Saturday, June 22, 2024

"Jesus went not with his disciples into the boat" - Spiritualism in Japan

A Park around Tokyo

Spiritualism in Japan

Japan opened the door and started full diplomatic relationships with other countries such as the U.S. and European countries in the late 19th century, and since then Japan has successfully introduced Western civilization to become a leading industrial country in East Asia.  But, Japan has not fully accepted Christianity.  Even today Christians account for about 1% of the Japanese population.

Yet, Japanese do not deny power of Christianity, since Imperial Japan was defeated by the U.S. in WWII.  Japanese Shintoism gods and other deities of Buddhism did not bring victory to Imperial Japan over the Christian nation, the U.S., and other allied nations.  It looked as if Christian spirits had superseded Japanese traditional deities of Japanese Buddhism and Shintoism.  Even the current Japanese national constitution is based on American democracy based on Christianity.  Japan has become a quasi Christian country after WWII under influence of the U.S.  Therefore, even the Japanese Imperial Family respects the cultures of the U.S., the U.K., and other European Christian countries.  Yet, most of the Japanese people have not lost their faith in Japanese Buddhism and Shintoism.        

Spiritualism in Europe and the U.S. is rooted in Christianity, but spiritualism in Japan is rooted in Japanese Buddhism and Shintoism as well as nature worship that seems to have started 30,000 years ago when a group of the mankind first arrived at the Japanese archipelago from Africa through Siberia or the Chinese mainland or South East Asia.   

According to official statistics of Japan, those who believe in Shintoism account for 48.5% of the Japanese people, those believing in Buddhism account for 46.3%, those believing in Christianity account for 1%, and others for 4%.  But, all of the Japanese are under influence of the nature worship, which makes the Japanese unique in their behaviors in the world where monotheistic faith is mainstream. 

But, with influence of Western culture and civilization, there has been a trend of suppressing spiritualism based on Shintoism and Japanese Buddhism.  So, modern spiritualism in Japan has been introduced from the U.S. and Europe although spiritualism based on Shintoism and Japanese Buddhism has never been lost among general population of Japan.  Even the authority of the Imperial Family of Japan is still based on Japanese mythology based on Shintoism.

In Japan there are women who perform communications with the dead by profession in addition to those who perform occult acts based on Shintoism or Japanese Buddhism.  However, if a doctor in a university hospital gave treatment to the sick like a psychic healer, he should be naturally expelled. 

But, a professor of the University of Tokyo working as a doctor in its university hospital claimed that he could communicate with his deceased mother through a spirit medium.  He wrote a book on his experience with the spirit medium, and the book sold well.

After retiring from the University, the professor started to make spiritualism popular, emphasizing that after physical death one's soul should go on living in the spirit world.  He also started to study qi (energy emitted from the human body).  He seems to come to believe in existence of unseen energy and entities such as spirits, which is not accepted by mainstream scientists in Japan.   

However, according to some scholars, there have been many examples in the Japanese history where spirits or ghosts played major roles behind the scone.  Many Japanese people like to tell or listen to ghost stories.  Yet, only one third of the Japanese believe in existence of the afterlife or the spirit world while two thirds of Americans believe.

The Japanese people are absorbed in convenience, pleasure, or pleasant sensation modern technology and industry give.  The more materialistic people become, the less spiritual they become.  Japanese Shintoism and Buddhism are useless in maintaining spiritualism in this era of science and technology.  Rather, Christianity seems to have more chances in keeping spiritualism in this era.

However, the traditional Japanese affection to simple and pure life coincide with teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Traditionally the Japanese despise those who love money and accumulate wealth.  The Japanese believe that excellent monks of Buddhism and priests of Shintoism who are poor and pure can have supernatural power.  Indeed, the poorer and purer a religious man becomes, the more he can perform a miracle, which is a kind of Japanese commonsense.

Yet, modern material life has tarnished spiritual sense of the Japanese people.  We can see how Satan has made the Japanese lose interest in the afterlife or the spirit world.  "Make one love money and wealth" is Satan's strategy so as to make people unable to understand the teaching of Jesus Christ. 

So, I hope that the Japanese will come back to their tradition of respecting poor and pure life so as to be able to understand teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Then, spiritualism will be more clearly promoted in Japan.  And, Japanese people will cease to be afraid of death.


