Around Tokyo
Focus on Holy Ones from Heaven but Not on Space Aliens
Decades ago, a Japanese Diet lawmaker visited Uri Geller and asked him how he got his super-natural power. Uri Geller answered that when he had been a little child in Tel Aviv a small UFO had appeared and issued a strong ray of light to him and afterwards he could bend a spoon while he was watching the spoon. He also added that the God might give him this ability.
Indeed, there are many people who have witnessed UFOs or communicated with men in UFOs. And some of them told that a UFO could be operated or navigated by power of will, thoughts, or notion as they got in a UFO and witnessed how it was driven. There are many psychics who do not deny the existence of UFOs.
This material universe was created by the God using His words and notion to work on spiritual energy. So, the spiritual energy should still work in this material universe. And those who can use this spiritual energy through his notion and thoughts should be able to perform miracles like the Lord Jesus Christ. And, Uri Geller is one of them.
More importantly, there are a few hundreds billion solar systems in our Milky Way Galaxy and there are several hundreds billion galaxies in the whole universe. Therefore, there must be other higher forms of life in other solar systems in other galaxies. Among such higher forms of life, there should be some space aliens who have mastered how to use the spiritual energy that surpasses the physical laws. They might use UFOs and visit the earth. Therefore, spirit researchers should naturally encounter the issue of UFOs and space aliens.
Put simply, UFOs and space aliens should be able to use the spiritual energy to whose level the mankind has not yet grown and reached. So, UFOs and aliens can easily destroy the material civilization of the mankind with their ability to use the spiritual energy. Indeed, the spiritual energy is the source to create this material universe and surpasses any physical laws. To space aliens who have mastered how to use the spiritual energy, the mankind are helpless.
Nonetheless, UFOs and space aliens, even if they really exist, seem not to be evil-minded to the mankind. They seem not to try to conquer the mankind and occupy the earth.
Yet, space aliens were also created by the God as with the mankind in the earth. When space aliens die physically, their souls should also enter the spirit world like the mankind in the earth. Indeed, Swedenborg also wrote that he saw other types of mankind from other planets in the spirit world where he was allowed to enter while living in the earth in the 18th century.
Hot, dust-obscured galaxies (Hot DOGs), like the one circled in purple, may have similar energy signatures to hypothetical alien structures called Dyson spheres, new research suggests. (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA) (
So, to communicate with such advanced space aliens and UFOs, the mankind should also evolve to have the ability to use the spiritual energy.
And for us to grow spiritually, we should understand more spiritually the contents of the Bible and the Gospels. As our lord Jesus Christ came from the spirit world, we have to learn more from Him and master how to use the spiritual energy. The God for us should be the same God those space aliens revere and obey. The key to understanding and handling the space aliens and UFOs is to strengthen and deepen our faith in the God and our lord Jesus Christ, since the spiritual energy essentially belongs to the God.
This whole material universe was made by the God using power of His words, thoughts, and notion so as to use the spiritual energy. The spiritual energy should turn to material energy generating time, space, and substance. And spirits came from the spirit world to the material world to enter the human brains to become souls where minds are generated. So, inherently we should have power to use the spiritual energy like the God through power of our words, thoughts, and notion. Truly, some psychics like Uri Geller can use the spiritual energy to perform miracles. Truly, any tribes and races have traditions of using the spiritual power. But, as the material civilization has developed and power of science and technology overwhelmed the world, such spiritual tradition has been long forgotten.
So, from a spiritual point of view, the mankind is in a state of degeneration. As the end of the current material civilization seems to be close, we had better study spiritual matters more religiously rather than scientifically. Indeed, what the Holy Mother who have delivered warnings about collapse of the human civilization in these centuries in Her apparition stressed is the need for us to regain spiritual power so that we will be accepted in Heaven in the spirit world.
In this context, space aliens and UFOs do not come from the spirit world or Heaven like Mary's apparition. We should focus on those who have come from Heaven more than on space aliens and UFOs even if they can use the spiritual energy.
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John 7, King James Version
16 Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me.
17 If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.
18 He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him.
19 Did not Moses give you the law, and yet none of you keepeth the law? Why go ye about to kill me?
20 The people answered and said, Thou hast a devil: who goeth about to kill thee?
21 Jesus answered and said unto them, I have done one work, and ye all marvel.