960 or so, allowing him to observe the state of Cuba in preparation for a coming war with the U.S.
Anyway, this act of grace by Mr. Fidel Castro must become a factor for his own longevity in a personal life and a political life.
Mr. Fidel Castro even visited Japan twice in 1995 and 2003. On the latter occasion, he visited Hiroshima, which must also work through causal relationship to prolong his life on the earth.
Mr. Yasuhiro Nakasone immediately went to Washington D.C. after his visit to Cuba.
He called Robert Kennedy and the then Attorney General accepted the request for an interview from Mr. Nakasone, since he just came from Cuba.
Mr. Nakasone gave a warning against a US plan to invade Cuba, since Cuban troops were mobilized in a large scale and took up every necessary position at its coat lines.
However, Robert Kennedy propped his feet up on the desk while listening to Mr. Nakasone. So, Mr. Nakasone responded with a casual attitude, according to his own description.
As history tells, the US scheme to invade Cuba resulted in a tragic failure, leading to the assassination of JFK, though Mr. Nakasone had attended the inauguration ceremony of President John F. Kennedy.
Robert Kennedy could not accomplish his own Presidential Election campaign due to his own assassination in 1968, though he had been invited to Japan by Mr. Nakasone and his friends in a very friendly way before the fatal incident.
In 1973, Mr. Yasuhiro Nakasone as a minister of the Japanese Government visited Beijing to see Chou Em-lai, the then Prime Minister of China or the greatest Chinese hero after WWII.
They talked for long hours a few times, since their conversations covered many aspects so interesting to each other. When one long dialogue was over very late at night and Mr. Nakasone was about to step out of a big official building into a cold winter night of Beijing, he received unthinkable hospitality.
Chou Em-lai helped Mr. Nakasone put on his over coat.
Mr. Nakasone recalled the kindness of Chou Em-lai as a typical of Asian act of bona fide intention. He stressed that you could not expect such hospitality from any Western politicians.
Chou En-lai is respected deeply by the Chinese even today. Though Mao Tse-tung was an amateur in economy, Chou En-lai sustained the governmental administration through the turmoil and the severe power struggles in the Chinese Communist Party from 1960’s to early 1970’s.
I can really sense the karmic law in the experiences Mr. Yasuhiro Nakasone presented in his memoir.
"What you sow, you reap" is also a common expression. Isaac Newton also specified that every action receives an equal and opposite reaction.
Buddha clearly stated that if you did good to holy monks and ascetic monks, you would be highly rewarded according to the Law of Universe.
Indeed, Jesus Christ said that if you were slandered and abused by words or spoken ill of, you would yet receive many consolations and rewards in Heaven, so that you have to be glad if so attacked.
Truly, meeting no counter attacks when delivering venomous criticism to an enemy is a horrible situation, since Heaven, if judged the criticism to be false or unfair, would surely take charge of revenge on behalf of the faithful victim.
That is why I am telling you that any prime ministers or presidents in the world should be benevolent to poor citizens in their territories.
Now US voters should think which has cultivated virtue in human relationships and accumulated treasure in Heaven more, Mr. McCain or Mr. Obama?
Mar 7:31 And again, departing from the coasts of Tyre and Sidon, he came unto the sea of Galilee, through the midst of the coasts of Decapolis.
Mar 7:32 And they bring unto him one that was deaf, and had an impediment in his speech; and they beseech him to put his hand upon him.
Mar 7:33 And he took him aside from the multitude, and put his fingers into his ears, and he spit, and touched his tongue;
Mar 7:34 And looking up to heaven, he sighed, and saith unto him, Ephphatha, that is, Be opened.
Mar 7:35 And straightway his ears were opened, and the string of his tongue was loosed, and he spake plain.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
School children in Japan have begun their summer holidays.
But, statistically, tens of children and students lose their lives every year during this season due to accidents on the beach and in rivers or ponds or even in a swimming pool.
Yet, it is a key to prosperity of a nation to teach children unbiased history.
Even the teaching of Jesus Christ was based on the assumption that Israelites knew their history since the departure of Abraham’s family from Ur, presently part of Iraq.
SECTION I: Liancourt Rocks (Take-Shima Island of Japan)
There is a territorial dispute between Japan and South Korea.
On July 2008, the U.S. Board on Geographic Names (BGN) changed the name of the country that Liancourt Rocks belong to from South Korea to Undesignated Sovereignty. Responding to this change, Gonzalo R. Gallegos, Acting Deputy Spokesman of the U.S. State Department, said on July 28, 2008 that the United States has long maintained a policy stance of neutrality on the islets, and that the latest change does not represent any policy change within the U.S. government.
Once, Japanese and South Korean scholars specializing in history discussed this issue. Based on ancient documents and other proofs of the modern age, Japanese scholars claimed that these materials told the truth; and the only logical consequence was that the disputed island belonged to Japan.
South Koreans scholars academically admitted that those materials told the truth; and their logical consequence was that the disputed island belonged to Japan.