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John 6, King James Version
15 When Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force, to make him a king, he departed again into a mountain himself alone.
16 And when even was now come, his disciples went down unto the sea,
17 And entered into a ship, and went over the sea toward Capernaum. And it was now dark, and Jesus was not come to them.
18 And the sea arose by reason of a great wind that blew.
19 So when they had rowed about five and twenty or thirty furlongs, they see Jesus walking on the sea, and drawing nigh unto the ship: and they were afraid.
20 But he saith unto them, It is I; be not afraid.
21 Then they willingly received him into the ship: and immediately the ship was at the land whither they went.
22 The day following, when the people which stood on the other side of the sea saw that there was none other boat there, save that one whereinto his disciples were entered, and that Jesus went not with his disciples into the boat, but that his disciples were gone away alone;

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

"Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth" - Spiritual Energy as Dangerous as Nuclear Energy


A Park around Tokyo

Spiritual Energy as Dangerous as Nuclear Energy

This world was created by the God, which is a kind of commonsense among most of religious people in the world, although some people believe that this universe was scientifically created without gods or has existed spontaneously from infinite time ago.  

But this modern world and its civilization are based on the Western Culture built on Christianity, and the most respected book there, the Bible, reads virtually that in the beginning the God created this material world and the human world from the spirit world with spiritual energy in addition to His notion, images, and words.  Especially, power of God's words was crucial and effective. 

Therefore, this material world where we live is essentially made of spiritual energy.  That is why the modern science cannot completely give clear and understandable answers to the most basic and advanced questions such as how the universe was created materially and why elementary particles smaller than atoms behave beyond our commonsense.  The modern science cannot even give answers as to whether or not the afterlife exists or how supernatural power works.  It is because the modern science does not admit the spirit world, the spiritual energy, and even the God.

Modern scientists are like mad men who, after long and hard study, believe that they have found that the human mind does not exist while they are thinking by use of their minds.         

Anyway, the general common idea about the worlds, the spaces, and the dimensions are as follows:
"The God" => "The Spirit World" => "The Material World" => "The Human World"

The spirit world should include the world for dead men, various spirits, holy spirits and angels of various religions, Heaven, the hells, etc.  But, God's energy and power should flow into the human world and the material world through the spirit world.  

So, as the Lord Jesus Christ told people, there are the afterlife, Heaven, and the hells.  Souls of dead men continue to live in the spirit world.  And, more importantly, the Lord Jesus Christ gave His Disciples the ability to use the spiritual power like He could.  Consequently His disciples could heal the sick and drive out evil spirits from people, and they never got harmed even when they were poisoned.  Indeed, if a man could use the spiritual energy, he should be able to perform miracles like the Lord Jesus Christ.

But, the Lord Jesus Christ did not give His Disciples any machine, tools, or special magic words.  He should have just prayed to the God for strengthening and enhancing the spiritual ability of His Disciples. 

From the beginning, the God did not use any machine or tools when creating this material world.  He used His imagination, notion, and words.  So, the Lord Jesus Christ used His imagination, notion, and words when strengthening and enhancing the spiritual ability of His Disciples.
Therefore, it must be possible for us to strengthen and enhance our spiritual ability by using our imagination, notion, and words.  Indeed, some Buddhist monks and Shinto ascetics in Japan have tried to undergo hard ascetic training to refine their minds and spiritual status.  Some of them have succeed in obtaining supernatural ability.  There are some records of such supernatural Buddhist monks and Shinto ascetics in the Japanese history.  There are also legends of Christian monks, nuns, priests, and believers who could perform supernatural acts due to their extraordinary faith.  They all have not used any specific machine or tools.  With their faith, imagination, notion, and ideas in addition to some holy or sacred words, they have been able to use the spirit energy.

But, there are those who have congenitally such ability to use the spirit power.  They have not undergone ascetic training or religious lives.  And, there are those who have acquired such ability through some diseases, accidents, or near-death experiences.  

If we can get some means to scientifically measure and evaluate states of minds and souls of others, we might find keys to obtaining the ability to use the spiritual energy and cause miracles.

At present, the most surest way to obtain the ability to use the spiritual energy seems to strengthen and enhance our faith in the God.  Indeed, Satan seems to be able to give such power to evil men who have strong faith in Satan.

So, all we have to do is to pray that the God should send His angels to stop Satan from helping and supporting evil men who are trying to get any supernatural power through the spiritual energy.  Indeed, the spiritual power can be as dangerous as nuclear power.  Only pious believers in the God should be allowed to use it.

