Sunday, August 18, 2024

"Take heed therefore how ye hear" - Use the Spiritual Energy for Peace


Around Tokyo

Use the Spiritual Energy for Peace 

This world is made from the world of the dead or the spirit world.  Therefore we should not be afraid of death.  This is the basic teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ.

It means that we have not come to this world from nowhere but from the spirit world: in other words, we have come to this world from the afterlife.  Therefore, the spirit world is more real for our minds created from work of our souls that are another form of spirits in our brains.

From the beginning, this material universe was created by the God who used spiritual energy in the spirit world through use of His words as written in the Bible.  The spiritual energy turned to material energy, space and time in the creation by the God.  So, in everything in this world there works the spiritual energy.  In other words, spirits can be in any material.       

Therefore, the spiritual energy supersedes any physical and natural laws in the material world.  That is why the Lord Jesus Christ could perform various super-natural phenomena.  Even His disciples given the ability to use the spiritual energy could heal the sick, solve various human and social problems, and even drive out Satan and evil spirits from people.  Therefore, Christianity has prevailed in the world.  Indeed, Christian missionaries succeeded in their missions without dying from diseases or poverty.  The spiritual energy they could use protected them in any dangerous situations.  It is so since the spiritual energy surpasses any physical and natural laws in this world.        

As the God and the Lord Jesus Christ could use the spiritual energy, men created in resemblance to the God should be able to use the spiritual energy even in this material world.  But for realization of this ability, men should be as pious as Jesus' disciples.  Indeed, very faithful Christian monks, nuns, etc. could perform various miracles such as levitation, curing of the sick, prophecy, etc.  But none can see how faithful a man is at the bottom of his mind.  Even a spoon bending entertainer might have faith as pure as that of the Pope.

In the religious tradition of Japan, there have been some monks, priests, disciplinants, ascetics, etc. who have trained hard themselves to enhance spirituality and obtain the ability to use the spiritual energy.   

Scientists have found that special electromagnetic waves are emitted from the heads of those who are exercising super-natural power.  From the heads of those who can use the spiritual energy, special electromagnetic waves should be emitted, too.  Some researchers of spiritualism have found that brain waves of those who are using the spiritual energy or causing miracles are of special modes such as the theta wave.

Therefore, when a man has very pure, strong, and deep faith in the God or his brain state is in the mode equal to such a state, he should be able to use the spiritual energy to cause super-natural phenomena.  Therefore, sincere prayer can cure the sick and save others from danger.

In extension of this theory, men should be able to bring peace in Gaza, Ukraine, etc. if he can invoke the ability to use the spiritual energy.  Indeed. if millions of people in the world pray earnestly for peace to the God, the wars in Gaza and Ukraine should be stopped.

Truly, the spiritual energy can work to attain peace in Gaza and Ukraine, since the spiritual energy still works in this material world and the human world.  To exercise this ability to use the spiritual energy, you have to make your faith in the God as pure, strong, and deep as much as possible.  This is what the Holy Mother Mary has meant in Her apparition in Fatima, Garabandal, Medjugorje, etc.       

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Luke 8, King James Version
15 But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience.
16 No man, when he hath lighted a candle, covereth it with a vessel, or putteth it under a bed; but setteth it on a candlestick, that they which enter in may see the light.
17 For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.
18 Take heed therefore how ye hear: for whosoever hath, to him shall be given; and whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have.