Nonetheless, South Korean scholars emotionally claimed that the island was yet clearly part of South Korea.
That is why I hope that the Japanese Government in a tie up with the U.S. and China will submit a concrete development plan of North Korea which can be implemented immediately after the release of Japanese citizens abducted by North Korea.
SECTION II: India, China, and Japan
There is an interesting site dealing with Japan, China, and India:
Emperors of the Sangoku,
the "Three Kingdoms," of India, China, & Japan
India and China are the sources of the greatest civilizations in Eastern and Southern Asia. Their rulers saw themselves as universal monarchs, thereby matching the pretensions of the Roman Emperors in the West. The only drawbacks to their historical priority were that India suffered a setback, when the Indus Valley Civilization collapsed (for disputed reasons), and China got started later than the Middle Eastern civilizations. By the time India recovered, it was a contemporary of Greece, rather than Sumeria, with many parallel cultural developments, like philosophy. And, curiously, China reached a philosophical stage of development in the same era, the "axial age," 800 to 400 BC. Later, when the West, India, and China all had contact with each other, it was at first India that had the most influence on China, through the introduction of Buddhism. Indian influence on the West, though likely through the skepticism of Pyrrho, and possibly evident in the halos of Christian saints (borrowed from Buddhist iconography), did not extend to anything more substantial. While China then made Buddhism its own, India later endured the advent of Islâm, which introduced deep cultural and then political divisions into the Subcontinent. The only comparable development in China was the application of Marxism by the Communist government that came to power in 1949. While China has now embraced a more liberal economic vision and has outgrown India, it retains the political dictatorship of Communism. India, with a successful history as a democracy, has found its growth hampered by socialist expectations and regulations (the stifling "Licence Raj"), with some, but not enough, economic liberalization in the 1990's.
The idea that there are "Three Kingdoms" (Sangoku -- we might call it the Fan Han He, "India, China, Japan") is a Japanese conceit, placing those peripheral islands on equal standing with the great centers of civilization, India and China. Until the 20th century, there would not have been a shadow of justification for that, except perhaps in subjective judgments about the creativity or originality of Japanese culture, which I am sure would be disputed by Koreans and Vietnamese. However, after a process of self-transformation sparked by American intervention, Japan leapt to the status of a Great Power by defeating Russia in 1905. The Empire then spent the next 40 years throwing its weight around, occupying Korea and invading China, ultimately taking on the United States in a disastrous bid for hegemony (1941-1945). Catastrophic defeat slowed Japan down a little, but by the 1980's, the country had vaulted to the highest per capita income in the world, with wealth and economic power that deeply frightened many, even in the United States. Japan remains the only Great Power, in economic terms (as the Japanese military establishment remains low profile), not directly derived from European civilization. Now, even after a decade of economic stagnation, Japan remains the second largest economy in the world (about 40% the size of the United States, more than 1.7 times the size of Germany, and finally reviving a bit in 2004), although in per capita terms declining from 3rd in the world in 2003 to 11th in 2007 [The Economist Pocket World in Figures, 2007 Edition]. This all might be thought to justify the Japanese view of themselves as unique, or at least special, certainly geopolitically important, giving us some motivation for the inclusion of Japan in a "Sangoku" page…
This is an example of amateur talks on history.
Most of economists, historians, and journalists in the world do not understand what any non-European nation was required to match Western powers in the 19th and 20th century.
Just look at the list of Novel Prize winners in the fields of science in these centuries.
Or check the list of technical innovations in these centuries.
Modern science, technology, and industry cannot be derived from the ancient Indian or Chinese civilization. It was almost an impossible task and challenge for any non-European nation to fully introduce itself to the modern science, technology, and philosophy developed in Europe taking more than 2,000 years.
But, outside Europe and America, only Japan could fully master and develop modern science, technology, and industry, since Japan had been remarkably able to understand, master, and apply fruits of the ancient Indian and Chinese Civilizations far before the era of its modernization of the European style.
Based on those Asian cultural assets, Japan could enhance its capability to absorb Western Civilization and develop its version of modern Civilization.
Conversely, the ancient Indian and Chinese Civilizations must have been completely forgotten and buried in the world history by now, if Japan, as the only great entity that had completely learnt, absorbed, and acquired these two ancient Civilizations, had not been able to further develop its unique civilization to get prepared for encountering the Western Civilization in the late 19th century.
Put simply, India and China owe their survival and present rise to Japan, since there were many ancient civilizations completely destroyed, buried, and forgotten.
(Or do you think that the British Upper Class or Karl Marx and Joseph Stalin respect the Indian and Chinese Civilizations? They would rather colonize India and China, by use of modern weapons and philosophy.)
Even middle school students in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as Tibet can understand that if Japan had not overwhelmingly succeeded in the 20th century as the only non-European/American nation, European races would have regarded all the Asian races and tribes as inferior races or untermenschen.
