Other Aspects of Truth"Do not believe in me but Jesus Christ."
..."Didn't Jesus play a trick on people as if performing a miracle?"
"Even Muslims never think so, respecting Jesus Christ as a holy messenger."
..."Indeed, the crucifixion cannot be a trick..."
1. Anti-American Stance of P.M. Mr. Yukio HatoyamaWhy is Prime Minister Mr. Yukio Hatoyama anti-American, while he is a grandson of the founder of the tire giant Bridgstone and also of the former prime minister of Japan?
The Bridgestone-Ford problem that arose from car accidents in the U.S. might have some influence on him, since the American media attacked the Japanese tire maker Bridgestone excessively.
But, Mrs. Miyuki Hatoyama, wife of Mr. Yukio Hatoyama, might be another factor. She worked as a waitress in a restaurant in New York where she met Mr. Yukio Hatoyama when he was studying in a certain American graduate school. Mrs. Hatoyama was then married with her first husband. She must not have been rich. She might have a bad memory in New York.
Another point to be noted is Mr. Yukio Hatoyama's son has been working in a university in Moscow, since the one of the grandfather of Mr. Yukio Hatoyama made great contribution to normalization of the Japan-Soviet relationship after WWII.
2. Anti-Bureaucratic Stance of DPJ Director-General Mr. Ichiro Ozawa Why is Director-General of the Democratic Party of Japan Mr. Ichiro Ozawa so anti-bureaucratic?
Bureaucrats of Japan are very different from those in Anglo-Saxon countries. Japanese elite bureaucrats live on tradition of samurais who governed Japan before its Westernization in the late 19th century. Though the era of samurai regimes had gone, most of samurais and their descendants continued to occupy important positions of the Imperial Government (elite bureaucrats were however selected through open but hard examinations). Even after WWII, this tradition has not changed. Most of elite bureaucrats of Japan graduate from the University of Tokyo or other ex-imperial universities. So, they do not respect ordinary people who graduate from ordinary universities.
Yet, Mr. Ichiro Ozawa did not graduate from the University of Tokyo. He must have been angry with hidden contempt of those elite bureaucrats all through his political life as national lawmaker for 40 years. Accordingly, he looks like being eager to harm and destroy the pride of elite bureaucrats of Japan. As Mr. Ozawa is now de-facto No.1 politician of the ruling DPJ, he can lead his followers in the National Diet to demolish the structure of the bureaucratic domain.
3. NHK TV Documentary Program on Toyota in 2006 When Toyota's President Mr. Akio Toyoda recently came back from his tested tour to the U.S. and China, he made an unusual TV live appearance in Tokyo, admitting that Prius could not stop as expected by a driver but it would further move forward two feet due to a 0.06 sec problem of a program inside Prius, which I pointed at in this blog.
http://eereporter.blogspot.com/2010/02/which-lord-hath-made-known-unto-us.html However, the real issue could be clearly seen in an NHK TV documentary film broadcast in 2006 when Toyota started to build pickup trucks in Texas, USA.
At the time, the number of Toyota cars subject to recall was alarmingly increasing. The number of recalled Toyota cars at the time was almost as many as Toyota cars sold in Japan annually.
In 2001, Toyota's sales in the American market were less than GM's and Ford's.
Toyota should have kept the level while enhancing quality of its products.
Anyway, it was interesting that History Channel presented yesterday this TV report through a cable TV provider around Tokyo yesterday, very timely.
http://www.nhk.or.jp/special/onair/061126.html More interestingly, Toyota's President Mr. Akio Toyoda looks like learning a lesson, since he addressed directly 9,000 workers in a big hall of Toyota's headquarters in Aichi Prefecture, Japan. He explained the situation his company now faces candidly after he returned from Tokyo. As he had been very seclusive from the Media and Toyota's employees before, it looks like a big change for improvement.
It is no wonder that somebody viewing the EEE-Reporter blog has informed Toyota's senior current or ex-directors, including Mr. Akio Toyoda's father and his uncle, of this serious concern of EEE Reporter.
4. Jesus Christ & MiraclesJesus Christ travelled around, preaching the Gospel.
He had no money, no titles, no ties with authority and rich men, no educational backgrounds, no past experiences of any sort to be identified as suitable for a hero, and no force of arms.
What's more, Israelites and Judaists say that what he preached was nothing new at all or something new but a kind of nonsense.
Yet, many people thought that He was a kind of rabbi, so that they listened to Him.
If the Bible had only presented contents of His preaching, how many Roman citizens would have believed in Him being the Son of God. The New Testament was written with expectation that it would be read by Roman citizens. But, could such Bible gain many followers of Jesus Christ among Roman citizens in the first century?
Besides, there had been many ancient Greeks who had talked about excellent philosophy Romans subsequently respectfully learned. Words of Jesus Christ alone might not have appealed to Romans.
But, Jesus Christ travelled around, preaching the Gospel and performing miracles.
He had no money, no titles, no ties with authority and rich men, no educational backgrounds, no past experiences of any sort to be identified as suitable for a hero, and no force of arms.
But, He could perform miracles, which decided characteristics of the Gospels.
When Roman citizens saw any little miracle around themselves that could be associated or linked with faith in Jesus Christ, they definitely consolidated their belief in Jesus Christ and never left it.
Yes, it is miracles that acted as an interface between Jesus Christ and non-Hebrew believers for these 2000 years as well as His contemporary people.
those who love to talk about holy miracles are only genuine Christians even today, though Jesus Christ said that those who do not believe never believe if they see a miracle.For example, Jesus Christ never touched or used money during His mission but did not forbade His followers to touch or use money. He did not save poor people by giving big money which He must have been able to get, as He is the Son of God. No miracles happened around Jesus Christ in terms of money, except, for instance, a silver coin in the mouth of a certain fish His possible follower caught from the water following His direction.
So, this is an inconclusive conclusion of a thought about Jesus Christ and miracles as well as money.
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Whatever religion you might observe officially or personally, it can be simply regarded as a practice of your obligation to your ancestors.
As any religion has an inception, it must have a vanishing point.
It is called the Kingdom of God.