Monday, April 17, 2023

"Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband" - Can Magical and Spiritual Power Save a Nation?

Around Tokyo

Can Magical and Spiritual Power Save a Nation?

In 1274 and 1281 the Mongolian Empire that had already conquered China started to invade into Japan then under Samurai regime. But at each attempt of the invasion, a typhoon occurred and Mongolian fleets with tens of thousands soldiers sank or got destroyed, and thus Japan was saved.  In Japanese text books on history it is described that the winds of gods saved Japan.  Indeed, at the time, the samurai regime and the imperial authority of Japan mobilized as many Buddhist monks, shintoism priests, etc. as possible to have them pray to deities and gods of Buddhism and shintoism (the inherent religion of the Japanese people) so as to help Japan defeat the invading Mogolian troops.  And, a big typhoon occurred to destroy the Mogolian fleets.  The typhoon was called the god's wind, which is called kami-kaze in Japanese.  People of Japan confirmed that Japan was protected by god's, Buddhism deities, and other holy spirits, and thus the idea that Japan is a kingdom of gods (kamino-kuni)  prevailed in Japan.      

But in 1590s when Hideyoshi who ruled Japan as samurai leader invaded into the Korean peninsula to fight and conquer the then Chinese dynasty Ming, kami-kaze did not blow to help Japanese troops; Hideyoshi failed.

After modernization of Japan in the late 19th century, Imperial Japan fought against the then Chonese dynsty Qing and subsequently the Russian Empire to defeat them and establish Japanese hegemony over the Korean peninsula.  The Japanese people came to confirm that Japan was protected by gods and other deities and thus invincible.  So, the authority of the emperor of Japan as the highest priest of shintoism was reinforced.    

Then in 1930s, Imperial Japan started war against China, leading to a war against the U.S. and WWII.  After the Pearl Harbor attack in 1941, the Japanese government mobilized Buddhism and shintoism monks and priests, etc. to ask their deities for help and kami-kaze.  Maybe as the effect of these prayers, the then U.S. president Roosevelt died mysteriously due to a heart disease in 1945 before the end of WWII.   But, kami-kaze did not occur and Imperial Japan was defeated by American troops and their atomic bombs onto Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Imperial Japan surrendered and accepted American occupation till 1952.  Consequently, Japan adopted new democratic constitution under influence of American democratic Christianity.  The emperor of Japan became a mere symbol of unity of the Japanese people, losing political power.  (That is why Japan is no more imperial, although the imperial family still keeps their special position in the Japanese society.)    

However, belief in Buddhism and shintoism deities has never been thrown away.  Most of the Japanese think even today that they are Buddhists or shitoists, although they admit that Christianity has more power than Buddhism and shinto as proven by the war against the U.S. in WWII.  Yet, Christians are only 1% of the Japanese population.  The majority is Buddhists or shintoists or followers of other religions related to Buddhism or shintoism.     

And, 40% of the Japanese people today believe in spiritual power.  Many people ask help from persons with spiritual power who are often linked to Buddhism, shintoism, and other religions.  There are professional spiritualists or conjurators who claim they can invoke spirits or use spiritual power for clients.  When clients want spiritual support or revenge on others, they sometimes ask such spiritualists for help.   In the modern society in Japan, there is still underlying  propensity for reliance on super-natural or psychic power.  There are some religious bodies based on the occult.  Occultism is popular among some Japanese.  Nonetheless, exorcists as seen in Christian societies in Europe and the U.S. are not common in Japan.  Instead, spiritualists or conjuros linked to Buddhism or shintoism provide such services as removing evil spirits from clients or cursing their enemies.  Spiritualism in Japan has the dark side. 

If there are such traditions as seen in Japan in Ukraine, they would mobilize those with spiritual power to drive Russian troops out of Ukraine.  Maybe the U.S. and NATO countries had better mobilize such people with super-natural or psychic power to stop Russian troops from invading into Ukraine.  They should ask help even from the Vatican.

However, the best person with spiritual power is Christ Jesus, and the Holy Mother Mary is called queen of peace.  Finally, we must pray to Christ Jesus and the Holy Mother Mary so that peace should prevail in Ukraine.

Anyway, we must prepare for WWIII expected to come after the war in Ukraine in a spiritual manner.  And Japan should reinforce its spiritual power rather than adopting nuclear weapons.     

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John 4, King James Version

16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither.
17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:
18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.
19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.