Japanese civilization consists of the best part of the ancient Indian and Chinese Civilizations in addition to its own unique culture plus selectively imported European culture.
But, if you cannot understand at least academically this historical truth and the value of Japan, you would rather emotionally show such stupid and arrogant attitudes to Japan in writing history.
What’s more, just check how much India and China have contributed to helping other poor countries and the world peace; then you will be surprised at their lack of respect to Japan who has contributed so much to development of poor countries and prevalence of peace in Africa, Asia, and Latin America after WWII.
I do not deny the fact of global warming, though there is a possibility it has hit a peak due to a change in physical activities of the Sun toward waning.
Yet, CO2 cannot be the sole major factor.
And it looks like that though the contribution of CO2 to the global warming is just 30% of all the factors, Europeans are trying to disseminate an idea that 90% of human efforts should be put into the War on CO2.
It is very dangerous.
It is just like that though Judaists in Germany before WWII had just 3% or so of national assets of Germany, Nazis claimed that they occupied 90% or so of German assets.
They are shouting too much "CO2" and "Carbon" as they shouted too much "Jews."
It is crude oil, coal, and natural gas but not CO2 that should be focused on, since CO2 is just contained in crude oil, coal, and natural gas in an original form.
Especially, if India and China lose respect for Japan, Europeans would frame any crazy scheme, such as CO2 fever, involving India and China to exploit poor people and poor nations in the world.
Rich people in China and India will promptly join rich Europeans to exploit and abuse poor citizens in their society, since traditions of India and China are not democratic at all but desparately full of discriminatory attitudes and terms.
That is why I am telling you to study history and science so as to respect Japan in order to understand the danger of European Civilization-based world.
And, I think the only logical conclusion for poor Americans is a Religious Revolution based on the Gospel but not Western-style churches, since the Gospel itself is the only superior Civilization to Japan who is superior to India and China as history has proven.
Joh 7:30 Then they sought to take him: but no man laid hands on him, because his hour was not yet come.
Joh 7:31 And many of the people believed on him, and said, When Christ cometh, will he do more miracles than these which this man hath done?
School children in Japan have begun their summer holidays.
But, statistically, tens of children and students lose their lives every year during this season due to accidents on the beach and in rivers or ponds or even in a swimming pool.
Yet, it is a key to prosperity of a nation to teach children unbiased history.
Even the teaching of Jesus Christ was based on the assumption that Israelites knew their history since the departure of Abraham’s family from Ur, presently part of Iraq.
SECTION I: Liancourt Rocks (Take-Shima Island of Japan)
There is a territorial dispute between Japan and South Korea.
On July 2008, the U.S. Board on Geographic Names (BGN) changed the name of the country that Liancourt Rocks belong to from South Korea to Undesignated Sovereignty. Responding to this change, Gonzalo R. Gallegos, Acting Deputy Spokesman of the U.S. State Department, said on July 28, 2008 that the United States has long maintained a policy stance of neutrality on the islets, and that the latest change does not represent any policy change within the U.S. government.
Once, Japanese and South Korean scholars specializing in history discussed this issue. Based on ancient documents and other proofs of the modern age, Japanese scholars claimed that these materials told the truth; and the only logical consequence was that the disputed island belonged to Japan.
South Koreans scholars academically admitted that those materials told the truth; and their logical consequence was that the disputed island belonged to Japan.
Nonetheless, South Korean scholars emotionally claimed that the island was yet clearly part of South Korea.
That is why I hope that the Japanese Government in a tie up with the U.S. and China will submit a concrete development plan of North Korea which can be implemented immediately after the release of Japanese citizens abducted by North Korea.
SECTION II: India, China, and Japan
There is an interesting site dealing with Japan, China, and India:
Emperors of the Sangoku,
the "Three Kingdoms," of India, China, & Japan
India and China are the sources of the greatest civilizations in Eastern and Southern Asia. Their rulers saw themselves as universal monarchs, thereby matching the pretensions of the Roman Emperors in the West. The only drawbacks to their historical priority were that India suffered a setback, when the Indus Valley Civilization collapsed (for disputed reasons), and China got started later than the Middle Eastern civilizations. By the time India recovered, it was a contemporary of Greece, rather than Sumeria, with many parallel cultural developments, like philosophy. And, curiously, China reached a philosophical stage of development in the same era, the "axial age," 800 to 400 BC. Later, when the West, India, and China all had contact with each other, it was at first India that had the most influence on China, through the introduction of Buddhism. Indian influence on the West, though likely through the skepticism of Pyrrho, and possibly evident in the halos of Christian saints (borrowed from Buddhist iconography), did not extend to anything more substantial. While China then made Buddhism its own, India later endured the advent of Islâm, which introduced deep cultural and then political divisions into the Subcontinent. The only comparable development in China was the application of Marxism by the Communist government that came to power in 1949. While China has now embraced a more liberal economic vision and has outgrown India, it retains the political dictatorship of Communism. India, with a successful history as a democracy, has found its growth hampered by socialist expectations and regulations (the stifling "Licence Raj"), with some, but not enough, economic liberalization in the 1990's.