In this context, occult fads and cult religions are dangerous.  The spiritual energy in the hand of those without faith in God but with faith in Satan should be as dangerous as nuclear power in the hand of a mad or evil leader in a non-democratic country.       

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Matthew 6, King James Version
15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
16 Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
17 But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face;
18 That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly.
19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:

Monday, June 17, 2024

"which came to hear him, and to be healed of their diseases" - The Spirit World and The Material World

A Park around Tokyo

The Spirit World and The Material World

According to those who have claimed that they once entered into the spirit world in any way such as near-death experiences and spiritual experiences, everything they wished there was immediately realized and embodied.  So, there is no need to earn and use money.  In addition, there are no restrictions of time and space there.  However, not all that entered into the spirit world advanced to Heaven but some voluntarily went to the hells to avoid bright light of the God.   

The description on the afterlife or the spirit world by Swedenborg is accepted by must of them as true, though he lived in the 18th-century world. 

Put simply, the afterlife or the spirit world is a world of notion and thoughts.  Indeed, the Bible reads that the God created the world with His words and notion.  The God first created the spirit world and then the material world with spiritual energy.  Spirits were also created in the spirit world and put into the human brains in the material world.  The spirits turned to souls to create human minds in the human brains.  So, when a man dies, his material body collapses but his soul with his mind leaves this material world and comes back to the spirit world as a spirit.  This is the common view on the spirit world by those who have claimed that they have seen the spirit world.  Physical death in this world is not death of souls and minds.  It is consistent with words of the Lord Jesus Christ.

So, Christianity prevailed for centuries among people who believed in the afterlife.  In this context, the Middle Ages in Europe  (from the late 4th century to the 10th century) are not dark ages but bright ages with hope of the bright afterlife.  Europeans in the Middle Ages should have lived happily spiritually.

But with the Crusades in the 11th century, this belief in the afterlife or the spirit world was tarnished. Furthermore, with the Industrial Revolution started in the late 18th century, this belief came to fade away.  And finally around the 21st century, with development of computers and AI, this belief has been regarded as fantasy.     

Yet, in each era when the belief in the afterlife or the spirit world was drastically decreased, some spiritual activities or phenomena appeared in the human world.  Examples were Swedenborg, Mary's Apparition in Fatima, Harry Edwards, Yuri Geller, etc.  They all suggest the existence of the spirit world and the spiritual energy. 

From the beginning, the Lord Jesus Christ taught that there is the spirit world.  The human civilization in these 2,000 years has been built on this teaching.  The belief in existence of Heaven and the hells has been the basics of the human civilization.  But, it is about to be cast out with development of computers and AI.  However, computers and AI cannot see the spirit world, deliver warnings on coming wars and natural catastrophe to the mankind, heal the sick through spiritual energy, or even bend a spoon with spiritual power.       

With the belief in the afterlife and the spirit world, Christianity and this world civilization started 2,000 years ago.  But, with fading away of this belief, this world civilization is about to collapse in the 21st century.  

Finally, to avoid the coming tragic catastrophe in this century, we have to revive the belief in the afterlife and the spirit world.  We have to reaffirm that this universe and the material world were created by the spiritual energy.  Then, all mysteries in modern science should be solved.

According to those who were allowed to see the spirit world, most of elite scientists, scholars, and savants were in the hells still claiming their useless argument and theories like mad men.  So, while people who believe in the afterlife and the spirit world are regarded as a kind of mad men in this human world, professors, etc. who deny the afterlife and the spirit world are treated as mad souls in the afterlife or the spirit world. 

At least, those who can exercise their spiritual ability or supernatural power never deny the existence of the spiritual energy even in this material world.

And, what I want to claim is that the Lord Jesus Christ must have come from the spirit world.  To regard Him as a simple son of a man is a big mistake.  If a king came into society to see people's life, he should claim that he is just a son of a man, which is not a lie but should be purposely claimed so as not to terrify citizens, since the king can dispose of them in any way according to his will.    

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Luke 6, King James Version
15 Matthew and Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon called Zelotes,
16 And Judas the brother of James, and Judas Iscariot, which also was the traitor.
17 And he came down with them, and stood in the plain, and the company of his disciples, and a great multitude of people out of all Judaea and Jerusalem, and from the sea coast of Tyre and Sidon, which came to hear him, and to be healed of their diseases;
18 And they that were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed.
19 And the whole multitude sought to touch him: for there went virtue out of him, and healed them all.