The idea that there are "Three Kingdoms" (Sangoku -- we might call it the Fan Han He, "India, China, Japan") is a Japanese conceit, placing those peripheral islands on equal standing with the great centers of civilization, India and China. Until the 20th century, there would not have been a shadow of justification for that, except perhaps in subjective judgments about the creativity or originality of Japanese culture, which I am sure would be disputed by Koreans and Vietnamese. However, after a process of self-transformation sparked by American intervention, Japan leapt to the status of a Great Power by defeating Russia in 1905. The Empire then spent the next 40 years throwing its weight around, occupying Korea and invading China, ultimately taking on the United States in a disastrous bid for hegemony (1941-1945). Catastrophic defeat slowed Japan down a little, but by the 1980's, the country had vaulted to the highest per capita income in the world, with wealth and economic power that deeply frightened many, even in the United States. Japan remains the only Great Power, in economic terms (as the Japanese military establishment remains low profile), not directly derived from European civilization. Now, even after a decade of economic stagnation, Japan remains the second largest economy in the world (about 40% the size of the United States, more than 1.7 times the size of Germany, and finally reviving a bit in 2004), although in per capita terms declining from 3rd in the world in 2003 to 11th in 2007 [The Economist Pocket World in Figures, 2007 Edition]. This all might be thought to justify the Japanese view of themselves as unique, or at least special, certainly geopolitically important, giving us some motivation for the inclusion of Japan in a "Sangoku" page…
This is an example of amateur talks on history.
Most of economists, historians, and journalists in the world do not understand what any non-European nation was required to match Western powers in the 19th and 20th century.
Just look at the list of Novel Prize winners in the fields of science in these centuries.
Or check the list of technical innovations in these centuries.
Modern science, technology, and industry cannot be derived from the ancient Indian or Chinese civilization. It was almost an impossible task and challenge for any non-European nation to fully introduce itself to the modern science, technology, and philosophy developed in Europe taking more than 2,000 years.
But, outside Europe and America, only Japan could fully master and develop modern science, technology, and industry, since Japan had been remarkably able to understand, master, and apply fruits of the ancient Indian and Chinese Civilizations far before the era of its modernization of the European style.
Based on those Asian cultural assets, Japan could enhance its capability to absorb Western Civilization and develop its version of modern Civilization.
Conversely, the ancient Indian and Chinese Civilizations must have been completely forgotten and buried in the world history by now, if Japan, as the only great entity that had completely learnt, absorbed, and acquired these two ancient Civilizations, had not been able to further develop its unique civilization to get prepared for encountering the Western Civilization in the late 19th century.
Put simply, India and China owe their survival and present rise to Japan, since there were many ancient civilizations completely destroyed, buried, and forgotten.
(Or do you think that the British Upper Class or Karl Marx and Joseph Stalin respect the Indian and Chinese Civilizations? They would rather colonize India and China, by use of modern weapons and philosophy.)
Even middle school students in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as Tibet can understand that if Japan had not overwhelmingly succeeded in the 20th century as the only non-European/American nation, European races would have regarded all the Asian races and tribes as inferior races or untermenschen.
Japanese civilization consists of the best part of the ancient Indian and Chinese Civilizations in addition to its own unique culture plus selectively imported European culture.
But, if you cannot understand at least academically this historical truth and the value of Japan, you would rather emotionally show such stupid and arrogant attitudes to Japan in writing history.
What’s more, just check how much India and China have contributed to helping other poor countries and the world peace; then you will be surprised at their lack of respect to Japan who has contributed so much to development of poor countries and prevalence of peace in Africa, Asia, and Latin America after WWII.
I do not deny the fact of global warming, though there is a possibility it has hit a peak due to a change in physical activities of the Sun toward waning.
Yet, CO2 cannot be the sole major factor.
And it looks like that though the contribution of CO2 to the global warming is just 30% of all the factors, Europeans are trying to disseminate an idea that 90% of human efforts should be put into the War on CO2.
It is very dangerous.
It is just like that though Judaists in Germany before WWII had just 3% or so of national assets of Germany, Nazis claimed that they occupied 90% or so of German assets.
They are shouting too much "CO2" and "Carbon" as they shouted too much "Jews."
It is crude oil, coal, and natural gas but not CO2 that should be focused on, since CO2 is just contained in crude oil, coal, and natural gas in an original form.
Especially, if India and China lose respect for Japan, Europeans would frame any crazy scheme, such as CO2 fever, involving India and China to exploit poor people and poor nations in the world.
Rich people in China and India will promptly join rich Europeans to exploit and abuse poor citizens in their society, since traditions of India and China are not democratic at all but desparately full of discriminatory attitudes and terms.
That is why I am telling you to study history and science so as to respect Japan in order to understand the danger of European Civilization-based world.
And, I think the only logical conclusion for poor Americans is a Religious Revolution based on the Gospel but not Western-style churches, since the Gospel itself is the only superior Civilization to Japan who is superior to India and China as history has proven.
Joh 7:30 Then they sought to take him: but no man laid hands on him, because his hour was not yet come.
Joh 7:31 And many of the people believed on him, and said, When Christ cometh, will he do more miracles than these which this man hath done?
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
False Pundits: Lack of Conscience or Devil's Wisdom



False Pundits: Lack of Conscience or Devil's Wisdom
All I can do nowadays is going to bed early, say, before 11 p.m., since I cannot bear reading, seeing, and hearing what false pundits present.
PART I: Foolish Self-Definition of the Right and the Left
There are various ways to explain truth.
In analogy with various paths reaching the summit of Mt. Fuji, there are various ways to enhance and improve one's personality and character.
(The best way is of course forgive your enemies and love them, as Jesus Christ so ordered.)
So, you may wonder if EEE Reporter is speaking with a forked tongue when handling, say, religions, history, economy, and politics.
As critics and pundits whose soul and brain are damaged by sweet alcohol, delicious foods, and gorgeous bars and restaurants in addition to money-based romance cannot even cope with God's foolishness, they blame EEE Reporter as falsely right-wing or falsely left-wing.
However they themselves look rather childish than being right-wing or left-wing.
(Taking a specific example in Japan, if some Japanese journalists are truly right-wing, how can they be engaged in character assassination of top conservative leaders in the Japanese political circle for the reason that those leaders personally dislike them and have once hurt their pride?)
Good or bad, being right-wing or left-wing does not matter among top leaders in history. Everything depends on situations. They are expressing themselves while trying to attain the highest status of their own in any given circumstance.
If JFK had been born in China, he must have tried hard to be a top leader of the Chinese Communist Party while blaming America.
If Chou En-lai had been born in America, he must have tried hard to be US President while blaming China.
Even in this context Jesus Christ is the greatest, since He must be just being Himself, namely Christ, if born in China or America, surely scolding top leaders in China and America.
From a different point of view, you can deny 100% neither the ideal of the Chinese Communist Party nor the American Dream.
Be wise rather than being right-wing or left-wing based on personal vengeance; but do not trust Japanese liberals who neglect Japanese citizens abducted by North Korea, since in Japan liberals mean those who neglect Japanese citizens abducted by North Korea (mostly in a tie up with the Social Democratic Party of Japan who is supported by ethnic Koreans in Japan mostly making business in the pinball entertainment industry).
There is still misunderstanding about IBM’s transfer of its PC division to China though it happened several years ago.
First of all, the U.S. Government should not have approved the transfer.
The judgment of the U.S. Government is based on the notion that even if IBM’s PC division was sold to China, China could not overcome Microsoft and Intel in technical competition.
“China would simply have to buy Windows OS and Intel’s CPUs to assemble a PC.” “It is just selling a computer assembly factory or a software application business.” This judgment by IBM is wrong.
But, the reason why the US Government made a big mistake is that in the past Japan with capability to invent and commercialize other type of OS and a CPU for a PC was almost completely suppressed by the US Government who applied a severe political pressure on the Japanese Government.
China has even no scientific and technical base to invent and commercialize other type of OS and a CPU for a PC. China is more cooperative politically with the U.S. nowadays than Japan. So, the US Government thought that as IBM said it was OK, it must be OK to allow for the transfer of IBM’s PC division to China, since IBM could not earn big profits from the PC business.
By allowing for the transfer of IBM’s PC division to China, the US Government allows for the gap between poor Americans and rich Americans to get wider. It also makes wider the gap between poor Chinese and rich Chinese.
The industry should develop along with accumulation of technical experiences and research history.
Having Chine produce cheap products more efficiently by leveraging power of PCs will make US big businesses more profitable as they can import useful products at low costs from China. This is the interests at the core of their judgment, which however is against the interests of poor Americans.
This is a typical example of false wisdom in business and politics.
SECTION III: False Global 2.0
One Japanese amateur critic was highly moved by a trend called Global 2.0.
He was really assured of the great power of Western businessmen actively and internationally working and promoting further globalization based on the new paradigm called Global 2.0.
It is because he read the following writing by Lenovo’s CEO:
Interconnected we prosper
By William J. Amelio
Published: June 25, 2008
The World Bank recently revisited its "dollar a day" global poverty yardstick and came to a startling conclusion: It was wrong when it said some 250 million people in China had escaped from severe poverty between 1990 and 2004.
Instead, by its latest count, some 407 million Chinese citizens rose out of poverty during those 14 years - roughly one-third of the entire population of the most populous country on the planet!
This upward shift is being repeated around the world with amazing implications for society. The Brookings Institution recently forecast that one billion people would join the ranks of this rising middle class by 2020.
This is cause for global celebration: The world's riches are being opened to all of its citizens, who in turn are contributing new value and advances that will propel the world economy to greater heights of shared prosperity.
Why, after centuries of human endeavor, is this amazing transformation happening now?
Because we have moved decisively from what we called "globalization" into a new era of global inter-connectedness, where not just goods but information and ideas flow across borders constantly and (for the most part) freely as near universal access to Internet-enabled communications moves closer to reality.
This is the world of "Global 2.0," and it is transforming our economies, our businesses and how billions of people live. We are all part of this change that has the potential to win the war on global poverty and deprivation in our lifetimes…
First of all, the author does not understand that China is an exception in the world, though it is a huge exception.
What can apply to China cannot apply simply to any other nations.
Simple contrary evidence can be found in the ILO paper:
Global Employment Trends 2007
Global unemployment remains at historic high despite strong economic growth
Modest gains in reducing working poverty
Thursday 25 January 2007 (ILO/07/02)
GENEVA (ILO News) - The number of people unemployed worldwide remained at an historical high in 2006 despite strong global economic growth, the International Labour Office (ILO) said in its annual Global Employment Trends (Note 1) released today.
The ILO's "Global Employment Trends Brief 2007" reported that even though more people are working globally than ever before, the number of unemployed remained at an all time high of 195.2 million in 2006 or at a global rate of 6.3 per cent. This rate was almost unchanged from the previous year.
The ILO also reported only modest gains in lifting some of the world's 1.37 billion working poor - those working but living on less than the equivalent of US$ 2 per person, per day - out of poverty, stressing that there weren't enough decent and productive jobs to raise them and their families above the US$ 2 poverty line.
"The strong economic growth of the last half decade has only had a slight impact on the reduction of the number of workers who live with their families in poverty and this was only true in a handful of countries. In addition growth failed to reduce global unemployment", said ILO Director-General Juan Somavia. "What's more, even with continued strong global economic growth in 2007 there is serious concern about the prospects for decent job creation and reducing working poverty further."
The report said that in order to maintain or reduce unemployment rates, the link between growth and jobs must be reinforced. It said creation of decent and productive jobs - not just any jobs -was a prerequisite for reducing unemployment and slashing the number of families working but still living in poverty. This in turn is a precondition for future development and economic growth.
Other findings in the trends report showed that:
- For the last decade, economic growth has been reflected more in rising levels of productivity and less in growing employment. While world productivity increased by 26 per cent the global number of those in employment rose by only 16.6 per cent.
- Unemployment hit young people (aged 15 to 24) the hardest, with 86.3 million young people representing 44 per cent of the world's total unemployed in 2006.
- The employment gap between women and men persists. In 2006, only 48.9 per cent of women aged 15+ were working compared to 49.6 per cent in 1996. The comparable male employment-to-population ratios were 75.7 in 1996 and 74.0 in 2006.
- In 2006, the share of the service sector in the global employment progressed from 39.5 per cent to 40 per cent and, for the first time, overtook the share of agriculture that decreased from 39.7 per cent to 38.7 per cent. The industry sector represented 21.3 per cent of total employment.
Regional trends
The study said that in most of the regions, unemployment rates did not change markedly between 2005 and 2006. The largest decrease occurred in the region of the Developed Economies and European Union, where the unemployment rate declined by 0.6 percentage points between 2005 and 2006 to 6.2 per cent. East Asia's unemployment rate was 3.6 per cent, thereby remaining the lowest in the world. South Asia's unemployment rate was 5.2 per cent and South-East Asia and the Pacific's was 6.6 per cent.
According to the report, the Middle East and North Africa remained the region with the highest unemployment rate in the world at 12.2 per cent in 2006. Sub-Saharan Africa's rate stood at 9.8 per cent, the second highest in the world. The region also had the highest share in working poverty, with 8 out of 10 women and men living on less than $2 a day with their families. This underscores that tackling the decent work deficit in Africa is a regional and global priority.
The report also specified that employment-to-population ratios - the share of people employed within the working age population - varied between regions. The Middle East and North Africa region had the lowest ratio, at 47.3 per cent in 2006. East Asia had the highest ratio with 71.6 per cent in 2006 but its ratio dropped by 3.5 percentage points over the last 10 years. If caused by an increase in educational participation - as is the case in East Asia - a decrease of the employment-to-population ratio is a good thing. In Latin America the ratio gained 1.8 percentage points up to 60.3 per cent of people employed within its working age population in 2006.
The ILO estimates showed that in all regions, the total number of working poor at the US$1 level declined between 2001 and 2006 except in Sub-Saharan Africa where it increased by another 14 million and in Latin America and the Middle East and North Africa where it stayed more or less unchanged. Over the same period the total number of US$2 a day working poor declined in Central and Eastern Europe (non-EU) and CIS, and most significantly in East Asia by 65 million. On the other hand, it increased in South-East Asia and the Pacific, South Asia, the Middle East and North Africa with the biggest rise, of 26 million, occurring in Sub-Saharan Africa.
"Every region has to face major labour market challenges", says the ILO report, "young people have more difficulties in labour markets than adults; women do not get the same opportunities as men, the lack of decent work is still high; and the potential a population has to offer is not always used because of a lack of human capital development or a mismatch between the supply and the demand side in labour markets."
"Nowadays the widespread conviction is that decent work is the only sustainable way to reduce poverty, which is why the target of `full, productive and decent employment´ will be a new target within the Millennium Development Goals in 2007. Therefore it is now the time for governments as well as the international community to make sure that the favourable economic conditions in most parts of the world will be translated into decent job growth", concludes the report.
Global 2.0 is not the paradigm to make the poor people in the world richer.
But, it is primarily designed to streamline the way of business so as to win competition and increase profits while expanding a market size.
Global 2.0 does not need a billion of elite workers who can fully and skillfully manipulate PCs and the Internet.
In an advanced IT environment of Global 2.0, you need only a handful of elite employees to operate and manage big business, a huge supply chain or sales chain, and handle huge funds while absorbing useful ideas from many low-wage workers.
Global 2.0 does not need poor Americans but Chinese factories and the Chinese market.
Any good ideas contrived by competitors will be swiftly suppressed even politically.
With so much evil entailed by Global 2.0, as proven by so many poor Americans neglected, it will not help poor Americans at all.
(Do you really think that "Global Obama" will really help poor Americans?)
It is just like the transfer of IBM’s PC division to China has not helped poor Americans at all.
They are all for conveniently developing Chinese factories and cheaply cultivating the Chinese market.
It is a false scheme, since they have never seriously considered the cultural and historical aspects of China and the critical contribution by Japan to the leveling up of Chinese industries in these decades.
When I was young, I saw colleagues and workers around me take a week-long summer vacation twice, say, in July and August.
It is not bad at all for you to follow suit when you are young. I really recommend you to, since I saw unbelievably wonderful sunset yesterday where a jet plane was flying against the background of softly orange, pink, and red clouds.
(But, national lawmakers or congressional representatives are different.
It is so because a war or other crisis can occur at any time.
All they can do is going to bed early, say, before 11 p.m. nowadays especially in Japan.)
Luk 7:29 And all the people that heard him, and the publicans, justified God, being baptized with the baptism of John.
Luk 7:30 But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves, being not baptized of him.
Luk 7:31 And the Lord said, Whereunto then shall I liken the men of this generation? and to what are they like?
Luk 7:32 They are like unto children sitting in the marketplace, and calling one to another, and saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned to you, and ye have not wept.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Miracles from Fatima in 1917 Continuing to 2008 through 2005


Miracles from Fatima in 1917 Continuing to 2008 through 2005
Now the NHK TV Station of Japan is broadcasting live from the summit of Mt. Fuji.
Everything named "Fuji" in Japan is of course leveraging the image of Mt. Fuji.
If any miracle happens in Japan, it will be most probably associated with “Fuji.”
SECTION I: Our Lady of Fatima
I have a feeling that the blog entry about the miracles at Fatima, Portugal, in 1917 has gathered big attention from EEE Reporter viewers.
Maybe even staff members of the Western media companies, intelligence agencies of the U.S., China, and other major countries, and politicians in Japan and foreign countries seem not to have studied with ardor the miracles at Fatima in their past lives.
SECTION II: Miracle in My Town
Last Friday when I wrote about the miracles that had occurred at Fatima in 1917 and posted it to this blog site, a heavy rain with thunders suddenly came down in my city.
It knocked out power in an area, or just a street of a city, where I live around 5 p.m. as a horrible thunder hit electric power distribution equipment.
As the torrents stopped, electric power was however restored around 7 p.m.
An old man told me on the street that he had lived 50 years in this town but never experienced electric power outage like this.
So, I confirmed that the Miracles at Fatima in 1917 were authentic as Heaven so assured me in my town.
One enigma about the words of the Holy Lady at Fatima is that she said, "The war has ended today," while World War I was still going on on October 13, 1917.
It should be interrupted as Heaven decided on the very day to put an end to WWI though it would continue for another year on the surface of history.
Officially WWI ended on November 11, 1918 as "Germany signs an armistice agreement with the Allies in a railroad car outside of Compiègne in France. It becomes official on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month."
Indeed, until one day after one year and one month before November 11, 1918, namely until October 12, 1917, the fate of WWI must not have been decided by Heaven or God, though the U.S. declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917 and the Holy Lady was to appear to the three pious local children during their pastoral duties in Fatima on October 13, 1917.
(If the momentum of WWI had not been sufficiently killed on October 13, 1917, Weimar Republic would not have been successfully established in Germany after the War with a possibility to advance energy and ability of the Germans in a peaceful and prosperous direction; yet after WWII or the period of Nazis cruelty, the experiences of Weimar Republic helped the battered Germans find the right direction to take in their efforts to rebuild the nation(s) again.)
Other important incidents in 1917:
May 13 - The first appearance of the Holy Lady at Fatima, Portugal.
July 6 - Arabian troops led by Robert Constant capture Aqaba from the Turks.
July 17 - King George V of the United Kingdom issues a Proclamation stating that thenceforth the male line descendants of the British Royal Family will bear the surname Windsor vice the Germanic bloodline of House of Saxe-Coburg, which is an offshoot of the historic (800+ years) House of Wettin.
July 28 - The Silent Protest was organized by the NAACP in New York to protest the East St. Louis Massacre of July 2, as well as lynchings in Texas and Tennessee.
November 2 - Zionism: The Balfour Declaration proclaims British support for the "establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people" with the clear understanding "that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities".
November 7 - October Revolution begins: The workers of St. Petersburg in Russia, led by the Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin, attacked the Kerensky Provisional Government ( Julian Calendar shows an October 25 date).
And more tragically,
May 29 - John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, USA. (assassinated in 1963).
November 14 - Park Chung-hee, the first president of Republic of Korea, was born (assassinated in 1979).
November 19 - Indira Priyadarshini Gandhi (the only female prime minister of India was born (assassinated in 1984).
But, you would rather find in the year 1917 a true inception of the incidents leading to the Pearl Harbor Attack by the Imperial Navy of Japan in 1941:
The Lansing-Ishii Agreement was a diplomatic note signed between the United States and the Empire of Japan on 2 November 1917 over their disputes with regards to China.
In the published text of the Agreement, signed by United States Secretary of State Robert Lansing and Japanese special envoy Ishii Kikujirō, both parties pledged to uphold the Open Door policy in China, with respect to its territorial and administrative integrity. However, the United States government also acknowledged that Japan had "special interests" in China due to its geographic proximity, especially in those areas of China adjacent to Japanese territory, which was in effect, a contradiction to the Open Door Policy.
In summary, we still live in the era that began in 1917 in the last days of WWI.
It is because we can see the inceptions of the nominal reign by the current British Royal Family (including the Princess Diana’s tragedy), the rise of African Americans in the U.S., the Arab-Israel conflict, the rise and fall of the Soviet Union, and WWII triggered by Japan’s Pearl Harbor Attacks as well as the JFK assassination and an ensued shadow on US politics, the Korean War and the subsequent military threat from North Korea, complicated relationships between Japan, China, and the U.S., and the ever continuing unrest in South Asia, all in 1917.
SECTION IV: Why No Warnings on Nazis and Hiroshima?
It is a common sense that the greatest tragedies in the 20st century are the massacre of six million Judaists by Nazis and the atomic-bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the US military during WWII.
Then, why did not the Holy Lady mention these two greatest tragedies for mankind?
Or, did the Vatican hide those words, expressions, and images on the Holocaust and Hiroshima/Nagasaki the Holy Lady had actually and virtually delivered to the three pious local children in Portugal in 1917?
If so, did the Vatican do so in order to have Nazis attack Stalin’s Soviet Union?
Indeed, the Vatican hated Marxist Russia more than Nazi Germany who never disavowed their nominal faith in Christianity which rationalized their antagonism against Judaists.
And, the Vatican has had no intimacy with Japan whose number of Christians has never exceeded one million among its population of 120 million.
I really believe that those three pious children at Fatima saw Swastikas and the Flag of the Rising Sun in the middle of horrible images of the Holocaust and the nuclear bomb attacks.
The Vatican must love Nazi Germany more than Marxist Russia and nuclear-armed America more than Buddhism/Shintoizm-loving Japan.
On Feb 13, 2005, Lucia de Jesus Rosa Santos, the last survivor of the three pious children who experienced a series of apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Fatima in 1917, died.
On April 2, 2005, Pope John Paul II who is said to have taken serious thought of the miracles at Fatima died in the Vatican.
On April 19, 2005, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger who had once taken a key part in Vatican’s presenting the Third Secret of Fatima in 2000 was elected as the new Pope.
On May 13, 2005, exactly 88 years after the first appearance of the Holy Lady at Fatima, a blog was started by EEE Reporter who encountered a humble miracle in the thunder and deluge after posting an article about the Holy Lady at Fatima on July 25, 2008.
That is why I told that the US President should listen to EEE Reporter on the 30 billion dollar package to develop North Korea through cooperation among the U.S., Japan, and China.
The US President should take an initiative to establish the foundation which will be made available for North Korea as soon as the despotic state releases Japanese abducted by them and has all the nuclear weapons possessed by them disposed of properly.
Truly, the US President has yet six months ahead to prove he is a believer of the miracles at Fatima.
Indeed, after a deluge, it is natural for people to observe a rainbow even in Portugal in 1917; but how can a mere rainbow be powered up so much that its influence can continue for 88 years or 91 years, reaching Japan at the opposite end off the Eurasia continent?
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Revelation 4:3 And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.
Revelation 10:1 And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire: